
pokemon: Naruto Journey

In Sasuke retrieval mission, Zetsu captured Naruto after he was knocked out after he fought Sasuke. When the Akatsuki started extracting the Kyubi from him, the Yondaime saved Naruto, giving him a new chance in life in a new world. What kind of adventure awaits Naruto in this new world? 

Mohamed_Arshi · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Oldale Town

Author note: Sorry for not updating for some time. I was extremely busy. This is a longer chapter than usual. As an apology to you, my friends, please support this story because I am really enjoying writing it.


While Ralts sat on his shoulder, Naruto began answering the multi-choice questions. It took him only ten minutes to fully answer all the questions on the exam sheet. He then looked at Ralts and said, with a smile on his face, "I hope you weren't bored while I took the exam."

Ralts smiled back at Naruto and said, "RAAALTS, RAALTS." Naruto chuckled and said, "We will just wait for Professor Birch or Joshua to come back." Ralts nodded in understanding. 


With Brandon and Professor Birch

Brandon stood in front of three pokeballs. Professor Birch smiled at his son and said, "Well, Brandon, you should know about the starter pokemons we offer here in Hoenn."

Brandon smiled at Professor Birch and nodded his head. Professor Birch approached the pokeball, which had a leaf symbol on it, and picked it up. He then threw the pokeball in the air. A bright blue light erupted from the pokeball as it opened up in the air.

A small, green, bipedal reptilian Pokémon. It has yellow eyes with long, narrow pupils. Its hands and feet each have three digits covered with tiny spikes. These spikes allow it to scale vertical walls with ease. The stomach and throat are red. It also has a line across its stomach, resembling a pouch. has a large, dark green tail with two separate lobes.

Brandon smiled when he saw the pokemon, and the pokemon looked at him and said, "TREECKO." Professor Birch said, "I am sure you know this, but let me say it: this Treecko is a grass-type pokemon."

The professor then picked up another pokeball that had a fire symbol on it and threw it in the air. The pokeball burst open, and then an orange chick-like pokemon appeared.

The orange chick squealed in delight when it appeared: "TORCHIC TOR." The pokemon look like a small chick with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Orange feathers and a fluffy coat of down cover its body. Its head is adorned with an orange and yellow crest that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back.

Professor Birch smiled and said to Brandon, "This is Torchic, a fire-type pokemon." Brandon nodded to his father, and then Professor Birch picked up the last pokeball with a water symbol on it and threw it in the air.

The pokeball opened up in the air, and a blue pokemon emerged from it.

The pokémon is a small, amphibious, quadrupedal Pokémon. Its body is blue, with a light blue underside. has a large head, a blue fin on top, and a light blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks.

"MUDKIP, MUD," the professor smiled and said. "Last but not least, the water pokemon starter, Mudkip." "Now, Brandon, which will you choose as your starter?"

Brandon smirked and said, "I will choose Treecko as my starter dad." Torchic and Mudkip lowered their heads in disappointment, and Treecko smirked. It leaped onto Brandon's shoulder and settled comfortably there.

Professor Birch smiled at his son and said, "I am proud of you, son." Here are five empty pokeballs and Treecko's pokeball. Also, here is your pokedex. Don't forget to call your mother every chance you get. You don't want to keep worrying her, do you?"

Brandon smiled. "Don't worry, dad, I will call mom whenever I can." Professor Birch nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "Alright, let's go and see if Naruto finished his exam." Brandon smiled and nodded. He returned Treecko to his pokeball, then started walking to where Naruto was taking his exam.

"Don't worry, you guys; Naruto might choose one of you," Professor Birch said while smiling at Torchic and Mudkip. Then he continued, telling the Pokemon, "He is currently taking his exam, and he should finish it soon. "Let's go together and see him."

Torchic and Mudkip jumped up and down in happiness, and they followed Professor Birch as he walked to where Naruto is.


With Naruto

Professor Birch, Brandon, Torchic, and Mudkip arrived where Naruto was taking his exam. Professor Birch and Brandon raised their eyebrows when they saw Naruto, Gengar, Vulpix, and Ralts laughing while eating berries.

