
Pokemon Hunter

A man reincarnated in Pokemon world with infinite possibilities. Follow his journey. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

Skye12_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Ice Island

Ice Island.

After entering the forest, the temperature plummeted, reaching below zero degrees Celcius. Hisoka reached out and touched the tree that was covered in ice.

"It's so beautiful!"

He exclaimed. Looking up, he saw a rainbow over the forest. The dazzling light made the surrounding forest look even more stunning. The beautiful scenery really showed the power possessed by the legendary bird of ice, Articuno.

During this time, a figure was flying at high speed in the sky toward the frozen bay at the northernmost tip of the Ice Island. It then slowed down and dropped toward the bay.

It was a Pokemon that looked just like a dragon with a long tapering tail. It was blue in color with a gray lower jaw and thickly scaled underside. It had sharp horns, cold and ruthless eyes, and a pair of crimson-colored wings.


As soon as it landed on the frozen solid ground, it let out a displeased cry. As a Dragon-type Pokemon, it simply hated this cold environment.

"Salamence, be quiet."

The voice belonged to a woman with short black hair, a delicate and beautiful face, and a pair of charming eyes.

She was only about 5.2 feet tall, quite small when compared to the Salamence standing next to her. Her clothes were also quite strange. She had a pair of boots, shorts pants and was covered in a brown cloak.

The girl smiled and petted the Salamence's head.

"I know you don't like this place. After we finish this task, I will treat you to your favorite snacks, okay?"


The Salamence nodded in reply.

"Sigana. Come in. Sigana."

A voice rang in her ear.

"I'm here. What's the matter?"

She put her hand on the earpiece that she was wearing.

"The target has landed on Ice Island. Currently, he is in the frozen forest. It seems he was heading toward the mountain. Should we..."

"I see."

Without waiting for their reply, she turned off the radio directly.



After Sigana had turned off her radio, Dave took off the headset from his head and threw it on the wall.

This action startled the pilot, who was steering the airship next to him. Thankfully, the pilot managed to regain control of the airship.

After his anger had cooled off, he said sorry to the pilot and left the cockpit.

"Captain Dave, that Sigana has been looking down on us. Do we still have to go and help her?"

A tall man walked up to him.

His name was Haas, his assistant.

"Are you stupid?"

He said angrily.

"We can't fail this mission. Matt ordered us to finish that guy. Sigana is only here to help us.

"But that guy is very strong."

Haas had studied the target's information and found that Hisoka had rarely failed his mission. Not only was he a strong trainer, but he was also a gym leader. Such an enemy was quite difficult to deal with.

"Hmph! So what if he is strong."

He snorted in disdain.

"No matter how strong he is, he is only alone. We have twenty people with us. With Sigana in the lead, there is no way he will be able to escape."

"Alright, Captain Dave. So should we head to Ice Island now? With her strength, it would be easy for her to defeat that guy."

Dave pondered for a moment and said.

"Let's sit on the side and watch first. Regardless of the outcome, that guy is dead anyway."

Dave finished, revealing a sinister smile. In fact, he hoped that both of them hurt each other. That way, he would be able to finish both of them.


Frozen Forest in Ice Island.

Hisoka was walking through the forest, looking down at his phone. Earlier, he had released his drone into the sky to map out the surroundings. The forest was a bit large than it looked. He almost got lost in the maze.

Gardevoir and Milotic flanked his sides, watching the surroundings for threats. Meanwhile, Weavile followed closely from behind, guarding the rear.

Minutes and seconds passed, and about an hour later, they finally found the exit. As soon as they left the maze-like, a huge snow mountain came into view.


Fire Island.

"Phew, it's really hot in here."

Doran slowly dragged his boat onto the beach and let out a sigh of relief. However, the sudden rise in temperature after stepping on the island made him sweat profusely within just a few seconds.

A cloud of black smoke billowed into the sky from the volcano in the distance as the surging magma rushed into the sea. He could smell the sulfur in the surrounding air as the ground was covered in a thick layer of ash.


He took out his phone and glanced at it. The surrounding temperature was already as high as 45 degrees Celcius. Although he felt hot when he was on Shamouti Island, the temperature wasn't as high as here.

"What the hell?"

He cursed loudly. If he had known earlier, he would not choose Fire Island. Although this island might be a paradise for Fire-type Pokemon, it was hell for him and other people.

He took off his shirt, grabbed a bottle of water from his bag, and poured the water all over his body.

"Much better now."

He sighed in relief. Throwing the shirt into his bag, he strode forward to find the glass ball hidden somewhere on the island.

The further he went into the island, the more shocked he felt. The residual magma could still be seen in the ravines on the island, along with obvious traces of battles in many places.

"What happened here?"

He looked around in confusion.

'It seemed someone had fought here. Is it Team Aqua?'

His mind wandered while thinking about the situation on Fire Island. He recalled Paul saying that Team Aqua seemed to be doing something near Shamouti Island.

"Should I tell them what happened here?"

He murmured thoughtfully. After thinking about it for some time, he decided to tell them. The other participants would soon arrive on the island. There was no way he would be able to hide what happened here.

He took some pictures of the surroundings and sent them to Hisoka and Will.

He then noticed a couple of fallen feathers on the ground. He picked a couple of them to take a closer look.

"If I'm not mistaken, these feathers should belong to Moltres. Did Team Aqua capture it?"

He stared a the volcano in front of him in thought.

Although Moltres was a legendary Pokemon, it wasn't as strong as the top legendary Pokemon like Lugia and Ho-Oh. With a large number of well-trained trainers equipped with suitable Pokemon, it wouldn't be impossible to capture Moltres.


Ice Island.

Hisoka was slowly climbing the mountain. The higher he climbed, the colder it got. At this moment, he was about halfway to the top of the mountain.

The temperature had dropped to about minus ten degrees Celcius. He exhaled, and a white mist came out from his mouth.

"So cold."

He rubbed his hands together, his body trembling from the cold wind. It would be nice if he had a Fire-type Pokemon by his side.

Seeing that, Gardevoir put a hand on his shoulder, and a trace of light blue energy began to spread out along his body.

Soon, he was covered in a thin layer of blue energy. He suddenly didn't feel somewhat cold anymore.

"Thank you for your hard work, Gardevoir."

He smiled at her.

After so many years of psychic training, Gardevoir had almost mastered the most basic use of her power. It was easy for her to block the cold from affecting him.

Even so, doing this at this time would put a burden on her. She not only had to maintain the protective cover for him but also had to be aware of her surroundings.

"Found you."

In the sky high above them, Salamance was flying in a circle. Sigana, who was riding it, was staring at Hisoka below. She had finally found her target.

"Hmm? What's that?"

She swung her head to the side. Just now, she noticed that something was flying next to them. She also had the feeling that she was being watched by someone.

"Salamance, go there."

She asked Salamance to head toward where she was pointing at.


Salamance flapped its wing and shot itself forward as fast as an arrow.

She then told Salamance to stop. She tried to look around. However, the mist was so thick that she couldn't see anything.

When she was about to leave, she noticed a faint sound of something flying not far away from them.

"Use Twister, Salamance."

Salamance opened his mouth and fired a blast of wind that formed into a large twister.


There was a loud noise in the sky, followed by a small explosion.

"So they found it, huh?"

Hisoka looked up and saw the draconic figure high up in the sky. Just now, he noticed that they were being followed by someone. So he sent his drone to follow them.

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