
Team plasma on ice

Upon reaching the place, Touya could see Cheren next to a worker with cold clothes.

"First of all I have to ask, how the hell did you find them here?" Touya asked curiously.

"Liepard helped me with that, otherwise I would never have found them" Cheren said in an explanatory tone.

"I don't like the cold at all, but we have no choice" Cheren said reluctantly.

"So you prefer summer? It was a pleasure to be your friend" Touya said feeling betrayed.

"Don't be dramatic, we have to focus" Cheren said seriously.

"Before entering the warehouse, you have to wear these clothes for safety, otherwise they could suffer from hypothermia" said the worker seriously, handing Touya and Cheren some coats.

"What if we need to fight?" Touya asked in confusion.

"The pokémon are resistant to many types of weather, as long as they are not weak to cold they will not be greatly affected unless their stay is too long" said the worker calmly.

"Well, we have to go in" Touya said looking at the entrance with excitement.

"I hate the cold" Cheren said wearily.

"Don't be a crybaby, at some point you had to go to a cold place to catch pokémon, take this as a practice" Touya said with a smile.

"I guess" Cheren said still reluctantly.

They both entered the warehouse and the first thing they were greeted with was a cold breeze on their faces causing Cheren's glasses to mist.

"Ohh, now I understand why you hate cold hehe" Touya said with a slight laugh.

"Just go ahead, we have to look for those guys" Cheren said with annoyance as he cleaned his glasses.

After walking around for a bit, they were both stopped by another warehouse worker.

"We are already helping with the search of the team plasma, but it is a bit complicated, since the ground is freezing and you can only slide in one direction" said the worker with a warning tone.

"This is getting more and more complicated" Cheren said with annoyance.

"Now we have to ice skating to catch the team plasma, this is bordering on bizarre" said Touya marvelled at the events.

"We have to separate, you search the west area and I will search the east area" Cheren said seriously.

"As ordered captain" Touya said sarcastically and then walked towards the ice.

Touya took a bit of momentum and glided across the ice with excitement searching around the eastern area.

"Yayyyy!" Touya said happily as he slid on the ice like a little boy.

On his way he encountered several workers searching, in addition to the scald TM which was quickly learned by Dewott.

"I wonder who is the one that throws all these things, if Bel was ahead of us I would believe it is her" said Touya and then put the TM in his bag.

Touya continued to calmly slide across the ice and search the different parts of the eastern area.

After searching for almost half an hour, Touya found a rather suspicious open container.

Just when he was about to call Cheren he saw him appear in front of him with a bruised face and foggy glasses again.

"Hey friend, what happened to you?" Touya asked in shock.

"Well, the floor looked tempting and I ended up giving in to my urges and giving it a kiss" Cheren said sarcastically as he cleaned his glasses.

"*Puff* Hahahaha, that was a good one friend" Touya said laughing out loud.

"Looks like you found a possible hiding place" Cheren said seriously.

"Yes, it is more hidden than I thought, if they are not here they are nowhere" said Touya looking at the warehouse with suspicion.

They both walked in and found a peculiar and almost hilarious scene.

"D-Damn, I-it's so cold!!, get closer to m-me to conserve h-heat" said a sage as he was hugging a lot of recruits from the team plasma and trembling.

"If I didn't take them seriously before, now they just seem like a bad joke" Touya said trying to not laugh.

They both approached them and Cheren said.

"Look what we have here, the sage from the team plasma set up a harem in this refrigerator" Cheren said with a mocking tone.

"What an idol, he sure has his own isekai" said Touya following the joke.

The sage heard everything and his face turned red with anger.

"D-damn brats! I-I'm in charge of taking care of the big N's f-friends pokemon, you can't imagine how important I am a-and the power I have" said the sage trying to intimidate Touya and Cheren.

"You team plasma's recruits, take care of them, make them regret defaming a team plasma sage" said the sage full of anger and pointing at Touya and Cheren.

"W-we won't f-fail you s-sir!!" the recruits said, shivering with cold.

In total there were about eight recruits, and they all stood in a straight line to protect the sage, who rolled into a corner to try to warm up.

"Touya I'll take care of those on the left, you take care of those on the right" Cheren said confidently.

"It's not bad to ask for help if you can't with your part friend" said Touya with a mocking tone.

Touya focused on his part and started the fight.

"Come out Sawk" Touya said throwing a pokeball.

"Come out Watchog / Liepard / Trubbish / Watchog" said the four recruits at the same time.

"Watchog use super fang" said the first recruit quickly.

"Sawk use low sweep and then karate chop" Touya said calmly.

Watchog approached and was received by a low sweep making him fly in the air and then a karate chop to the abdomen knocking him unconscious.

The recruits got nervous because of this and started attacking without thinking too much.

"Liepard use fury attack / Watchog use super fang" said recruits 2 and 4 at the same time.

"Sawk, I'm sure you know what to do" Touya said confidently.

"Sawk!" Sawk said energetically.

When both pokemon approached, Sawk double kicked hitting both of them, then used karate chop on Liepard knocking him unconscious and finally kicking Watchog unconscious as well.

Recruit number 3 was terrified by Sawk's strength and only saved her pokemon giving Touya the victory.

"Hey Cheren, how are you doing with your part?" Touya asked looking at Cheren.

Cheren for his part, he had already struck the last blow at the last pokemon standing.

"It was easier than I thought, or it's probably because they're cold and can't think" Cheren said a little disappointed.

Just then Yakon arrived with his workers.