A Pokemon Self Insert story. So there I was enjoying myself at a bar about to try my luck at picking up a pretty girl and then bam! I'm on Route 1, short as shit and somehow twelve again. Oh well, at the very least I can get that Charizard I always dreamed of. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.
I stared down at the number reflected back at me on my phone. The total available balance of my bank account according to my bank app.
It was kind of surreal to be honest.
Like, I already knew it would be like this in advance with the deals I made. But I literally have over a hundred million to my name. I'm more than one tenth of the way towards pretty much being a billionaire.
It really didn't feel real staring down at the numbers looking up at me.
Really, I should be celebrating right now. Jumping around wildly, whooping, cheering, hip thrusting, the whole shebang.
But at most I just kind of feel satisfied?
And that wasn't from the money reflected back at me in my bank account.
"…I can't feel my legs."
My eyes flickered from the screen of my phone to the bed I was standing at the foot of and taking in the older maroon haired girl collapsed face first atop the bed within the room I'd taken for the time I'd be here at Viridian City before moving on.
"I tend to have that affect on women." I smirked, turning the screen off on my phone and tossing it on the bed, reaching out and trailing a finger up her leg, to her back right up to her nape as I made my way to the top of the bed.
"Oh…so you did this to that Hilda girl as well?" Chloe asked dryly.
"Pretty much, though she handled it better than you," I shrugged, "Granted, probably because she's fitter than you being an active trainer and all."
Chloe rolled her eyes at him, "Aren't you supposed to change the subject when another girl gets brought up? We just had sex, and you basically just said she was better than me. What if you hurt my feelings?" she asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
I paused and blinked, "…Pretty sure I didn't say that." I replied, confused. I didn't did I? I just basically said Hilda had more stamina because she was an active trainer, nothing about her being better.
We'd only been at it for an hour after Lance called, but topped out for now because Chloe simply didn't have the stamina to keep going. Besides, it was her first time.
For a virgin, she was amazing.
I honestly wasn't a fan of sleeping with virgins for the most part. It tended to be no fun at all and a lot of effort. The only virgin I'd really want would be a hypothetical girl I'd settle down to marry, but that wasn't really a requirement, just a preference.
But yeah, pokemon girls are just built different. Even one that wasn't very active or fitness oriented like Chloe had stamina in spades compared to normal women back home.
The power of aura I guess.
Which again note to self, I need to look into learning how to draw upon and use. Maybe I can get a Riolu or Lucario while in Kalos?
Well if not, I plan to go to Sinnoh one day in the near future at least for that Metagross, actually both of those wild Metagross and that Swampert and a few other things, so I can pay a visit to Iron Island and bug Riley into teaching me I guess.
"You totally did," Chloe refuted me, "But either way, I think I'm done. My entire body is totally numb, I feel like I've got weights strapped to me all over. Plus, we've been at it for hours, my dad will probably start wondering where I am."
"Maybe, though I wouldn't underestimate the ability of pokemon professors when it comes to nerding out," I snorted, "You're a big girl, so I'd probably hear from him first when he and Oak are finished sorting out the details of getting my place built."
…Which honestly was kind of surreal as well. I was just getting a whole big swanky mansion built for me and ten acres of land fitted to go along with it for my pokemon.
It was good to be me.
I mean sure, ten acres was going to be quite tight for my pokemon as things were with how many of them there are, but that was just the beginning. But with how much money I have, once it's been settled I can spend a few million to purchase more.
An acre in hollywood roughly cost just over eighty thousand pokedollars by my estimates. If I took my money down to a rough one hundred and fifty million and used up the twelve million or so pokedollars above that, alongside the extra two hundred or so thousand I had above that, I could get my hands on full on one hundred and fifty acres even and bring my total property size to a hundred sixty acres.
Which would be a good idea, because the ten acres Oak is purchasing for me, is going to be covered by a dome building. An inside land of ten acres would be big enough for those who wanted to sleep inside, and then a further hundred and fifty or so outside for those who wanted to roam more or be outside, and every so often I'll purchase more land.
All thanks to the return rate and benefits I get from my bank. The fact I won't need to pay any taxes on this land, and the interest rate I get because of my popular status as a successful rising star of a trainer, I'll be able to passively generate enough income per month to buy a few extra acres per month without much dents in my funds.
Between that and the extra money I'll get for each Aerodactyl egg I'll sell to Lance and his clan going forward, within a year I should easily have over one hundred acres of land to my name if not substantially more depending on how much I want to splurge.
"…I hate that you're totally right," Chloe groaned, before feebly pushing herself up into a sitting position, "Still, I better go have a shower and get dressed again just in case."
"Fair enough," I shrugged, "I need to go check on my other pokemon anyway and meet this Altaria Lance sent me."
"How many pokemon do you even have?" Chloe raised an eyebrow in question.
"One hundred and eighteen with Altaria included." I replied proudly, giving her a big grin.
All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.