
The stolen pokemon

After running for a few minutes Cheren and Touya saw the team plasma enter in a cave.

"If I'm not mistaken this cave has no way out" Touya said as he looked at the map.

"We have to go in" Cheren said seriously.

Upon entering they could see that it was a bit dark in addition to the occasional Roggenrola walking around.

After going a little further into the cave they were able to find the team plasma.

"Hey, give back the pokemon you stole!" Cheren said pointing at them.

"Never, we the team plasma want the pokemon to be free from the oppression and orders of humans!" said one of the men with determination.

"It would sound credible if you weren't stealing the pokemon from a girl" Touya said with an indifferent tone.

"Besides, did it really take two of you to steal a helpless girl's pokemon?, what a great power" Touya said sarcastically.

"Brat, now we will also take your pokemon and release them" said the recruit of the team plasma angrily.

"Come out Patrat" ​​said both recruits in unison.

"Come out Snivy / a little help friend" Cheren and Touya said in unison as well.

Oshawott and Snivy prepared for the match against both Patrat.

"Snivy use vine whip" Cheren said pointing at a Patrat.

"Oshawott use leer on that same Patrat and then use water gun" Touya said a second later.

The Patrat was hit by both attacks and was quickly knocked unconscious.

"Hell, these brats are good" Recruit 1 said with annoyance.

"Patrat use bite on the Oshawott" Recruit 2 said nervously.

"Oshawott stop the attack with cut" -Touya.

After both attacks were cancelled Cheren said.

"Snivy catch Patrat with wrap" -Cheren.

"Oshawott finish him with water gun" -Touya.

Patrat was unable to move due to the wrap and he was hit by the water gun and was knocked unconscious.

"Damn, how can we lose if we're right?" Recruit 1 said in shock.

"Well, you already lost the battle, will you deliver the pokemon or not?" Touya said in a threatening tone.

"Tchh" both recruits said in annoyance until...

"Not so fast!" said two other recruits coming out of the depths of the cave.

"Not only you don't want to see reason but you also dare to fight against us, we will show you the power of our ideal!" said recruit 3 with arrogance and determination.

"These guys don't give up" Cheren said with annoyance.

After a battle very similar to the previous one, Touya and Cheren defeated all the recruits.

"We are going to make our goal come true, it is because of trainers like you that pokemon suffer" said recruit 4 trying to convince them.

"Try a moral talk again when you are in a position to do so" Touya said with annoyance.

"Tch, well we will return the pokémon to you, but know that the team plasma will make his objective come true" said the recruit 1 still determined as he gave Cheren a pokeball.

After this, the recruits of the team plasma escaped.

"They have great determination and really want to help pokemon, but the way they do it's dire" Touya said with disgust.

"It's like they were brainwashed, apparently you were right about their leader" Cheren said with a serious and thoughtful tone.

"Well, we'll have to give the pokemon back to the girl" Cheren said as he left the cave.

"I'm following you" Touya said also leaving.

After leaving the cave they entered in the nursery to meet Bel and the girl who seemed very nervous.

When Bel noticed their arrival she quickly walked over and said.

"Were you able to rescue the pokemon?" Bel asked worriedly.

"That's right, here it is" Cheren said with a smile showing the pokeball.

The girl took the pokeball quickly and then pressed the button and threw it to the air.

"Pan Panpour!" said Panpour coming out of the pokeball.

"Thank you very much misters!" said the girl very happy and then play together with Panpour with another boy and his Pansage.

"You are the best friends I could have!" Bel said hugging Touya and Cheren.

Cheren turned a little red and Touya realized this with an evil smile.

"Oh no, all credit goes to Cheren, you should hug him more" Touya said with an innocent smile.

"Really?, Well done Cheren!" Bel said as she hugged Cheren closer making him get redder.

Cheren glared at Touya in annoyance, which only gave thumbs up in approval.

After this scene, everyone rested for a moment and then said goodbye and each one went their own way.

Touya let Pansear and Oshawott play some more with Pansage and Panpour before leaving.

When he left he could see a boy with a red shirt sitting alone looking at the pokémon.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here alone?" Touya said in confusion.

The boy was frightened for a moment, but then quickly regained his calm.

"The other children say that I am very boring, so they don't like to play with me" said the boy with a sad tone.

'I see' Touya thought with understanding and a little sadness.

"Pan Pansear!" Pansear told Touya.

"What happens friend?" Touya asked in confusion.

Pansear took his own pokeball and offered it to the boy.

"I see, so you want to stay here" Touya said with understanding.

"Pan Pansear!" Pansear said as he nodded.

"Take care of him kid, if he chose you it must be for something" Touya said to the boy with a smile and then continued on his way.

"Thank you very much sir, one day I will find you and we will have a battle!" said the boy with a smile.

"Pan Pansear!" Pansear said as he said goodbye.

"I'll be waiting for you" Touya said with a smile as he made a goodbye salute with his cap.