Professor Birch was surprised when he saw Gengar and Vulpix; he thought Naruto didn't have a starter.

"Naruto, did you finish answering all the questions on the exam sheet?" Professor Birched asked Naruto, who nodded back at him.

Naruto's eyes lit up when he saw Torchic and Mudkip. He walked to the two Pokemon and bent down. He took two oran berries and gave them to the two Pokemon. "Here you go, guys."

Professor Birch and Brandon smiled when they saw this. Torchic and Mudkip started eating the berries. The pokemon cried in delight when they started eating the berries: "MUDKIP, MUD," "TORCHIC, TOR."

Professor Birch picked up Naruto's exam sheet and started checking his answers. He was impressed that Naruto answered all the questions correctly. He then said to Naruto, "Naruto, you answered all the questions correctly. I am very impressed. We just need to register you in the system, provide you with a pokedex and five empty pokeballs, and you're ready to go on your pokemon journey."

After hearing what Professor Birch had said, Naruto smiled and thanked him. The professor then proceeded to enter Naruto's information into the system, and within ten minutes, Naruto became an official Pokemon trainer.

Professor Birch then gave Naruto five empty pokeballs and a pokedex. Naruto looked at his new pokedex out of curiosity; he remembered reading a lot about it in the books that Lance gave him to read.

Ralts walked next to Naruto. It raised her two arms in the air, and her eyes glowed bright blue. One of the pokeballs in Naruto's hands floated in the air. Naruto's eyes widened and he yelled, "What the hell?" 

The pokeball then hovered in front of Ralts, who touched the ball. The pokeball grew bigger, and Ralts touched it again. When Ralts touched the pokeball the second time, it opened up and sucked Ralts inside. The pokeball shocked a couple of times, then gave a "ping" sound.

Naruto and Brandon were speechless at what they saw, but professor Birch burst out laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHA, I never seen anyone catch a pokemon in this way before."

Suddenly, both Torchic and Mudkip ran to Naruto. They started jumping up and down. "TORCHIC, TOR," "MUDKIP, MUD." Naruto chuckled, bent down, and looked them in eyes.

"I really like you two, but I can't take you with me; it won't be fair to the other new trainers if I let you join me because I already had Gengar, Vulpix, and now Ralts." Both Torchic and Mudkip looked disappointed, and they started crying, "MUD, MUD, MUDKIP," "TOR, TOR, TORCHIC."

Naruto sighed, rubbed the back of his head, and said, "Listen, how about we make a deal?" Torchic and Mudkip looked at him with curiosity. "TOR?" "MUD?" Naruto just smiled at them and said, "If you don't like your new trainer, I will not mind taking you with me, but you will need to give them a chance. Do we have a deal?"

Torchic and Mudkip thought about what Naruto had said, and they reluctantly nodded their heads in acceptance. Professor Birch and Brandon widened their eyes at what they witnessed, and Professor Birch asked Naruto, "Do you understand pokemon when they talk to you?"

Naruto nodded to Professor Birch. "I am an orphan, as I told you. I grew up in the forest ever since I was a kid. I understood what Pokemon said to me. I don't know how to explain this, but based on the description I can come up with, I understand their hearts."

Both professor Birch and Brandon looked at Naruto in surprise, and professor Birch gave an unnoticeable smile. "This kid is really special, just like a thought."

Naruto returned Gengar and Vulpix to their pokeballs, then bowed his head to Professor Birch and Brandon. He then said to them, "Thank you for all your help. I will be leaving now. Farewell."

"If you need any help in the future, call me anytime you want, Naruto, and I will gladly do my best to help you," Professor Birch said to Naruto with a smile on his face. Brandon then asked Naruto, "Hey, Naruto, how about we travel together?"

When Naruto heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sure, if that is what you want." Professor Birch smiled at the idea and said to Naruto and Brandon, "That is a great idea, boys, but Brandon, don't forget to go home first and inform your mother that you are going on your Pokemon journey now."

Brandon nodded, then he and Naruto exited the lab. Professor Birch smiled at the two boys and thought to himself, "Well, I better contact Professor Oak and tell him about young Naruto's ability to understand pokemon speech." He went to his computer and started calling Professor Oak.

