
Pokemon: I Transmigrated in Pokemon World to Laze Around

A transmigrated guy in the pokemon world that started his shop instead of being a trainer, such a dumb guy, he should fight gym leaders, elite four and champions to become a good MC. What's good about opening a boring shop? Bruh, what about smut? The hell? There's no smut, what's interesting about this fic? Boring.

Kokekokoko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Friendly match.

After another week, the news about Giovanni being fired by the league on his gym leader position spread out in the entire Kanto region. The only reason that League Headquarters gave is Giovanni is fired because of inactivity. Giovanni is temporarily replaced by Lorelei.

Early morning Joseph was brushing his teeth while Siri(Rotom Phone) is steadily floating in the air while Joseph was reading the news on the social networking app that's famous in this world. The little pokemons are also mimicking Joseph by using the toothbrushes specially made for pokemons.

Joseph gargled then spat some foam on the basin then he washed his mouth and wiped it with clean white towel.

"The League is hiding Giovanni's identity? What's their purpose?" Joseph immediately known the real reason of Giovanni being fired. "In the Pokémon Adventure Manga many gym leaders are afflicted to team rocket so maybe the Pokemon league has knowledge of this so they cover it up... I hope this situation in not like this."

Joseph went out from the bathroom and all of the small pokemons are following his back like a tail.

"Let's open our shop today!" Joseph said with happy tone and smile on his face. All of the little pokemons cheered then they went down the stairs.

Joseph checked the two Magikarps and Azurill inside the pool while just chilling and enjoying the water. Joseph opened the shop then he greeted his neighbors.

"The weather today is good for stretching some muscles." Joseph looked at the clear sky and some bird pokemons flying.

"Good morning big brother Jojo!" The kid wearing a school uniform said.

"Good morning Ronny, have a nice day on schooling. You too Tammy I hope you'll get a job soon." Joseph patted the head of the kid then he looked at Tammy whose carrying Ronny's backpack.

"You too big brother Jojo, I wish that you will have lots and lots of customer today!" The kid looked at Joseph then Tammy gave Ronny a thumbs up.

"We will be on our way Jojo this naughty kid will be late in class soon." Tammy said with apologetic tone.

"Take care and see you guys later." Joseph waved his hand while looking at the brother and sister's direction.

"See ya!" The siblings also waved their hand.

"Jojo's Pokemon Goods and Training Center is opened!" Joseph widely smiled and entered his shop.

Half an hour later the door of the shop opened the the bell on the top of the door chimed.

A beautiful woman with red hair that tied into pony tail and wearing a sexy office lady like outfit, stockings and glasses. Honestly this is what kind of woman Joseph preferred a matured beauty that have an air of elder sister vibe.

"Hello, welcome to Jojo's Pokemon Goods and Training Center." Joseph smiled at the woman.

"My name is Lorelei Prima, a friend of mine suggested this shop." The woman said with polite tone.

"Friend?" Joseph already have a guess on the woman's identity.

"An old man called Mr. Pokemon." Lorelei started to size Joseph then her gaze landed at the pokemons in the indoor playground.

"Oh! How is he? I never saw him since he went back to Johto." Joseph continued his act.

"He's fine and continued his research about eggs." Lorelei turned her head towards the Magikarp on the pool and noticed a golden sheen. "You're lucky to catch a shiny Magikarp Mr. Johnson."

"Yeah I was lucky that day I encountered this Magikarp with rare coloration, may I know why a member of Elite four came here just to chat with me, an unknown trainer and shopkeeper?" Joseph nodded then he put down the pokeball he's wiping.

"I'm going to be honest with you Mr. Johnson, I would like to challenge you to a friendly battle." Lorelei's expression became serious after she said those words.

"Eh? Why?" Joseph was puzzled then he thought of something. "Young man, your Pikachu is so strong. To be able to take down all of the Beedrills in one move, I can say that this Pikachu is a Champion level pokemon." This are the words of Mr. Pokemon suddenly popped in to his head.

"Mr. Pokemon said that your are a strong trainer." Lorelei was looking at Joseph's face while waiting for his answer.

'I'm not a strong trainer, my pokemon are just overpowered.' Joseph thought and he inwardly sighed. "Okay but let me tell you I'm not really good at battling."

"You're too modest Mr. Johnson, let's have a match in Viridian City Gym after lunch. I have high expectations of your Pikachu." Lorelei smiled then she looked at the displayed products.

"I hope I can give you a good battle, later." Joseph just go with the flow, he doesn't care on winning with Lorelei since it's just a friendly match and Lorelei have a big reputation in Kanto as the Ice-type master.

Lorelei noticed something in the displays and her eyes narrowed but she controlled herself and be a prim and proper Elite 4 member.

Joseph eyes caught all of the sudden change of expression of Lorelei and followed where her gaze landed earlier and saw a cute looking Lapras doll. Joseph suddenly remembered something.

'Oh that's right Lorelei of the elite four is addicted on collecting pokemon dolls but that is only known by her neighbors in Four Island, yes, this is the secret of elite four member with logical, calculated, and cool battling style.' Joseph looked at Lorelei then a sudden thought came up in his head.

"Ms. Lorelei, let's have a mini bet during our match." Joseph suggested.

"Oh? Tell me more about it." The red haired beautiful lady turned her head towards the counter.

"If you win, you can have those pokedolls, it's really popular amongst girls and ladies. And if I win the match you need to promote my shop at least once in nationwide broadcast if you ever had an interview or just have a date with me." Joseph shamelessly said, Lorelei is really his type.


"Hey big brother Jojo! I thought you'll wait for me to grow up?! Old man no one is going to date you unless the woman is the one I approved you get it?" Verity who just arrived and heard Joseph's last words.

"Eh? Little girl you're really interested in me?" Joseph teased.

"No I'm not!" Verity pouted.

"Haha Mr. Johnson seems like the last option will be a problem." Lorelei covered her mouth with her right hand then she lightly laughed.

"I guess, let's just stick with the first one." Joseph shook his head.

"Okay I'll be waiting in Viridian City Gym." Lorelei turned around and left the shop.

"So, what are you going to buy kid?" Joseph looked at Verity, Joseph don't know why but he felt a sense of familiarity with this girl.

"Five packs of plain Poke beans and remember you cant date anyone unless... she have eyes like me, her hair shines brightly when the sunlight touched it, likes to read about history and lastly she likes cycling and race with her pokemon." Verity said like a mother to her disobedient child.

"Okay okay, are you sure about that? Looks like the criteria you said doesn't describe you at all." Joseph laughed then he took a five packs of poke beans and passed it to Verity. "1,500 poke dollars."