Touya went down the stairs and walked a bit to then see a large number of recruits from the team plasma waiting for him.
"A nurse would be very useful at this time" Touya said a little concerned.
"Someone called a male nurse" said a male nurse coming out of a cave tunnel.
"How long have you been there, and more importantly, why?" Touya asked surprised.
"A male nurse should always know when someone needs his help, it is a natural talent" said the male nurse confidently making Touya look at him suspiciously.
"Nah, just kidding, in this place there is a great concentration of electricity and if your pokemon spends a long time paralyzed he can have irreversible damage to the muscles, so we take turns being here" said the nurse with a professional tone.
"That doesn't make you any less convenient, but well" Touya said with a shrug.
After resting for a bit and healing his pokemon, Touya started with the Ghechis' test.
The fighting was boring, basically one hit from any Touya's pokemon was enough.
After beating 10 of them in the area, Touya took a slight detour.
Instead of going up, (which is where the recruits said to go), Touya went down out of curiosity.
On the lower level he found a large number of crystals covered in electricity and some trainers.
Touya walked a bit until he saw something bright yellow on the ground and took it.
Upon seeing it closely, Touya could tell that it was a thunder stone, and then put it in the right pocket of his jacket.
Right at that moment, the area went completely silent with only the sound of small shocks.
*Tyn Tynamo*
Suddenly a large herd of Tynamos rushed towards the surrounding crystals.
Touya walked away from these quickly and then watched as the Tynamos happily clung to the crystals and enjoyed the electricity.
"They are very adorable, but I'm sure that if one of them starts an attack the others will follow, so I'd better go" said Touya in a low voice and then left slowly.
Touya passed the team plasma recruits again and this time he did go up the stairs.
After wandering around the cave for a while he found his way to the exit.
But right outside the door was N waiting while he spoke to a Drilbur.
"Nice to meet you little one, what do you have to tell about yourself?" N asked curiously as he crouched in front of Drilbur.
"Dril Drilbur" Drilbur said happily as he seemed to tell a little story.
N listened carefully and was surprised in some parts and then laughed out loud.
"Hahaha, a wonderful story friend, I appreciate your time and your stories" N said with a smile.
"Dril!" Drilbur said happily before digging a bit and leaving.
"I see you managed to pass all the tests" N said looking at Touya calmly.
"It wasn't very difficult, although it was quite repetitive" Touya said in a tired tone.
"I see, Ghechis once said 'a world with a variety of points of view is doomed to failure', for example humans and pokemon are different like night and day" N said in an explanatory tone.
"Yes, but how could I enjoy a sunrise and sunset if they were completely separated?" Touya asked thoughtfully.
N seemed to think about Touya's words for a moment and then give up.
"I can't understand you, it's like I know what you're saying makes sense, but still I can't share your vision" N said a little disappointed.
"Tell me Touya, do you have any dreams?" N asked curiously.
"Not really, sometimes I feel a little empty about it, but seeing the truth and all points of view at the same time is an overwhelming feeling and takes the essence of things a little bit" Touya said thinking with a little of sadness
"I guess not everything is good about being representatives of truth and ideals, you can fully understand everyone except yourself and I can only fully understand myself" N said thoughtfully.
"But still, why are you stronger than me? Why do I feel like I still can't beat you? How do I make friends with the legendary pokemon?" N said overwhelmed by not finding answers.
"Recently a man told me 'Do what you think you can do, go where you think you can go, only you impose your limits'" Touya said remembering Yakon's words.
"Sounds like a very wise person" N said thinking about those words.
"Strangely, he was a gym leader and a pokemon trainer" Touya said with a smile.
N frowned a bit because of that but just as he was about to keep talking.
"Touya! You're here right?" Bel asked suddenly appearing.
"Hello again Touya, Bel has a great ear, she was able to hear your voice from far away" said Professor Encina appearing next to Bel.
"You are the Professor Encina, right? The one who pretends to understand pokemon through human methods, like that horrible Pokedex" N said with a slightly aggressive and annoyed tone.
"Well, I suppose you don't like my work, because I think that each person should look for their own answers under their criteria" said Professor Encina, a little surprised and with an explanatory tone.
"With that we only achieve that the problem can be bigger, the individual thoughts of each human being are different and even sometimes very dangerous, that only makes the pokemon suffer more" N said seriously.
"I am not going to tolerate that in this world!" N said full of determination and then left.
"Well, I didn't want to change his thinking, but at least I hope he understand my point of view a little bit" said Professor Encina a little disappointed.
"I am going to collect more data, to strengthen ties with our pokemon, we must learn more about their behavior and from them" said Professor Encina and then left.
"Hey Touya, who was that guy?" Bel asked confused.
"A person with an inflexible thought and a well-defined ideal, something that I will never have, he is also the leader of the team plasma" Touya said calmly.
"Wow, he doesn't seem like a bad person, I'd even say he reminds me of the first time I met you" Bel said thoughtfully.
"To me?" Touya asked curiously.
"Yes, I don't know if someone has told you, but in the first seconds of meeting you you make a very creepy face and it's like you're looking at the soul" Bel said having a little chill.
"I'm sorry about that" Touya said a little embarrassed.
"Don't worry, after that you're very nice, I'm going I have to keep helping Professor Encina, see you Touya!" Bel said saying goodbye to Touya and then leaving quickly.
Touya only saw her go and then walk a bit and leave the cave.