Brandon went home and told his mother he was going on his Pokemon journey with Naruto, to which she agreed. She gave Brandon his bag and wished them luck on their journey.


In Johto

In Blackthorn City's Pokemon Center

Lance sat in the Pokemon Centre, frowning deeply. "Where is Naruto?" "That kid has been missing for a whole week now, and when I asked Professor Oak if Naruto came to his lab to take the Pokemon Trainer license examination, his answer was no, even after I gave him his name and how he looked."

Lance was approached by a young woman who appeared to be in her teens. She had pale skin, blue eyes, and light blue hair, tied in a ponytail with a beige hair band. Two large spiked fringes frame her face and point outward; a third fringe rests in the centre of her face between her eyes. She also has very thin eyebrows and visible eyelashes.

When she saw Lance sitting alone, the young woman walked to him. "Why the gloomy air around you, Lance?" Lance looked at the woman and smiled at her. "Clair, good to see you."

Clair sat next to Lance and asked, "What is on your mind, Lance? You look like you are in deep thought."

Lance nodded to her and said, "Do you remember the boy I told you I met in Kanto who lives in a forest close to Pallet Town and can talk with Pokemon?"

Clair nodded. "Yeah, I remember you often travel there to check on the boy and buy him Pokemon books to read. What about him?"

Lance narrowed his eyes and said, "Somehow he disappeared from the forest. I even called Professor Oak to inquire if he had come to his lab to take the Pokemon Trainer license examination, but the professor told me he didn't."

When she heard this, Clair was surprised and worried. Lance's phone ringing "BRBRBRBRBRBR" abruptly interrupted their conversation.

Lance grabbed his phone and answered the call, "This is Lance."

"Oh, Lance I am glad you answered my call. "This is Professor Oak." Lance heard Professor Oak's voice. 

"Good to hear from you, Professor. How can I help you?" Lance questioned Professor Oak.

"Will you see Lance you asked me about a boy named Naruto Namikaze. "I heard some news about him." Professor Oak replied to Lance.

When Lance heard this, he suddenly stood up and asked the professor urgently, "What happened, professor? Is he alright?"

Clair was surprised when she saw Lance suddenly standing up and starting to ask rapid questions, but she waited for him to finish his phone call. 

"Well, Lance, this Naruto boy lost his way and ended up in Hoenn while he was traveling to Pallet Town." "Professor Birch's description of him aligns with the one you gave me." Professor Oak spoke nervously.

Lance's eyes almost bulged out, and his jaw dropped to the floor. He then asked Professor Oak, "How can someone get lost in Kanto and end up in Hoenn?"

Professor Oak chuckled at Lance's response and said to him, "Who knows? Professor Birch informed me that the Naruto boy successfully passed the Pokemon Trainer license examination in his lab, and he made the decision to begin his Pokemon journey in Hoenn before returning to Kanto.

Lance calmed himself down. Then he thanked the professor for the information before hanging up.

Clair looked at Lance in curiosity and asked him, "What is going on, Lance?"

Lance sighed, but he was still dazed by the news he just received from Professor Oak, and he answered Clair, "Naruto got lost when he was traveling to Pallet Town, and he ended up in Hoenn."

When Clair heard this, she was shocked at first, then she burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This is so hilarious. I really must meet this kid."

Lance shook his head in amusement; he couldn't deny how halarious Naruto's situation is. Getting lost in Kanto and ending up in Hoenn, he started laughing too. After calming down, he said to Clair, "I think it's a good time for me to use my leave weeks that I've accumulated over the years and go to Hoenn for some time."

Clair was surprised when she heard what Lance said, but she smiled at him and said, "You lucky. I wish I hadn't used my leave weeks. I want to meet the kid. He sounds like a fun kid to hang out with."

Lance chuckled at her comment, then he started making phone calls to the Pokemon League management in Kanto.


Hoenn Region

Route 101

Naruto and Brandon were chatting while they were walking. Ralts was comfortably sitting on Naruto's shoulder, while Vulpix was walking next to him.

Suddenly, Naruto heard a rustle, and he stopped walking. Brandon was confused when he saw Naruto stop walking, but he smiled widely when he saw a pokemon look like a raccoon dog.

