
The Light Stone

Upon leaving the Relic Castle, Touya encountered Champion Mirto talking to Cheren and Bel about recent events.

"So he's not here, I can't believe someone like Ghechis, I'll go check for myself" Cheren said quite convinced of his words.

"It would be interesting to explore this place, I'm sure Professor Encina will be very happy with the data I collect!" Bel said very excited by the idea.

"My my, so alone in an old and desolate place huh?" Touya said as he raised and lowered his eyebrows with a mocking smile.

They both blushed furiously at that, and Mirto only made a confused face to later understand the situation.

"Ohh, young love, something very beautiful although I recommend you use protection or wait until the wedding" Mirto said with a warning and paternal tone.

They both blushed even more than before and glared at Touya who had a victorious and evil smile on his face, plus they could even know what he was thinking.

"Everything according to plan" Cheren and Bel heard in Touya's mind somehow.

Mirto continued with the topic giving some very good advice of love relationships, but luckily for both of them, Touya's Xtransceiver interrupted the conversation.

"Touya! Touya!!, Touyaaaaa!!!" shouted Professor Encina impatiently and very upset.

"I hear you professor, you don't have to shout" Touya said a little stunned by the screams.

"You must go to Nacrene city, Aloe wants to talk to you at the museum, she has something very important about the legendary pokemon!" Professor Encina said, still very upset and serious.

"I'll be there shortly" Touya said seriously and then cut the call.

"Great! There is still a clue, I'll be waiting for you there young Touya" Mirto said very excited and then flew away with Braviary.

"See you, don't do anything indecent" Touya said with a mocking smile making Bel and Cheren blush again and then quickly leave.

Touya left the desert resort to then ride his bike and go to Nacrene city as quickly as possible.

When he got to Nacrene city it was already night and the cold air together with the lights of the city made a very calming scene, calming Touya's nerves a bit.

Touya walked to the museum and found Professor Carrasco, Professor Encina, and Champion Mirto waiting for something.

"I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late" Touya said arriving in front of them tiredly.

"There is no need to apologize young Touya, we are still waiting for Aloe" Mirto said shaking his head with a small smile.

"Mirto already told me everything, apparently we are in a very serious situation" said Professor Encina, more serious than normal.

"Don't worry little girl, I'll give them a beating if they dare to touch my little star" said Professor Carrasco, squeezing the cheeks of a ashamed Professor Encina.

Thanks to the attitude of the professor, the atmosphere relaxed a bit, but that didn't last long.

"Here it is" Aloe said bringing that stone that caught Touya's interest last time.

"From what I remember, we found this stone in the desert resort near the place Mirto spoke of" Aloe said seriously, remembering the expedition.

Professor Carrasco approached this with a small device and then said.

"Apparently yes, the samples I took from the Duodraco Tower have the same age as this stone" said Professor Carrasco with a big smile.

"Still we can't be completely sure, it could just be a very nice paperweight" said Mirto causing everyone to fall into reality and take their concern back.

Touya approached Aloe a bit and said.

"Can I hold it for a moment?" Touya said as he pointed to the Stone.

"I don't see why not, try not to throw it away, I'm not sure what will happen if it is destroyed" Aloe said with a warning tone, handing the stone to Touya.

Said stone was a bit heavy despite being only about 30 inches in size, but when Touya took it, something interesting happened.

The stone began to light up with a subtle white glow, causing everyone to open their eyes in shock.

"That's a good enough sign for me" Professor Carrasco said confidently.

"I always knew that you were special Touya, but being part of a legend is beyond my expectations" said Professor Encina with a pleasant impression.

"This is wonderful! With this, hope is at its peak" said Mirto with a big, excited smile.

"Young Touya, promise me that if something happens to me, you will protect people's wishes and fight against N, you are the only one who can do it" said Mirto holding Touya's shoulders with seriousness and hope.

Touya could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders and could only nod a little reluctantly.

"Mirto is right, this light stone is the only thing that can help us to have a future after the last events, we trust you Touya" Aloe said seriously making Touya feel even more pressured.

Professor Carrasco noticed Touya's dissatisfaction and said.

"And how is the stone supposed to work?" Professor Carrasco said with an idiot face.

"Ehhhhhhhh" said everyone else in a nervous sweat.

"I know!, we have to ask Drayden, if there is anyone who knows everything about dragons it is him" Aloe said having a revelation.

"Of course, he must know everything about the legend" said Professor Encina with emotion.

"We have to go to Opelucid city, young Touya! The leader is an expert in dragon type and surely he will have answers, I'll wait for you there tomorrow" said Mirto and then fly away again.

'I have to look for a flying type pokemon' Touya thought with a nervous sweat seeing that they always leave him behind.

Professor Encina and Aloe kept talking about the details of the light stone and some way of waking him up while Touya just saved the stone in his bag a little lost in his thoughts.

Professor Carrasco noticed this and approached him calmly.

"Don't forget young Touya, you have your pokemon and your family always by your side, if you have a problem there is always a place to return to" said Professor Carrasco with a calm and comforting tone.

Touya thought a bit about his words and came up with a place to clear his doubts.

"Thank you Professor Carrasco!" Touya said very grateful for his advice.

"You are welcome young man! Science and knowledge are useless if they are not shared!" Professor Carrasco said with a big smile.

"Don't worry Touya, if we discover something we will call you on the Xtransceiver" Aloe said with confidence and serious tone.

Touya nodded and went to the place that every man will always want to return to.

To his home with his mother.