
Your own truth

Touya rode his bike to Nuvema Town, his hometown.

Being close to the sea, the Nuvema town was a cold and quiet place at night with only the sound of the waves breaking the silence.

The houses were illuminated and were part of that tranquility making Touya's problems almost disappear just by going back to his town and taking a look.

Touya went to his home and knocked on the door a couple of times.


"I'm going!" said a female voice on the other side of the door.

After a few seconds, footsteps were heard behind the door for it to be opened later.

"Hello son! How have you been?" Touya's mom said a little surprised at first and then hugged Touya tightly.

"I guess I've been better, but there's nothing to worry about" Touya said enjoying his mother's hug.

"You shouldn't be here, I don't see any girl around" Touya's mom said moving away a bit and crossing her arms.

"It's just that, I needed to be here" Touya said with a sad and tired smile.

Touya's mom quickly realized her son's concern and said.

"Well, you can come in, you are lucky today I prepared extra food, you can tell me everything later" Touya's mother said with a comforting and affectionate tone.

"Thanks mom" Touya said smiling calmly and entering the house.

Touya and his mother had a quiet dinner while the latter told her son different things.

"I heard from the bad tongues that in Accumula town there was a man who liked Gardevoirs as women, there are all kinds of crazy people in this world" said Touya's mother telling her son gossip in whispers.

"You don't have to say 'bad tongues', it was that old Maria of always, that old woman has more contacts than an FBI agent" said Touya enjoying his food while he remembered that old woman with chills.

"Besides, when I was there I heard her talking about Mrs. Natalie being pregnant again without knowing whose" Touya said speaking in a whisper as well.

"My God!, what else did you hear?" Touya's mother said with surprise but also with great curiosity.

After some more gossips, Touya seemed to have quite recovered from his worries, almost forgetting about them completely.

After eating and resting for a bit, Touya's mom said.

"And tell me son, why do you seem so worried?" Touya's mom said in a calm tone seeing that Touya was much better and sitting in front of him.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story, but there's nothing to hide" Touya said reluctantly and then recounted everything that happened on his trip.

Touya mainly talked about his biggest concern, N, and whether his ideal was the right one.

Touya's mom seemed a bit worried when she heard about the legendary pokemon and that guy Ghechis but she just let her son finish.

"Mom, I want to know, what would you do in my situation? What do you think about that ideal?" Touya said trying to get some extra opinion from his mother.

Touya's mom thought for a bit and then took a deep breath to say.

"Son, I don't know what to tell you about that thought because I am not an expert in pokemon psychology or philosophy, but I am an expert in knowing you so I can help you" Touya's mother said with a bit of shame and then change it for safety.

"You were always a very empathetic child and you always pay attention to other people's opinion on an issue, especially when you think they are right" Touya's mother said with a calm and explanatory tone.

Touya just thought a bit and nodded agreeing with his mother.

"But if there is something that you never had it was a truth or an opinion completely of your own, something yours and yours alone, without considering someone else's opinion, that is why you have no will in your thoughts or decisions" Touya's mother said with a calm and comforting smile.

"Son, you care too much for others, but it is not bad to be selfish sometimes, the only thing you have to do to solve your problem is to find your own truth" said Touya's mother pointing at Touya calmly.

'My own truth?' Touya thought in shock realizing it was true.

Touya thought a lot but for now he still didn't have that truth that he was looking for.

"Thanks mom" Touya said with a grateful and happy smile.

"You are welcome son, but if it were up to me you would stay here, I prefer the end of the world than any hurt to my baby" said Touya's mother while she squeezed his cheeks.

"Trust me, if I wasn't the 'chosen one' I would stay here" Touya said with a small smile and tired tone.

After this, Touya helped his mother clean the dishes and went to his room to rest.

It should be noted that previously the house only had one room for some reason, so Touya's mother made another room for her, dividing Touya's gigantic room a bit.

Touya released all of his pokemon and went to sleep, leaving a small lamp lighting the room to then falling into a deep sleep quickly.

His pokemon seemed quite happy with the space as they had a little chat.

"{What do you think now bored, now I'm the tallest of all of us, plus I have these great swords}" Samurott said bragging about his new form with a proud smile.

"{Apparently evolution doesn't come with extra brain, I pity you}" Sawk said in a sorry tone causing the rest to laugh softly.

"{You'll see karate fighter, I'll beat you up}" Samurott said with a vein on his forehead.

"{I want to see you try it, little narwhal}" Sawk said with a challenging smile.

"{Enough you two, what we need the least now is an alpha rebellion}" said Darmanitan with a serious tone causing both of them to put the subject aside.

"{Speaking of growth, now Tynamo is four times bigger}" Krokorok said as he looked at Eelektrik in shock.

"{I'm sure I would be bigger if Touya let me eat the thunder stone}" Eelektrik said throwing a little tantrum.

"{Eat no more than you can chew, get used to your new form first and then move on to the next one}" Darmanitan said warningly.

They all kept talking quietly until Sawk changed his attitude to a more serious one.

"{And what are we going to do with Touya? Do you have any idea how to help him?}" Sawk said with a serious tone and a little concerned.

"{It's true in the end you were right Samurott, the light stone was in the museum and it was that rock}" Eelektrik said looking at Samurott.

"{Yes, as for Touya, we can all see that he is worried and justified, after all he carries what could be the separation between all pokemon and humans}" Samurott said with concern as he looked at Touya.

"{I don't want to separate from him, but that doesn't apply to all pokemon, there are so many evil people in this world and so many unfortunate pokemon who don't even have a choice to follow them}" Krokorok said with a thoughtful and a little sad tone.

"{The best solution would be just to change the way the humans see us, or to free only the pokemon that want to be released, but N is totally out of himself and will not hear anything that is not in his favor}" said Darmanitan with a serious tone and quite concerned.

"{I'm not a big fan of philosophy or what is good, but I will follow Touya in whatever he decides even if it means that this battle with N is the last one, that's what a pokémon does for his trainer and family}" Samurott said with great determination and a completely serious look.

At that, the rest of Touya's pokemon were a bit surprised and then nodded with that same look.

"{For once we agree Samurott}" Sawk said with a big determined smile.

And with this ends the night at Touya's home.