Brandon exclaimed with happiness, "It is a Zigzagoon." Naruto raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion, "Zigzagoon?" Brandon nodded his head at Naruto.

Zigzagoon is a raccoon dog-like, quadrupedal Pokémon with bristly, zigzag-patterned fur. It has alternating layers of cream and brown fur that form stripes. It has a brown head, spiky ears, and a black nose. A black mask-like pattern surrounds its brown eyes. The upper half of its mouth is jagged, and when it is open, there are two pointed teeth in its lower jaw. Its feet have three claws and pink paw pads. Its forefoots are cream-colored, but the hindfoots are brown. Its brush tail is spiky and bristly.

Naruto took his pokedex and pointed it at Zigzagoon, and the pokedex started saying in its robotic voice, "Zigzagoon restlessly wanders everywhere at all times. This Pokemon does so because it is very curious. "It becomes interested in anything that it happens to see."

"I decided I am going to catch it." Brandon exclaimed loudly. He picked up an empty pokeball and threw it at Zigzagoon.

Naruto's eyes widened at seeing Brandon throw an empty pokeball without battling the pokemon and weakening it.

The pokeball hit Zigzagoon. Then it opened up and sucked the Zigzagoon inside. Brandon rejoiced and said, "I captured Zigzagoon." Zigzagoon, on the other hand, broke out of the pokeball and appeared irritated at Brandon.

Naruto rolled his eyes and said to Brandon, "You need to battle the Pokemon before throwing the pokeball at them. Did you forget?" 

Brandon rubbed the back of his head and picked up Treecko's pokeball and threw it in the air. "Let's go, Treecko."

Treecko came out of the pokeball and got ready for his first battle. Brandon smiled and said, "Let's go, Treecko, use pound."

Treecko ran at Zigzagoon and hit him as hard as it could with its tail. Zigzagoon cried in pain as it skidded backward, narrowing its eyes at Treecko, then started charging at Treecko.

Brandon saw this and said, "Be careful, Treecko, get ready to dodge." Treecko jumped to the side, dodging Zigzagoon's tackle, but suddenly Zigzagoon's speed increased tremendously. A white energy trailed behind Zigzagoon as it charged at Treecko and hit Treecko hard.

"TRREEECCKOOO," Treecko fell to the ground hard after being attacked by Zigzagoon. Brandon looked worried at Treecko. "Are you alright, Treecko?" 

Treecko stood up and nodded. Naruto looked at Brandon and said, "That was quick attack, Brandon. Zigzagoon is adapting to Treecko's speed. "You need to defeat Zigzagoon quickly before it adapts more to Treecko speed if you still want to catch it."

Brandon nodded to Naruto in agreement and said to Treecko, "Treecko, use your fastest speed and keep pounding Zigzagoon."

Treecko then rushed at incredible speed, just like how Zigzagoon attacked him a moment ago. A trail of white energy was behind Treecko as he moved, and he started attacking nonstop: "TREECKO, TREECKO, TREECKO, TREECKO, TREECKO."

Treecko attacked Zigzagoon from the front, right, left, and back. Zigzagoon couldn't react to Treecko's fast movements, and it fell to the ground. It tried to stand up with difficulty.

Brandon was surprised when he saw how Treecko attacked Zigzagoon. "That was a quick attack. Treecko actually learned a quick attack. Naruto then reminded Brandon, "Now is your chance, Brandon, to catch it." Brandon nodded his head, and he threw an empty pokeball at Zigzagoon. The pokeball sucked Zigzagoon inside, then it started shacking when it fell on the ground. After shacking a couple of times, the pokeball gave a loud "ping" sound.

Brandon yelled joyfully. "I did it. I caught my first pokemon." Treecko smiled too when he heard Brandon yelling joyfully.

Brandon ran towards the pokeball , picked it up, and raised it to the air while yelling, "I caught Zigzagoon." Naruto sweat drop and thought, "Will he do that every time he catches a pokemon? This is going to be embarrassing." Even Vulpix and Ralts looked at Brandon while their sweat dropped from his action.

Naruto shakes his head and then smiles at Brandon. "Come on, Brandon, let's head to the Pokemon Center so Zigzagoon and Treecko can rest and receive medical care."

