
Gym of Mistralton City: Part 1

After going through Route 7 and Mistralton City again, Touya arrived at the airport and could see the gym in the distance.

"I guess I have to walk" Touya said reluctantly as he saw a large plane between him and the gym.

Touya walked past the metal fence surrounding the airport for security until he reached the sixth gym of his trip.

"Please don't have anything weird" Touya said almost like a prayer.

And when he entered the first thing he found was a large cannon pointing upwards.

"That doesn't seem normal" Touya said with a gloomy aura around him.

The presenter at the entrance noticed his presence as usual.

"Welcome young challenger to the Mistralton city gym, specialized in flying type pokemon" Conse said with a calm smile.

"How am I supposed to get to Gerania if I don't see any path? What will you do, throw me with that cannon?" Touya asked looking around him and then asking sarcastically.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do!" Conse said leading Touya towards the cannon.

"Hey, you're not serious are you?" Touya asked in disbelief.

"I'm totally serious, that's the transportation method for this gym" Conse said with some kind of pride.

"Well, not everyone can be a trainer, I'm going home" Touya said with a bit of sadness and then walked towards the exit.

"Don't be a coward young man, enter the cannon!" Conse said pushing Touya towards the canyon.

"Cowards live longer, I want to live!" Touya said struggling with Conse.

Conse managed to get Touya into the cannon and then said.

"Flex your legs as you fall and you'll be fine!" Conse said aloud, then pointed the cannon forward.

"Fire!" Conse said excitedly.

The cannon fired and a terrified Touya came out of it at high speed.

"I curse you gym leaders!!" Touya yelled loudly with rancor as he circled an impressive amount in midair.

Touya landed on the marked spot flexing his legs fully and landing perfectly on the ground somehow.

"My legs are crying" Touya said as he got up like an old man after watching his soap opera.

"Ty Tynamo" Tynamo said coming out of Touya's pocket with nausea.

"I understand you friend, better than anyone" Touya said also with a bit of nausea.

After resting a bit from that experience, Touya realized something curious.

"Hey buddy, aren't you bigger now?" Touya said looking at Tynamo who seemed to have grown a few inches.

"Tynamo?" Tynamo said confused.

"Meh, forget it, let's get on with this" Touya said wanting to get out of the gym as quickly as possible.

After being shot a few more times and falling worse and worse but with his reaction getting better little by little, Touya arrived in front of the first trainer.

"Nice to meet you young man, I imagine you are enjoying your stay here" said the man dressed as an operator with a smile.

Touya just gave him a murderous look making the man sweat a little because of it and start the fight without further ado.

"Come out Ducklett" said the operator throwing a pokeball from which a small blue duck came out.

Just as Touya was going to get a pokeball, Tynamo came out of his pocket with a killer instinct.

"Tyn Tynamo!" Tynamo said angrily as he looked at Ducklett.

"I see, you want revenge too huh friend? Hehehe" Touya said as he smirked evilly.

The operator and Ducklett were a little scared by this, but they continued with the battle.

"Tynamo use charge beam" Touya said attacking first.

"Ducklett fly and dodge him, then use water gun" said the operator seriously.

Tynamo launched a bolt of electricity which was dodged by Ducklett as he flew and then used water gun.

"Tynamo use Spark and then finish him off with Charge beam" Touya said quickly.

Tynamo used spark and the water that Ducklett shot was covered with electricity causing him to be affected by it, to later be defeated by the charge beam.

"Ahhhh, I feel much better now" Touya said putting aside his resentment.

"Tyn Tynamo" Tynamo agreed with Touya.

"Come out Woobat" said the operator taking out a round shaped bat with a heart shaped nose / eye.

"Woobat use confusion" said the operator quickly.

Touya looked closely at what such a move would do since it's the first time he's been attacked with a psychic-type move.

The area around Tynamo seemed to distort and caused Tynamo to have a kind of very strong but momentary headache.

'So it's damage beyond the physical, interesting' Touya thought with interest and then concentrated on the combat.

"Tynamo use thunder wave and finish him off with whatever seems best to you" Touya said seriously.

"Woobat use confusion again" said the operator quickly.

Tynamo used a thunder wave before Woobat, paralyzing him and then defeating him with a charge beam.

"Good job friend" Touya said with a smile.

"Tynamo!" Tynamo said happily.

"Congratulations you managed to beat me, although with a bit of a creepy start" said the operator a bit nervous.

"I'm sorry about that, if it was only going up some stairs to get to Gerania I'm sure it would make the trainers very happy" Touya said calmly.

"Where would the fun be in that?" said the operator with a smile.

Touya looked at him again with a murderous aura around him just like Tynamo, but this time he just left without saying anything.

After being shot a few more times, Touya found the second trainer.

"Welcome to your second challenge young challenger, flying is my passion and that passion will grant me victory" said a man dressed as a pilot with determination.

"Come out Tranquill" said the pilot pulling out what appeared to be a rather large gray bird.

"Come out Darmanitan" Touya said after thinking about his decision for a moment.

"Tranquill use air slash" said the pilot seriously.

"Darmanitan use fire punch" Touya said quickly.

Tranquill approached quickly with his wing extended like a blade as Darmanitan covered his fist with a large amount of fire.

When Tranquill was close enough the pilot said.

"Use detect" said the pilot with a smile.

Tranquill strained his eyes to the maximum and dodged Darmanitan's blow by a few inches before making a small cut in his back and flying away.

'Hmm, it's a more useful skill than I thought, but I highly doubt that it can be used many times' Touya thought to himself.

"Darmanitan use flare blitz" Touya said quickly.

"Tranquill use air cutter and if he gets close use detection" said the pilot seriously.

Darmanitan's entire body burst into flames that even seemed to do a little damage to him and then ran very quickly towards Tranquill.

Tranquill tried to stop him with air cutter but that only made the flames grow stronger and stronger.

When Tranquill wanted to use detect his eyes did not resist and he was hit by Darmanitan and quickly knocked unconscious.

"Good job friend, although that ability will have to be used less" Touya said a little concerned when he saw the damage that Darmanitan did to himself.

"Dar Darmanitan" said Darmanitan with a shrug as if it were not so bad.

"Congratulations for beating me young challenger, the next challenges await you" said the pilot with a smile.

The other challenges were simple since Touya already knew the pokrmon like Sigilyph, and each time he got more used to the cannons, or at least until he reached the penultimate.

This time, instead of landing on the ground, Touya crashed into the wall making a great noise.


"Oops, I think that cannon has too much power" Conse said seeing Touya on the ground momentarily passed out with his face red from the blow.

After that unpleasant experience, Touya arrived in front of Gerania.

"Huhuhu, you look terrible rookie, apparently you are not compatible with the heavens" Gerania said looking at a defeated Touya.

"Let's get this over with, I want to make a demand later" Touya said wearily.

"You won't sue me will you?" Gerania said making puppy eyes.

"Put a common staircase as a second option and I won't" Touya said seriously.

"Deal! Now let's start the fight" Gerania said excitedly.

And so began the fight against the leader Gerania.

You must be wondering, why was there no chapter yesterday? And I will say aliens, yes aliens, why? Well, why not?

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts