
pokemon: Naruto Journey

In Sasuke retrieval mission, Zetsu captured Naruto after he was knocked out after he fought Sasuke. When the Akatsuki started extracting the Kyubi from him, the Yondaime saved Naruto, giving him a new chance in life in a new world. What kind of adventure awaits Naruto in this new world? 

Mohamed_Arshi · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs


In The Final Valley

Two lads were perched atop two statues: one was a raven-haired boy dressed in a blue shirt and white shorts, while the other was a spikey blond boy wearing an orange jumpsuit atop the head of the Hashirama Senju statue. The boy with raven hair was perched atop the head of the Madera Uchiha statue.

The boy with blonde hair and blue eyes has whisker marks on both cheeks and a distinct appearance. However, at that moment, he was wearing a red, fierce chakra cloak that made him look like a fox with one tail. This caused his teeth to resemble fangs and turned his normally blue eyes red with silted pustules.

The name of the boy is Naruto Uzumaki, but his actual name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the Kyubi vessel. He is a 13-year-old boy.

The youngster with raven hair had red eyes with three Tomoes in the iris. Similar to Naruto, he possessed a curse seal that Orochimaru had given him at level two, which caused him to appear different from his natural appearance. His skin has turned a dark grey, his hair has grown longer, a black star form appears on his nose, and he now has hand-shaped appendages on his wings.

The youngster, Uchiha Sasuke, is thirteen years old and the last of the Uchiha Clan.

"That is enough, Sasuke, me, and you have nothing to prove; let's go back to the village," screamed Naruto at Sasuke.

When Naruto finished speaking to him, Sasuke laughed and remarked, "You really are naïve, and you will always be a naïve fool. Don't you see that I have to kill you, my best friend and the only person I have ever bonded with, in order to obtain the power I need to kill my brother. I shall now kill you to sever our relationship."

After listening what Sasuke had just spoken, Naruto squinted his eyes and saw Sasuke do one of his signature hand seals. Upon recognising that bringing Sasuke back would require force, he instantly charged the chakra in his right palm to produce his signature jutsu, the rasengan.

With a sorrowful expression, Naruto turned to face Sasuke as they completed their signature jutsus. Naruto and Sasuke charged towards one another, trying to use their jutsus to strike the other.

"Time to die, loser!" With his right hand drenched in lightning chakra, Sasuke shouted at Naruto and thrust his hand at him.

"SSAAAAAASSSSSUUUUKKKKKEEEEEE!" Holding a chakra sphere, Sasuke shoved his hand while Naruto roared at him.



While the two formidable jutsus clashed, Naruto was considering an alternative strategy to win: "What am I going to do? I'll bring Sasuke back no matter what, just like I promised Sakura chan."

At that moment, Naruto made up his mind and thrust his Rasengan in Sasuke's direction, while Sasuke thrust his Chidori in Naruto's chest. Both strikes succeeded in hitting their objectives.

Sasuke and Naruto were both sent flying after they attack each other, hitting the statues behind them hard. "BAAM, BAAM." Once they struck the statues, Naruto and Sasuke were both rendered unconscious.


The plant-like creature was observing the fight between two young shinobi without them noticing. He looked like a gigantic Venus flytrap. The face of the plant-like monster is split in half, the black side being the darker than the white.

"Interesting; it looks like it ended in a draw." The black half was addressed by the white half.

Indeed, and now that the Kyubi Jinchuriki is unconscious, we have an opportunity to apprehend him. "Let's do it," the black half said to the white half.

With a nod, the white half responded, "Let's capture him." Subsequently, the plant vanished and surfaced beside Naruto. After grabbing hold of Naruto, the plant submerged itself beneath the earth and vanished from the Final Valley.


When Kakashi arrived in the valley, he observed the harm his students had caused to the valley. Glancing forward, he saw Sasuke unconscious and bleeding. He searched the area for Naruto but couldn't find him.

He grabbed up Sasuke and headed straight for Konoha. His cheeks were wet with tears.


One of the Akatsuki shouted, "Pain you, fucking Heathen, how dare you interrupt my sacrifice to Jashin sama" at their leader.

Another Akatsuki member said, "Hidan, shut the fuck up with that useless god of yours," and Hidan began cursing the man.

An orange-haired man with numerous facial piercings appeared and said them, "ENOUGH, I called you all here so we can seal the Kyubi."

"How did you capture the Kyubi jinchuriki?" A group member who was female enquired.

"Apparently, Itachi's brother betrayed Konoha and attempted to travel to Orochimaru, but the Jinchuriki prevented him from doing so. After a fierce struggle in which they both knocked each other out, Zetsu grabbed him." The man with orange hair clarified.

"So Itachi's brother is with Orochimaru now?" A another voice enquired

"No, the Copy Ninja arrived before the Orochimaru men did. It makes no difference us; let's seal the Kyubi right away.


Inside Naruto Mindscape

The Kyubi was not at all content. He was first imprisoned inside feeble, and useless vessel and now he was going to be sealed again. He could not let this happen before the Kyubi could push his chakra into his half-dead vessel,. It sensed something it hadn't felt in more than a decade.