Brandon nodded to Naruto, and then he returned Treecko to its pokeball. Then he said to Naruto, "That great idea. The closest pokemon center is in Oldale Town. I know the way. Follow me." Naruto nodded to Brandon, and they started walking towards Oldale Town.


While Naruto and Brandon were walking down the road, Naruto raised his eyebrows when he saw large rock pillars surrounding an old-looking buildings. He then asked Brandon, "Hey Brandon, what with the rock pillars and these old-looking buildings Is it some kind of museum or something?"

Brandon shrugged his shoulders and said, "No idea, dude," Naruto looked at Brandon with narrowed eyes and said to him, "But you are from Hoenn; how can you not know about these old buildings?" Brandon got a tic mark when he heard what Naruto just said. "Do you expect to know everything in Hoenn?" Give me a break. Will ya at least I don't get lost"

Naruto developed a tic mark this time and exclaimed to Brandon, "Hey, I never get lost!" Brandon chuckled and demanded, "Then, dude, explain how the hell you ended up in Hoenn when you were supposed to be in Kanto; this is utter nonsense; I seriously question your sense of direction, pal."

Naruto raised his hand. "Hey, hey, it wasn't my fault." Gyarados is the one who got lost." Vulpix looked away in embarrassment when she remembered how they ended up in Hoenn.

"HAHAHAHAHA, you kids are so lively." Naruto and Brandon looked to their right and saw it was a middle-aged man with brown spikey hair wearing beige-colored clothes.

Naruto raised his eyebrows and asked the middle-aged man, "Who are you, old man?" "Are you lost?" he asked. "Do you want some directions?" When Brandon heard this, he almost burst out laughing. Even Ralts almost fell from her seating position on Naruto's shoulder. Vulpix snickered when it heard Naruto's question.

The middle aged man sweat dropped when he heard this and chuckled, "Boy, I am not that old. I just came to answer your question about the Ruins of Oldale."

Brandon looked confused. "Ruins of Oldale?" The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Yes, I am investigating these ruins; you can call me Professor Alden."

Naruto smiled at the professor.. "My name is Naruto Namikaze, and this is my friend Brandon."

Brandon then questioned Professor Aldan. "Professor Alden, we are looking for the Pokemon Center. Can you tell us where the closest Pokemon Center is?" 

The professor smiled and nodded. "You are in luck; the Pokemon Center is just over this hill.". 

Brandon and Naruto began walking while smiling. However, Naruto abruptly turned right, which stunned Brandon, who exclaimed, "What the hell, Naruto, the Pokemon Center is this way, dude!"

Naruto's sweat dropped, then he started walking in the right direction. Professor Alden burst out laughing and said, "HAHAHAHAHA, these two are very interesting kids."


In The Pokemon Center

After the sun sat down, Brandon and Naruto arrived at the Pokemon Center. They both walked to Nurse Joy, and Naruto returned Vulpix and Ralts to their pokeballs. Brandon then said to Nurse Joy, "Nurse Joy, can you look at my Treecko and Zigzagoon?" Nurse Joy smiled "certainly." She took Treecko and Zigzagoon pokeballs from Brandon, then Naruto asked Nurse Joy, "Can you also give my pokemon a checkup?" 

Nurse Joy smiled at Naruto and said, "Sure thing, young man," but Brandon remembered something: "Oh, Nurse Joy, I would like to register for the Hoenn League."

Naruto remembers Lance telling him about the Pokemon Leagues and said to Nurse Joy, "I also want to register for the Hoenn League, Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy smiled at them and said, "Ok, you only need to give me your pokedex to register you." Naruto and Brandon gave Nurse Joy their pokedex, and Nurse Joy registered both Naruto and Brandon for the Hoenn pokemon league, giving them a badge case. She then said to Brandon, "We have a package for you from Norman Petalburg City Gym."

Brandon's eyes widened, then he smiled widely when he received the package, and Nurse Joy said to them, "Do you both want me to book you a room here for the night?" Brandon nodded to her and said, "Yes, please do Nurse Joy."

