Arriving in front of the gym leader, Touya could see Conse along with the leader waiting for him, as well as noticing that the battlefield was frozen.
The gym leader was a blue haired man with what appeared to be a traditional fighting yukata and a completely serious look.
"Welcome challenger, I'm Junco, are you ready for combat?" Leader Junco said in a cold and focused manner.
Conse approached Touya who seemed a bit confused by Junco's few words.
"Don't worry, gym leader Junco is a man of few words but he is a good person" Conse said a little sorry for Junco's attitude.
"Mr. Junco you chose a cold climate town, calm people and great tranquility, in addition to having a very relaxing gym design, so far you are my favorite leader" Touya said with a respectful and calm tone.
Junco looked at Touya seriously and then said.
"I see, so you are also a man of culture" said Junco smiling slightly as he looked down closing his eyes.
'And he even makes references' Touya thought admiringly.
Conse for his part had a mixture of feelings between confusion and understanding.
After that little scene they both prepared for combat.
"Go ahead Darmanitan" Touya said throwing a pokeball from which Darmanitan came out excitedly.
"Go Cryogonal" said Junco with total seriousness and concentration.
"The battle between the challenger Touya and the gym leader Junco begins..." Conse said in a professional tone and raising his arm.
Touya thought in his first move and waited for Conse's order.
"Now!" Conse said lowering his arm quickly and starting the fight.
"Darmanitan use belly drum" Touya said reacting quickly.
"Reflect" Junco said seriously.
Darmanitan hit his own stomach hard improving his digestion and causing his attack to rise to the maximum in exchange for continuous wear and tear, as well as being surrounded by a rather dense vapor.
Cryogonal for his part, generated a translucent barrier around him which followed him everywhere and seemed very resistant.
"Darmanitan use hammer arm to propel you and then use fire punch" Touya said seeing how Darmanitan seemed to get tired quickly.
"Mist" said Junco totally focused on the combat.
Cryogonal generated a fairly dense mist that covered Darmanitan and Touya's view a bit making both of them have an extra disadvantage.
Darmanitan for his part used hammer arm with his right arm to propel himself towards Cryogonal and hit him with a fire punch despite the poor visibility he had, knocking him out unconscious.
Something strange that should be noted is that when Cryogonal was hit, the barrier stopped half of Darmanitan's attack so that later he simply went through it without destroying it.
"Cryogonal can no longer continue, the leader Junco only has two pokemon left" said Conse barely able to observe the battle through the mist.
"Nice work Cryogonal" said Junco returning Cryogonal to his pokeball and then throwing another one.
"Go Vanillish" Junco said seriously.
Touya thought a bit about his current situation and said.
"Darmanitan deactivates the belly drum and use flare blitz" said Touya noticing the difficulty that Darmanitan had with that movement.
"Vanillish, hail" said Junco still not attacking once.
'I'm not liking this' Touya thought suspiciously, noticing Junco's lack of attacks.
Darmanitan set his body on fire with a little weariness, causing the mist to disperse and Vanillish to be visible.
Apparently, Cryogonal's barrier passed to Vanillish increasing Touya's suspicions.
Vanillish for his part made It start to hail, though Darmanitan was unaffected by this due to the flare blitz.
Darmanitan lunged at Vanillish and knocked him out, putting out the flames from his body and causing the mist to once again cover his view.
"Vanillish is knocked out, the leader Junco only has one pokemon left" Conse said with a professional and calm tone.
"Well done" Junco said returning Vanillish to his pokeball.
"All set Beartic" said Junco throwing his last pokeball.
From this came a white bear with 2.56 meters high with a beard made of ice, which when it fell to the ground raised a lot of dust and made a small earthquake.
Touya and Darmanitan got a bit of a nervous sweat due to his mere presence.
"Beartic use aqua jet" said Junco with a small smile.
"Darmanitan use-" Touya said unable to complete his sentence.
Beartic appeared covered by water in front of Darmanitan in less than a second, ramming him with great force and knocking him out unconscious.
