
Yup, I'm lost

Upon exiting the cave, Touya found himself in a large excavation area covered by a dense fog that prevented him from seeing the bottom clearly, in addition to being standing on very unreliable planks and at a great height.

"Hmm, I wonder if it will hurt to go straight down" Touya said as he saw a mountain about 5-6 meters below him.

Suddenly, Touya received a call from his Xtransceiver.

"You're thinking in something stupid right?" Touya's mom said from the other side of the screen with an annoyed tone.

"How did I kno-? I mean, of course not" Touya said looking away with a cold sweat.

"You're terrible at lying, don't do anything stupid or it'll get ugly when you come back" Touya's mother said with a warning tone and then cut off the call.

"Well, it'll be like normal people I guess" Touya said with a shrug.

Touya slowly walked up the unreliable planks as he stood on the one that seemed most stable and then reached another underground path.

Between getting off and on those paths, fighting other trainers, and observing Boldored who seemed to be the pokemon version of a mountain, Touya seemed to have a good orientation.

"I'll be there shortly, apparently my orientation is good too" Touya said proudly and then exited another underground path.

On leaving, Touya came across trees and a very familiar mountain.

He did indeed return to Route 7, not knowing how.

"I didn't say anything" Touya said dejectedly as he pulled Krokorok out to show him the way and grabbed his tail so as not to get lost like a little boy.

After fighting with a few more trainers, something interesting happened, Dewott covered himself in a blue aura and grew quite large to become a Samurott.

"You grew up quite a lot friend, I still remember when you were a lovable otter" Touya said wistfully.

"Samurott" Samurott said proudly as he bragged about his new form.

Samurott was now 1.50 meters tall in addition to a kind of white beard, a horn like a narwhal and was covered in strong armor.

"Hey, what about those spikes sticking out of your armor?" Touya said when he saw that there was some kind of spike sticking out of the armor on his front legs.

"Samurott?" Samurott said also confused and then pulled the tip a bit.

With a bit of force, Samurott managed to pull a great sword out of his armor, marvelled at it just like Touya.

Samurott wielded his sword with both hands and cut a nearby rock with ease making a small earthquake as well.

"Hey, don't do that here friend or we'll get buried!" Touya said as he looked around with concern.

"Samurott!" Samurott said happily as he saved his sword again and approached Touya.

"You have become a very strong pokemon friend, you don't technically depend on me anymore" Touya said with a sad smile.

"Samu" Samurott said shaking his head and then hugging Touya as his body allowed and rubbing his face against him.

"Hey hey, I appreciate the gesture, but you'll crush me if you keep it up" Touya said with a smile as he returned the hug.

After this Touya followed his path accompanied by Krokorok until he reached an area with suspicious mounds.

At that Touya and Krokorok looked at each other with an evil smile, both having the same idea.

Krokorok raised his foot and made a small tremor focusing on said mounds without doing any damage to the underground road infrastructure.

A miner with spiral eyes shot out of it and then lay on the ground.

"Huhuhu, you deserve it" Touya said as he laughed lightly along with Krokorok.

After some other trainers, Touya was able to reach the bottom of the excavation area, where there were several bulldozers and even a vending machine.

"We did it!" Touya said happily upon reaching the end of his labyrinthine journey.

"Kroko" Krokorok said looking at Touya disapprovingly.

"That you did everything? In case you don't know, I threw your pokeball" Touya said crossing his arms with indignation making Krokorok have a drop of sweat on the back of his neck.

After this Krokorok returned to his pokeball and Touya continued towards the exit, but he met a guy dressed as a knight who seemed lost.

"Hey you, you look suspicious put your hands on your head and then do a triple back somersault" Touya said with a threatening tone.

"What?" the team plasma recruit said in utter confusion.

"Didn't you hear me? Put your hands on your hips and dance La Macarena" Touya said with total seriousness somehow.

The recruit stood there, trying to process the strange situation in front of him without success.

Luckily for him, another recruit from the team plasma suddenly appeared.

"Ohh, here you are, we were looking for you, it's easy to get lost in this place" said the second recruit pulling the first one out of his system reset.

"We already found what we were looking for so let's go to the tower" said the recruit without noticing Touya's presence.

'Wait, find something on this mountain? It won't be...' Touya thought suspiciously.

"Perfect so our goal will finally come true! Let's go with the big N" said the first recruit excitedly so that they both left the mountain.

"I didn't want to fight anyway" Touya said with a shrug and then go the same way as them.

Upon leaving, Touya met someone again, this time was Professor Carrasco Encina who seemed to be studying a branch fervently.

"Ohh, how have you been Touya?" Professor Carrasco said excitedly as he threw the branch away.

"I'm not complaining, how about yo-?" Touya said to be cut off in the middle of his sentence.

"How is Dewott?" Professor Carrasco said with curiosity and excitement.

Touya just stopped speaking dejectedly by the professor's spirit and pulled Samurott out for a moment.

"Wow, he's already a strong and healthy Samurott, it also seems that Samurott appreciates you very much, that's the most important thing about your trip after all" said Professor Carrasco satisfied with Samurott's condition.

At this, Touya only nodded with a smile.

"By the way, do you know the Dragonspiral Tower?" Professor Encina asked, returning to his excited scientist attitude.

"Hmm, nope, I don't know anything about it" Touya said after thinking about it for a bit.

"Great, then let me tell you a little story!" said Professor Carrasco eager to teach.

"You see, it is said that this Tower is the oldest structure in all of Unova, besides the ancient legends speak about two legendary pokemon spending their lethargy there" said Professor Carrasco, changing his voice to a mysterious and a bit creepy.

'A mysterious tower just after hearing of a tower from the team plasma recruit, too obvious right?' Touya thought connecting the dots quickly.

"Professor Carrasco, do you know anything more about that legend?" Touya asked curiously about the whole story.

"I'm sorry young man, but that legend is very old and has become more and more blurred in people's memory, although you could ask the gym leader Drayden, he should know much more than me" said Professor Carrasco a little downcast for not knowing the answer.

"But it will not be for long!, soon I will go together with my daughter to explore that Tower, I can already feel the knowledge entering my mind" said Professor Carrasco as he took small jumps full of emotion.

Touya from his side could only smile nervously at that scene.

Before Touya knew it, Professor Carrasco disappeared from his sight in search of new knowledge.

Touya checked his map and could see that he reached Icirrus City.