After booking them a room each, Nurse Joy nodded. Then she put the pokeballs she received from them in a machine. After a few seconds, she said to them, "Gengar, Vulpix, and Ralts are in perfect health, Naruto." She returned the three pokeballs that Naruto gave her, then looked at the machine again and said to Brandon, "Your Treecko and Zigzagoon are fine; they only needed a good night's sleep." Brandon smiled and thanked Nurse Joy. The duo then walked to the dining hall of the Pokemon Center, grabbed some food, and sat down to eat.

Brandon opened the package he received from Norman, and when he saw a pokegear, his eyes widened. "Wow, Uncle Norman got me a pokegear. I will need to thank him for his gift when we get to Petalburg City."

"pokegear?" Naruto asked, and Brandon nodded. "Yes, pokegear is a device that can help us navigate." The gear's built-in navigation function also includes a phone feature. I will be able to call home any time I want. I really need to thank Uncle Norman."

Naruto raised his eyebrow when he heard this, but suddenly Professor Alden walked to them, holding a tray of food. "Hey Naruto, Brandon, do you mind if I join you?" Naruto shrugged, and Brandon gave the professor a friendly smile. "You are always welcome to join us, professor."

Professor Alden smiled at Naruto and Brandon. He then took a seat next to them. Brandon then asked the professor, "So, Professor Alden, what are you doing in Oldale Town?"

Professor Alden smiled at Brandon and said to him, "I am doing research into the ruins you kids saw." You see, I am an archaeologist; if you want, I can show you what I have discovered so far." He told them with a kind smile.

Brandon smiled. He looked at Naruto and said to him, "Isn't this great, Naruto?" Naruto just shrugged and said, "To be honest with you, I don't care about history; we live in the present, not in the past. In my opinion, there is no point for us to learn about the past; it sounds troublesome."

"Oh, great, I sound like Shikamaru now," Naruto thought to himself. Both Brandon and Professor Alden sweat dropped when they heard what he said, and Professor Alden chuckled and said to Naruto, "You have an interesting point of view, Naruto. What if I told you that you could learn about ancient pokemon that they only lived in ancient times from studying history?"

Naruto's eyes widened in interest when he heard this, and he asked the professor, "Are you serious?" The professor nodded and took some pictures out of his bag, then showed them to Naruto and Brandon.

Naruto raised his eyebrows when he saw the pictures and asked the professor, "Aren't these the ruins that me and Brandon saw before arriving at the Pokemon Center?"

Professor Alden nodded with a smile and said, "You are right, Naruto. Currently, I am studying these ruins, and the Pokemon Center was very generous to me; they allowed me to stay here while I continued studying the ruins. Why don't you kids come to my room so I can share with you my discoveries?"

When Naruto and Brandon heard this, they smiled at Professor Alden and nodded to him. The trio then stood up and left the dining hall.


In Professor Alden Room

Naruto and Brandon entered the room that Professor Alden is staying in, and the professor shared his theory that the ruin is a portal gate that could teleport them to the past, where the ancient Pokemon once lived.

All of a sudden, the power in the Pokemon Center was cut off, and four men barged into Professor Alden's room. The four men were wearing black and red hoodies, and they smirked when they saw Professor Alden.

"Professor Alden You will be coming with us on a small trip to the ruins," one of the hoodie-wearing men said to Professor Alden. The professor looked angry at them and yelled back. "I will not."

One of the hoodie men pulled his arm, revealing nurse Joy tied by a rope to Naruto, Brandon, and the professor. The hoodie man smirked evilly at the professor, saying, "I hope you changed your mind, professor Alden, because I don't think you want anything bad to happen to sweet nurse Joy and those innocent kids in the Pokemon Center."

Professor Alden sighed in defeat and nodded. "Fine, you win; I will come with you." The hoodie men smirked at that. They then tossed Naruto, Brandon, and nurse Joy in a storage room, and then they dragged Professor Alden to the ruins of Olden.


Inside The Storage Room

"BAAM, BAAM, BAAM, BAAM," Brandon started kicking and punching the door of the storage room to force it to open, but it was a futile effort. Someone had locked the door from the outside.

