
Looking for a round friend

In the desert of route 4 we can see a young man dressed in a cloak and covering his face with a hat from the small sandstorm that there was.

The wind made his clothes flap back and he had to hold his hat tight.

"I sure look great in the third person" Touya said with a smile.

Touya's steps became slower and slower as he sank into the sand.

"Supposedly on this route I can find Darumakas, but I wonder where they areeee-" Touya said and then tripped over something.

Touya fell facedown on the ground, nothing gracefully.

"Ahhhh, it's hot!!" Touya said as he quickly got up and spit out some sand.

"Sand!" said an angry pokemon under the sand.

When he turned to see, Touya could see a small crocodile-shaped pokemon of sand color with black stripes.

"Ohhh, you're Sandile, sorry to hit you friend, here" said Touya giving Sandile an Oran berry.

Sandile eyed the berry suspiciously then ate it and quickly changed his mood to a happy one as he wagged his tail.

"Huhu, you are adorable, see you friend I am looking for a round pokemon for now" Touya said as he said goodbye to then continue on his way.

Sandile looked at him with interest and then followed him across the sand without him noticing.

Touya kept walking until he saw a rather remarkable round red thing in the distance.

"Either it's a Darumaka or some red ball that for some reason is here" Touya said and then approached him.

Being close, Touya could see what appeared to be a red ball with yellow touches and without any hint of being alive.

"You are not fooling me friend, I know you are a Darumaka" Touya said confidently as he touch the Darumaka.

"Da Darumaka?" said a Darumaka behind Touya.

"What the hell?" Touya said as he realized that he was actually holding a ball.

"A mastermind of deception made this ball, I wonder if it will sell well" Touya said curiously.

Touya put the ball aside and focused on the little Darumaka in front of him.

"How are you friend?, I was wondering if you want to come with me and be part of my team or if you have any friend who want to" Touya said in a friendly tone as he crouched in front of Darumaka.

Darumaka looked at him suspiciously for a few seconds and then answered happily.

"Darum Darumaka!" Darumaka said raising his little hand.

"Do you want to come?" Touya asked with a smile.

"Darum!" Darumaka said as he nodded.

"Good!, If you want to come just touch the center of this pokeball and you will be inside, as part of the team it will be taken into account how you feel, so if you have any problems just say so" Touya said in an explanatory tone.

"Daruma!" Darumaka said with emotion and understanding.

Then Darumaka touched the pokeball and after moving a couple of times he was trapped.

"Come out Darumaka" Touya said pulling Darumaka out quickly.

"Darum Darumaka!" Darumaka said happily.

"Welcome to the team friend, when we get to the city I will introduce you to your teammates" Touya said and then took Darumaka and put him on his shoulders.

"Darum!" Darumaka said happily on Touya's shoulders.

After this Touya went the way he came to find the stop again.

Upon entering he was able to meet the vendor again, who seemed somewhat surprised.

"Wow young man, you came back faster than I thought and apparently you found what you were looking for" said the salesman with surprise looking at Darumaka.

"Yes, thanks for everything and for the warning about the desert, I would have been sunburned or sand would have got into my eyes" Touya said gratefully.

"You are welcome, but I see that you also have a surprise companion" said the salesman pointing to the ground.

Looking down, Touya could see the Sandile from earlier wagging his tail happily.

"Ohhh, what are you doing here friend?" Touya asked in confusion.

"Sandile!" Sandile said as he ran around Touya.

"He seems like he wants to be part of your team" said the salesman with understanding.

"Do you want that friend?" Touya asked with a smile.

"Sand!" Sandile said as he nodded.

Touya put Darumaka on the ground and then extended a pokeball towards Sandile.

"Press this little button and you will be in, any opinion is welcome" Touya said with a smile.

Sandile touched the pokeball with his nose and after a few seconds he was captured.

"Everyone come out" Touya said taking all the pokemon out.

Sawk and Dewott looked at Darumaka and Sandile curiously and they stared back.

"They are the new members of the team, try to get along" Touya said with a calm smile.

"{Ohhh, so you're the new ones, nice to meet you I'm the alpha of the team}" said Dewott pointing at himself proudly.

"{Alpha you?, Don't make me laugh, you're so small that I might trip over you if I don't focus}" Sawk said in a bored tone.

"{Did you say something bluish?}" Dewott asked in a threatening tone.

"{You're blue too, plus that sounded racist}" Sawk said looking back.

"{They look quite friendly!}" Said Darumaka excitedly.

"{Sure, super nice}" Sandile said in shock.

Touya just watched as Dewott and Sawk yelled at each other and as Darumaka and Sandile tried to separate them with a nervous smile.

"They seem to be getting along" said the salesman with a bead of sweat on the back of his neck.

"Hehe, a team worthy of their trainer" Touya said with a nervous laugh.