"Darmanitan can no longer continue, the challenger Touya has 4 pokemon left" Conse said excitedly.
Touya tried to understand the situation in front of him before any movement, but was interrupted by Junco.
"The lesson in my gym is simple, cold and logical thinking, use your resources in a logical way and you will obtain the victory" said Junco with crossed arms and serious tone.
Touya quickly understood the message and began to think about his options.
'Krokorok and Tynamo wouldn't be able to hold out for a second against him, Samurott would be counterproductive since he could just freeze his attacks and then use them against him, plus the ground is frozen again' Touya thought trying to find an answer to his dilemma.
'Finally, the field belongs to him and supports his attacks, he has hail, reflection and mist, all a disadvantage for me, that only leaves me with one option' Touya thought to finally reach a conclusion.
"Come back Darmanitan, you did a great job" Touya said proudly healing Darmanitan a bit and returning him to his pokeball.
"Go Sawk, you're the only one who can beat him" Touya said with determination throwing a pokeball.
Sawk came out of this quickly understanding the situation he was in.
"Sawk use focus energy and then use bulk up" Touya said quickly.
"Beartic slash" said Junco seriously.
Even without the aqua jet, Beartic moved very quickly towards Sawk with a blade-shaped white aura on his right arm.
In a couple of seconds he was already in front of Sawk who had already finished using focus energy and was able to dodge him due to this.
Later Sawk used corpulence making his muscles grow and harden to the maximum.
"Use bulldoze and then demolition" Touya said seeing that Sawk could react to Beartic's speed.
"Use Thrash" said Junco focusing more and more on the combat.
Beartic tried to hit Sawk again but Sawk only dodged him by jumping to the side and then using bulldoze creating a strong earthquake.
This caused all the ice on the ground to break, in addition to causing Beartic to lose his balance for a few seconds being taken advantage of by Sawk.
Sawk used brick break and hit his stomach dealing a lot of damage as well as being able to destroy Beartic's barrier causing him to back away and hide behind the mist.
For Sawk with focus energy, it was not very difficult to know where Beartic was due to his heavy steps, although the hail and corpulence affected his concentration a bit.
"Ice punch" said Junco who seemed to be enjoying the fight.
"Use karate punch Sawk" Touya said quickly with a nervous sweat.
Beartic came out of the mist suddenly with his right fist covered in a thick layer of ice to which Sawk reacted quickly by looking in his direction and using karate punch.
"Aqua jet" Junco said making Beartic move quickly behind Sawk.
"Get down and low sweep" Touya said this time reacting in time.
Beartic passed surrounded by water like a missile over Sawk who ducked in time and kicked him in the stomach, launching him into the air.
"¡Use brick break and finish him off!" Touya said quickly.
"Frost breath" said Junco unaffected by the tense situation.
Beartic managed to freeze Sawk in the leg and right arm causing him to be unable to use brick break with his full strength.
"¡Sawk deactivate the bulk up and use brick break!" Touya said reacting quickly.
"Sawk!" Sawk said with understanding deactivating bulk up.
When Sawk deactivated it, his body became thinner, causing the ice to be too large and detach from his arm and leg leaving him free, and then hit Beartic in the chest with all his strength against the ground and knock him unconscious.
All the surrounding mist dispersed due to the impact, showing the entire scene.
"We did it!" Touya said raising both arms with a big smile.
"Sawk" Sawk said with his foot on Beartic and his fist raised with pride.
"The gym leader has no more pokemon left, therefore the winner is the challenger Touya" Conse said excited and surprised by the battle.
"A great and promising trainer, quite a surprise and combat delight" Junco said with a small smile returning Beartic to his pokeball.
"You beat me, therefore you know your reward" Junco said giving Touya a badge along with a TM.
"The Freeze badge as proof of your victory and the TM Frost breath very useful in most circumstances" said Junco returning to his serious attitude.
"Thanks for everything" Touya said with thanks and taking both.
"It was a pleasure" said Junco calmly before returning to his starting position.
And so, Touya got the seventh badge of his journey.