Naruto untied nurse Joy, then she yelled to Naruto and Brandon, "This is bad. We need to switch to the emergency power generator." "The Pokemon are in danger." Naruto and Brandon's eyes were widening in shock, and Brandon yelled in worry, "Oh no, my Treecko and Zigzagoon are in danger. We need to do something."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and thought, "I was planning to keep a low profile, but if I don't do something, the life of the pokemon will be in danger. I have no choice." He turned to Brandon and said, "Brandon, will you step back for a second?"

Brandon was confused but nodded to him, then stepped back from the door. Naruto walked calmly toward the door, step by step, while concentrating his chakra into his fist.

Brandon and nurse Joy's eyes widened when they saw a bright blue cloud of chakra covering Naruto's fist. "Is that an aura?" Nurse Joy spoke as she stared in fascination at the cloud of chakra that covered Naruto's right fist.

"Now comes the hard part," Naruto thought to himself. He started compressing the cloud of chakra that covered his fist until it became a small, thin layer over his knuckle. When he was in front of the door, he pulled his fist back, then punched the door hard, and he yelled in his mind, "explosive wave fist."

"BOOM," the door exploded into tiny pieces of wood, which astonished Brandon and nurse Joy. Then Naruto said, "What are you looking at? Let's get moving. "We have Pokemon to save, Brandon." "I will go and save Professor Alden. You stick with Nurse Joy to save the pokemon."

Brandon nodded his head. "Be careful, buddy." Naruto smirked and started running, then Brandon yelled at Naruto, "The exit is in the opposite direction, Naruto." 

Naruto stopped, then started running in the right direction.


Brandon and Nurse Joy entered the Pokemon Center lobby, then switched on the emergency power generator in the Pokemon Center. The light and electricity returned to the Pokemon Center.

Nurse Joy and Brandon sighed in relief after they successfully turned on the emergency power generator. Nurse Joy turned to Brandon and said, "I hope your friend is alright." Brandon shocked his head and said, "You don't need to worry, Nurse Joy. You saw how Naruto destroyed that door with a single punch. I feel sorry for those guys." Nurse Joy paled when she imagined Naruto punching those hood-wearing men.

"To be honest with you, nurse Joy, I am concerned about Naruto getting lost." He lost his way in Kanto and ended up here in Hoenn. He had no sense of direction. I must search for him immediately to prevent him from getting lost." Brandon sighed and ran to look for Naruto.

Nurse Joy sweat drop when she heard this and said to herself, "How can someone get lost in Kanto and end up in Hoenn?"


With Naruto

"Where are the professor and those hoodie-wearing guys? Don't tell me they got lost." Naruto sighed while shaking his head. "Also, where are those stupid ruins? Did they do something to those ruins so I couldn't find them?" Naruto scoffed when he thought about that: "Well, it is time for me to use my sensory jutsu that I invented in the forest." He smirked when he thought about his sensory Jutsu. He bent down and touched the ground with two fingers, then closed his eyes.

Naruto started concentrating after a few minutes. He smirked widely, "You think you clowns could hide from me? I am going to kick your asses really hard." After pinpointing their location, Naruto began running towards them with incredible speed.


With Brandon

Brandon arrived at the Oldale ruins and began sneaking inside. He saw one of the hoodie men give the professor four beads with different colors: one was red, the other was yellow, the next one was blue, and the last one was green.

"Where the hell is Naruto? Do not tell me he got lost at a time like this." Brandon started sweating when he realized that Naruto got lost; he hadn't noticed that one of the hoodie-wearing men was standing behind him.

The hoodie man smirked and said to Brandon, "Well, well, what do we have here?" Brandon froze when he heard the voice. He turned around fearfully and saw one of the hooded men holding a pokeball in his hand. The hooded man said to Brandon with a smirk on his face, "Don't move, kid, or I will release my pokemon to tear you apart." Brandon sighed and nodded his head.

All of a sudden, Gengar appeared in front of the hoodie-wearing man, and his eyes glowed. The hoodie-wearing man fell asleep after one second. Brandon was surprised when he saw Gengar, and then he heard Naruto's voice, "Are you alright, Brandon?"

Brandon turned to Naruto. His eyes twitched when he saw him. "You got lost again, didn't you?" Naruto got a tic mark when he heard this and said, "I didn't get lost; these hoodie men just changed the location of the ruins to confuse me."

