

[P.O.V Touya]

After saying goodbye to Mom, I went to Accumula town.

There are few pokémon in the first route so I only had one match with a Lillipup.

I'm still not sure why dogs don't like me, but seeing me always ends up the same.

I didn't want to capture him because he seemed so happy here, so we just left him weak enough that he wouldn't follow us.

Oshawott didn't want to go back to his pokeball, so he's on my shoulders now.

After walking for a while we reached the end of the road where Cheren and Bel were also.

"How many pokémon did you catch Touya?" Bel asked excitedly.

"None, I was not interested in any of them" I said a little disappointed.

"Hmm, I managed to catch two and Cheren one, so I win!" Bel said with a victorious smile.

"The best thing will be to go to the pokémon center, I already know how it works so I'll wait for you outside" Cheren said proudly and then left.

"Smug" Touya and Bel said at the same time.

We both entered the pokémon center and we met professor.

She explained to us about the PC, how to heal your pokémon, and about the trainer rest area on the second floor.

"Hmm, what should I buy, this pokeball looks cute, but this one too" Bel said hesitantly as she looked at a sanaball.

'I'd better go, when she gets like this it can take hours' I thought with a nervous smile and then left the pokémon center together with Oshawott.

After leaving the first thing I heard was the following.

"Today I would like to talk to you about the liberation of the pokémon" said a thick voice full of charisma.

Wow, just listening to him I can feel the charisma, it's awesome.

I approached the square and stood next to Cheren who was also listening attentively along with many people.

In the center of the square stood a green-haired man dressed extravagantly and with many bodyguards around him.

"Who is he?" I asked Cheren curiously.

"Apparently his name is Ghechis from the team Plasma" Cheren said without taking his eyes off Ghechis.

"We humans live with pokémon as companions, or at least that's what you think" -Ghechis.

"We cannot understand pokémon, we are from different worlds, so what do you think we should do with our companions?" -Ghechis.

"Release them?" said a man from the crowd.

"That's right! We should free them, we give them orders and they surely feel used by this, to have a fair world, humans and pokémon should be separated" Ghechis said with a forceful voice.

I looked at him trying to guess his personality, and I regret it.

This man is sinister, there is not a hint of goodness in him and I could only feel one thing, terror.

My hands and legs began to shake and my back broke out with cold sweat.

"*Haaa* *Haaa*" I gasped as I lost my breath and held my chest.

"Osha Osha!" Oshawott said with concern.

"Touya, are you okay?" Cheren asked concerned after listening to Oshawott.

Ghechis realized my state and looked at me with annoyance and intrigue and then said.

"I appreciate your attention, it's time to go" Ghechis said with a smile and then left with his bodyguards.

The people quickly dispersed and everyone went to their respective homes.

After a few minutes I was able to calm down and Cheren asked me with concern.

"What was that friend?" Cheren asked in surprise.

"T-that man is scary, what he hides inside him is something I never saw" I said with a scared look.

"Is he that scary?, He seemed kind of friendly" Cheren said with a bit of suspicion.

"That only makes it worse, someone like that with charisma shouldn't plan anything good" I said with concern and seriousness.

"In that you are right" Cheren said also seriously.

"Your pokemon was saying ..." said a young man with green hair who came out of nowhere.

The young green-haired man is a bit older and taller than us and seems to be quite calm, plus there is a Purrloin next to him.

"Wait wait, you speak very fast, besides the pokémon don't speak" said Cheren with confusion.

"Of course they do, the pokémon speak, you just can't understand them, poor guys" said the young man with a calm smile.

"My name is N" -N.

"Mine is Cheren, nice to meet you" Cheren said respectfully.

"I'm a pokémon trainer and I try to complete the Pokedex" Cheren said proudly.

"The Pokedex, to complete it you have to capture a lot of pokémon, I'm also a trainer, but I wonder if pokémon are happy like this" N said thoughtfully.

"And you are?" N said pointing to Touya.

"I'm Touya, also a trainer" I said calmly.

Looking at him closely I felt something strange, as if I was meeting an old friend.

Apparently he felt the same, as his expression seemed surprised.

Also I could see that he is full of ideals and a well-defined goal, something that I have never had.

"Touya huh?, Let's have a match" N said with interest.

"What do you say friend?" I asked Oshawott.

"Osha Oshawott!" Oshawott said determinedly.

"So it's decided" Touya said also excited.