The now-enraged Kyubi growled, "YOU, YONDAIME HOKAGE".

"ignoring the furious Kyubi, Yondaime grabbed up Naruto and transferred the two of them to a different area of his mind, saying, "I hoped I would never see you again Kyubi."

The Yondaime placed Naruto on the ground and pulled up his shirt to look at the seal.

"I know you're probably angry at me for giving you this burden, but you were the only one I could trust to not abuse this power," the Yondaime stated to Naruto, grinning slightly. My son, you did a good job. You won't have to bear the weight of this world any longer. You will be able to travel to a different world only once and remain there indefinitely thanks to my failsafe. My son, good luck. Recall that I will always be pleased with you."

The seal lit when the Yondaime touched it with his palm. Before long, the blue light covered Naruto's whole body.


"What's happening? Why is the seal behaving independently?" Pain cried out in anguish as the other Akatsuki and he watched in disbelief. "Itachi, use your Sharingan and check the boy's chakra coils to see what is going on.".

"Something is happening to the Kyubi as it seems like it has disappeared, and there is another chakra source interfering with the sealing; it seems to be the Yondaime Hokage's chakra," Itachi said, using his Mangekyo Sharingan to examine the boy's chakra coils. Itach's eyes widened at what he saw. As a backup plan, I suppose he confided a portion of himself in the boy."

The Jinchuriki vanished, and Pain and the other Akatsuki could only watch as every attempt to seal the Kyubi was unsuccessful.

"All right, it's clear that the seal had a failsafe that caused him to teleport away. If the seal has been tampered with, we will put the Kyubi on hold for the time being and concentrate on the other Bijuu. Once we have them captured, we will use all of our resources to locate the Kyubi." Pain gave his orders and said so when the others emerged from the hiding place.

"Madara is not going to be happy about this," he thought to himself.

Madara was furious since he had witnessed the entire affair and knew exactly what had happened to Naruto.

"That Namikaze, damn it." Madara thought angrily, "Damn him, the moon's eyes plan ruined all my plans are ruined; curse you, Minato."


When Naruto opened his eyes, he saw that he appeared to be in a starkly white room. He had no idea what had occurred; fighting Sasuke had been the last thing he recalled doing before everything went black.

"You've grown so much, Naruto kun." From behind Naruto came a female voice

Naruto spun around and saw a stunning woman with violet eyes and long red hair that nearly reached the ground.

"Who are you? and where am I?" Naruto enquired

"Well, we are in your mind, and I am your mother, Kushina." Kushina answered Naruto with a smile on her face.

"Mum?" After taking in what she had just said, Naruto did the first thing that came to mind: he tackled her into an embrace. "You have no idea how much I longed to meet you", he sobbed on her shoulder.

With a melancholic grin, Kushina addressed Naruto, saying, "As much as I would love to spend time with you, time is something I don't have."

"What do you mean, mum?" Reluctantly, Naruto pulled Kushina out of the hug and gave her a perplexed expression.

"Sit down, and I will explain everything to you." After giving a nod and taking a seat obediently, Naruto began to hear Kushina's explanation of the events surrounding the day of his birth, the masked man, and the Kyubi attack. She also explained about the destruction of the Uzumaki clan.

Naruto was taken aback at meeting his mother and learning that his father was the Yondaime Hokage. He had always assumed that he was an orphan with no family remaining.

"Looks like I failed both of your expectations, huh?" Naruto spoke with melancholy. He could only feel regret after learning why his father had sealed the Kyubi in him. If he had known all of this when he was younger, he would have worked harder to become a powerful Shinobi and someone his parents could be proud of rather than making a fool out of himself.

"Don't worry, Naruto; mistakes are inevitable. We had sealed the Kyubi within you, and you had no idea why we did so. Kushina became enraged and stated, "All you can do now is learn from your mistakes, but the people who we trusted are the ones who failed us."

"In any case, your dad created a safe seal. This seal will transport you to a different dimension in the event that the Kyubi seal was tampered with for your own safety."

"What are you trying to say? How come I can't return to the elemental nation and Konoha?" When Naruto hears what Kushina just stated, his eyes widened.

"I apologize, Naruto, but this was a condition set by the Shinigami to prevent the Akatsuki or Madara from capturing you, and the Kyubi has been extracted and sealed within the Shinigami to ensure it remains contained."

Although Naruto nodded in agreement with what she said, he secretly regretted that he would never be able to accomplish his dream of becoming Hokage and keep his vow to Sakura. Naruto eyes widened when he noticed that his mother was fading.

"What is going on?" Kushina responded with a smile to Naruto's question, saying, "It seems I am running out of chakra, dear." She got up and went over to give Naruto a hug. "Naruto, always remember to surround yourself with supportive friends. It's not necessary to have plenty few friends will do. Find a new dream that you should pursue. Lastly, remember to eat healthily and get enough of sleep."

Even though Naruto was crying, he kept listening to his mother as she said, "Naruto, never forget that your father and I will always love you. Make us proud in the new dimension; we will always be watching over you.".

"Bye Mum " Naruto watched as his mother vanishes from his sight.