Brandon looked at Naruto in disbelief when he heard his excuse and sighed. "Can you go and rescue the professor? I don't want to argue with you now." Naruto scoffed but nodded his head and turned to Gengar. "Gengar, I want you to use psychic on those hoodie-wearing men so they can't move, and I will knock them out.

Gengar nodded his head with his usual smirk, then disappeared from his spot.

Suddenly, Gengar appeared in front of all the men wearing hoodies. One of the men wearing hoodies said, "Captain, there is a Gengar who suddenly appeared in front of us."

The captain of the hoodie-wearing men narrowed his eyes when he saw Gengar. Gengar just smirked, and his eyes glowed, freezing all the hoodie-wearing men in place except for Professor Alden.

Naruto moved around the hoodie-wearing men and started knocking them unconscious by punching them in the back of their heads.

Brandon was amazed at Gengar's mastery of psychic attack; his control was flawless. He was also amazed at the teamwork he had with Naruto. He smiled when he saw all the hoodie men being knocked out.

Brandon used his pokegear to call for the police to arrest these hoodie men after ten minutes officer Jenny arrived she then arrested the hoodie wearing men.


Brandon walked towards Professor Alden and Naruto. He smiled at them and said, "Thank you, kids, for saving me. I owe you one." Naruto just smiled at the professor and said, "No problem, old man." Professor Alden's eye brows twitched when Naruto called him old, and Brandon laughed at their interaction.

Naruto then asked the professor, pointing at the tablet in front of them, "Professor Alden, what about this thing?" The professor smiled widely when he saw the tablet in front of him and said to Naruto, "You see these beads, Naruto?" The professor showed Naruto the yellow, blue, red, and green beads. Naruto and Brandon nodded their heads. 

"According to my research, these beads are the key to opening the portal gate to the ancient time so we can meet the ancient pokemon." Naruto and Brandon were surprised, and Naruto said excitedly, "So what are you waiting for? Let's go."

"GENGAR." Gengar was also excited about what he heard, and Naruto smiled at his partner as the professor began placing the beads on the tablet.

The tablet shone brightly, and the room also shone brightly. The tablet then started moving, showing a staircase leading down.

After the light died down, Naruto and the others saw the stairs that led down. They all went down, and they were amazed when they saw a lake. The lake water was very clean, and all of a sudden they saw a fish like Pokemon jump out of the lake.

Brandon's eyes widened when he saw the pokemon. "That is Relicanth." Naruto took his pokedex and scanned Relicanth.

Relicanth is a pokemon species that existed for a hundred million years without ever changing its form. This ancient Pokemon feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth.

Hard, brown scales that resemble craggy rocks cover the relicanth. Its tan head has protruding cheekbones, which are smaller on a female. A triangular spike protrudes from the back of the head. Tan patches cover the body, and there is a red spot on both sides. It possesses two pairs of pectoral fins, which it uses to push itself along the sea bottom. Additionally, it has dorsal and pelvic fins near its tail. Its tail fin has a wavy outline.

The professor was happy and said, "I was right, this is the gate portal to ancient times." Both Naruto and Brandon were smiling at the professor and decided to exit the ruins after Professor Alden confirmed his theory.

After exiting the ruins, they all return to the Pokemon Center to rest. They noticed the sun was raising. Brandon looked at Naruto and said to him, "Naruto, I have decided to continue my Pokemon journey alone."

Naruto looked at Brandon, surprised. When Brandon saw Naruto's surprise look, he started explaining, "You are a great Pokemon trainer. Naruto Gengar's control over his psychic attack was incredible; he froze all those hooded-wearing men except for Professor. I want to fight you fairly in the Hoenn League.

Naruto and professor Alden smiled at what Brandon said and Naruto extended his hand to Brandon. "let's meet in the Hoenn league," Brandon smiled and shook Naruto's hand.

"I am rooting for both of you, kids, but before continuing your Pokemon journey, you two must get some sleep." When Naruto and Brandon heard what the professor said, they nodded to him, and they started walking towards the room that they had booked in the Pokemon Center.




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