Touya walked forward a bit and found what seemed to be a very bright path.
"And now where is the great roller coaster?" Touya asked confused.
A few seconds later what seemed to be a futuristic capsule arrived and stopped in front of Touya.
Touya put his hand on it with a bit of reluctance causing it to react and open.
"This is not going to end well" Touya said convinced.
When climbing in the capsule it closed and then went at high speed and then stopped after a minute.
Touya crawled out of the capsule and then lay on the floor on his back and said.
"Damn you technology" Touya said as he wearily adjusted his glasses.
Touya got up and walked a bit meeting a young woman wearing a magenta dress.
"Welcome challenger, I am your first dazzling challenge!, Do you have what it takes to beat me?" said the young woman doing various poses.
Behind his glasses Touya rolled his eyes, but after coming out of shock he said.
"Go ahead" Touya said with a little nervous.
"Good, Sal Emolga" said the trainer throwing a pokeball in the air.
"You will go first Sandile" said Touya also throwing a pokeball.
Touya and Sandile looked at the pokemon named Emolga strangely.
"Hey, why is your Pikachu flying?" Touya said confused.
"It is not a Pikachu, it is an Emolga, an adorable electric rodent that releases electricity from its cheeks" said the young woman in an explanatory tone.
"It's a Pikachu that flies / Sand Sandile" said Touya and Sandile totally convinced.
"Anyway, Sandile use bite" Touya said without caring.
"Emolga use quick attack" said the young woman quickly.
Emolga quickly approached Sandile, landing a good blow but also taking a small bite.
"Sandile use torment" Touya said after thinking for a bit.
"Emolga use quick attack again" said the young woman somewhat worried.
Sandile tormented Emolga by making her not want to use that attack again and stopping midway.
"Sandile use scary face and then sand tomb" Touya said quickly.
Sandile scared Emolga by making her fall to the ground and then trapping her with a sand tomb and defeating her.
"Well done friend" Touya said proudly.
"Sand Sandile!" Sandile said happily and wagging his tail.
"Congratulations, you passed the first challenge of the gym" said the young woman calmly.
"Even though I lost one day I will be as impressive as Camila!" said the young woman doing many poses again.
Touya could only laugh nervously at the scene.
Sandile looked at Touya with interest, making him realize it.
"What happened friend?" Touya asked confused.
"Sand Sandile!" Sandile said pointing at Touya's glasses with excitement.
"Ohh, so you like glasses, then I'll give them to you friend, for now I need them" Touya said with a smile making Sandile happy.
After this Touya pressed the button and then got on the roller coaster again and got off after 10 seconds of travel.
"At least now it was fast" Touya said still a little dizzy.
After walking around a bit he met a young man dressed in a rather elegant suit.
"Welcome to your second gym challenge, I have to show you the power of speed" said the young man with a polite tone.
'Oh no, a spoiled boy' Touya thought with a bit of annoyance.
Touya defeated the young man and his Blitzle with ease then hit the button and waited for the next roller coaster.
A minute later one arrived and Touya reached over to open it but...
"Welcome to your third gym challenge!" said a young man coming out of the roller coaster suddenly.
Touya freaked out a bit because of this, to then show a bit of annoyance and say.
"Haha, that's funny, or at least it was the first 500 times" Touya said in a low voice and with a sarcastic and tired tone.
After beating the trainer who only had one Blitzle too, Touya got on the roller coaster and kept going.
After that he walked another bit and then pressed a button and saw another roller coaster arrive.
Out of it came a young woman suddenly although she did not try to scare Touya.
"At least she didn't try to scare me, this is an improvement" Touya said quietly with a bit of hope.
The battle was not a big deal, and Touya defeated the young woman with ease.
Touya got on the roller coaster without knowing what was next.
The roller coaster went at a higher speed than before and then made a full turn and went faster and stopped abruptly.
Touya quickly exited the roller coaster with a blank look behind his glasses and his legs shaking, to then drink water and continue walking without saying anything.
After getting over that little trauma, Touya walked around until he found a rather flamboyant blonde haired woman in front of him.
"Didn't you get dizzy from speed?" Camila said mockingly.
"It was the most horrible experience of my life, why do you want to see the world burn, woman?" Touya asked dramatically.
"Huhuhu, you are a funny challenger, I introduce myself, I'm Camila the gym leader of Nimbasa city, and if the roller coaster left you with traumas, you can't bear my speed" Camila said, laughing evilly and then speaking with complete confidence.
Touya adjusted his glasses and cap a little to prepare for the next fight.