
Castella City

After spending the night at the pokemon center Cheren and Bel left early in the morning to continue their journey.

As for Touya, well.

"~I'm innocent, I don't like lolis I prefer milfs~" Touya said as he continued sleeping and snoring.

Sawk and Dewott got out of their pokeballs and looked for a way to wake him up.

"{How do we wake him up?}" Dewott asked Sawk.

"{Just pour water over him and voila}" Sawk said calmly.

Dewott did as requested and used water gun on Touya to wake him up.

"Buahhhh, Mew wasn't under the truck!" Touya said upon waking up.

"De Dewott?" Dewott told Touya in confusion.

"Is it time to go yet?, I regret this trip" Touya said without wanting to get up.

After fighting off the urge to sleep Touya was victorious and after a breakfast in the nearby cafe, he continued his journey together with Dewott.

Nothing interesting happened in the forest, apart from the occasional trainer on the way.

After that Touya found himself at a stop before reaching the bridge.

"I haven't called mom in two days, I should see how she's doing" Touya told himself.

Touya used his Xtransceiver and waited for his mother to answer.

"Very good young man, so you remembered your mother" Touya's mother said with annoyance.

"I'm sorry mom, a lot has happened" Touya said trying to explain.

"Do you know how worried I was?, I almost called your friends to find out about you" said Touya's mother still angry.

"It's not like I'm going to lose myself" Touya said in shock.

"No, but you are a magnet for trouble and you always end up involved in some way" Touya's mom said in a tired tone.

"I can't deny that" Touya said with a nervous laugh.

After this Touya told everything that happened to his mother.

"See, I knew you were in trouble, besides, do you already have two badges?!, you move very fast son" Touya's mother said with pride.

"Yup, in less than a month I'll be there to bother you again" Touya said laughing a little.

"Well, see you son, and stop putting yourself where they don't call you!" Touya's mom said in a warning tone.

"I'll try" Touya said with a nervous smile.

After this Touya left the stop and came across a large bridge.

"Wow, it's very beautiful" Touya said looking at the bridge with a smile.

After walking for 20 minutes Touya said.

"Yes, yes, very beautiful, but how long will I have to walk?" Touya said lazily.

"De Dewott" Dewott said and then entered his pokeball.

"I would feel betrayed, but I would have done the same so I'm proud" Touya said as he shed tears of pride.

After walking for another hour Touya could see the city in the distance.

"I still have a long way to go, but at least I can already see the end" Touya said with a gloomy aura around him.

After walking for another hour, Touya crossed the bridge and reached the stop where he sat down to rest a bit.

"Yay, that's fun, I love walking for more than two hours just to see a bridge" Touya said with sarcasm and tired tone.

After resting for a while Touya left the stop and found himself in a big city.

"I'm already lost" Touya said as soon as he left the stop with an idiotic face.

Touya walked for a long time, finding the pokémon center.

After that he went down each street until he found an alley where there was a cafeteria.

Suddenly when Touya approached.

"Boo!!" said a man coming out from behind the garbage.

"Ahhhh!!!, I mean, ahhhh!!!" Touya said first with a girlish voice and then with a very thick voice.

"Hahaha, I scared you right?, I'll give you a gift as compensation" said the man with a smile giving Touya a disc.

"It is the TM flash, it will help you in dark places and it can mow other pokémon" said the man and then left.

"I hate this city" Touya said still in shock.

After walking a bit more Touya found himself in a kind of fountain.

"I have no idea where the gym is, but the best thing would be to go the next route to find a fire-type pokémon" Touya said to himself thoughtfully.

Touya kept going for a few more minutes before coming to a stop.

"Hey boy, you seem to be new here, you should buy desert clothes here" said a vendor at the stop.

"Is there a desert there?" Touya asked in surprise.

"This is route 4, it is a desert itself, where you can catch very interesting pokémon, but without the right clothes it can be horrible to go through there" said the salesman with a warning tone.

"I see" Touya said excitedly.

Touya had to buy some kind of cloak and a hat.

The cloak covered his entire body to his nose and when he put it on Touya had the strange need to say.

"Tuna mayo" Touya said nonchalantly as he made a gesture with the pinky and thumb from his right hand.

After this Touya put on his hat and went to Route 4.