
Pokemon: Master of Poison

Follow a trainer who is reincarnated in the world of pokemon. A time where there are no PCs(Pokemon Storage System) invented, no other varieties of pokeballs are created except the normal pokeball, and a time where all the regions are at war. Follow this trainer as he master the art of poison type pokemon, and maybe even master every type of pokemon. P.S. The cover isn't mine, and I just took it from the internet. Did some editing, and here I have a cover. Of course, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove this cover then I'll gladly do it. If you want a novel that is perfect, and has no mistake then this isn't for you. I'm not perfect, and I might get wrong here and there. The update rate might not always be stable. Also, this is an AU. I don't want to be blamed for a mistake in the timeline, and others telling me that this thing didn't happen in the real pokemon world, and so on. If you accept all of this then come on, and start reading the first chapter! :)

Remoon · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter 57

Author's Note:

Here's the bonus chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


I was looking at Beedrill's stats, and observing on what else to improve. Beedrill learned four new moves which were Infestation, U-turn, Captivate, and Attract.

I choose Infestation since it's a move that can damage the opponent for every minute. It was different from the game since this move can only last for 5 to 4 minutes. Also, the pokemon that is infested won't be damaged by 1/8 of their health each minute but instead the damage will vary from how strong the user is and how strong the opponent is. It's still good though since this move can be combined together with poisoning the target.

The next move is U-turn, this move can help Beedrill move towards the enemy at fast speed then attack it. She'll then return back to where she is after. She can also return to the pokeball if she wants too. This move is great to attack an opponent at fast speed but the downside of this move is that she'll always return to her previous position or pokeball. The enemy can exploit this weakness. It's different from the game but still a great move.

The third move is Captivate, it's a move that lowers the opponent's attack stat by two stages if the opponent has the opposite gender. This means that Beedrill can have a big advantage towards male pokemon. Not only that but I also picked another move which is great combination with Captivate, and that is Attract.

Attract is different from the games since this time the opponent that is attracted to Beedrill won't attack her for sometime until they wake up from that state. In the games, even if your pokemon is attracted to the opposing pokemon, they can still attack them. In here, it's different you can only attack back when you're not attracted to the opponent anymore.

With this combination, she'll be a male pokemon killer. Beedrill has an advantage to her male opponents from now on.

"Master, are you ready to go?" A voice said outside my room as I think about Beedrill's moveset.

"Yes, Liz." I answered then caressed Beedrill while telling her it's time to leave. Golbat was outside his pokeball, and I told him that he has to go back inside since it's time to go. He looked sad from hearing that but still complied to it.

I opened the door of my room, and was greeted with Liz together with her Pidgeotto flying on her back.

"Let's get going then, Liz." I told her, and she nodded. We then got out of the inn, and started to walk towards the exit.

To think that so many months have passed, and now I'm returning back to the same entrance that I went through. I can see police officer jenny guarding the entrance. We greeted her then said that we'll be going out of the city. She only gave us a salute then told us to be careful.


3 days passed, and we are in the middle of the forest. We are halfway to the clan's outside parameter. Soon, we'll see those ninja guys again. I wonder how they suddenly appear in front of us without even Golbat being able to hear them before.

This time I let Golbat out since no one was in here, I always do this when no one is within sight. It's currently night time, and we are eating our dinner.

"Master, what is your plan after finishing the trial?" Liz asked curiously.

"Well, first I plan to get the pokemon eggs I requested from Vhan and Sam if I'm allowed too. Then I'll return back to the clan since the clan plans to train us for five years before joining the army. But if I can't then I'll just let you get it, Liz." I answered.

"After your training, what would you do, master?" Liz asked again.

"I don't really know. I don't have much freedom from being a clan member. All I know is that I'll be going to war continuously after the training." I told her while sighing from my fate.

Once I grow stronger, I'll make sure to run away from the clan. I'll maybe bring Liz with me since she's an ally. I won't abandoned her if that happens.

"Master…" Liz suddenly said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I have something to tell you but please don't say to Elder Moi that I've told you this." Liz said.

"Hmm, sure." I replied. I was kind of curious with what she was about to say.

"Well, it's about the plan of Elder Moi to you…" She said.

"What plan?" I asked curiously. What does that old hag plans for me this time. How did Liz know about this?

"Well, Elder Moi plans to take you as her disciple after the trial. I heard from her once that she plans to take you as a disciple after the trials. I don't know if this is still true but I think accepting Elder Moi as a master will be great, master." Liz said with a smile.

What? That old hag actually has a plan like that. Why would she do that? I mean what is the use of making me her disciple? What would she get from that? I would be the only one who'll get benefits from being her disciple.

"That's right. I plan to let you be my disciple, kid. I didn't intend to appear this early from you both but it seems that Liz was being a nosy girl." An old voice said from behind us.

"What the-!" I said with a shout from seeing the old hag behind us. How did she suddenly appear behind us?

"No need to be shocked. I was monitoring you from the start. Well, not actually me but my Gengar did. Say hi to them, Gengar." The old hag said, and the shadow of Liz suddenly deformed then turned into a Gengar.

The Gengar looked at us then laughed at Liz's surprised face. The pokemon did a scary face which startled Liz making the pokemon laugh again.