After going down the stairs that Gerania searched for, Touya left the gym and before he could even enjoy his freedom, a wild broccoli appeared.
'Oh no, there's another talk of philosophy coming' Touya thought wearily.
"Have you ever wondered, what do pokemon battles do in them?" N asked curiously.
"Well, a pokemon knows how to fight even before its trainer teaches him, so I would say it is recreating a very common and primitive situation in the world such as the survival of the strongest in a field of land" Touya said with a tone Thoughtful.
"That does not cover all battles, some do it just to show that they are better or to force others by a force that does not belong to them" N said after thinking for a few seconds.
"That's true, being proud of your strength when it's not even yours is ridiculous, but human beings always want to think that they are unique and strong, so it's common" Touya said with a shrug.
"I can't understand people like you, but I can understand pokemon, I have grown up with them since I was born and I enjoy talking to them more than anyone, at least you know that they will never lie to you" said N, remembering his childhood wistfully and whispering the last sentence.
"Can I speak to one of your pokemon?" N said approaching Touya.
"Ok, but it will have to be Sawk since he's the only one in top form" Touya said throwing Sawk's pokeball.
Sawk came out of it and looked around for any hint of trouble, then focused on N.
"Nice to meet you friend, I'm N, I would like to know your opinion about your trainer" N said with a calm tone and a smile.
"{He's a good trainer, although the weirdest I've seen so far, I chose to be on his team since he just placed the pokeball in front of me}" Sawk said calmly in the pokemon language.
"Hmm, how weird, I'm offended" Touya said looking around suspiciously.
"{He's also ridiculously perceptive and shares the pokemon's innate ability to understand people's hearts, you can trust him}" Sawk said pointing his thumb at Touya as N listened carefully.
N refocused on Touya and said.
"Sawk seems to fully believe in you, he even told me that you didn't capture him by force" N said looking at Touya a little surprised.
"That's right, none of my pokemon are on my team against their will" said Touya crossing his arms with pride.
"Very good! If all people were like you, the world would really be a better place for pokemon" N said approvingly and then spoke with a bit of sadness.
N stepped away from Touya a bit and said.
"As always your actions seemed correct to me, that's why I tell you that the objective of Ghechis is to obtain some very special stones, the light stone and the dark stone" N said seriously.
"The legend says that the legendaries pokemon of the legend reside in said stones and await for the arrival of a new hero" said N with calm and expectation.
"Through them they can be summoned and if I manage to become their friend the whole world will know me as the hero I am and they will obey me" N said with great hopes.
N looked at the horizon, then shook his head.
"I will create a world without battles, I will have to do it by force and surely someone will oppose me, there the evil trainers will understand that their pokemon do not want to know anything about them and there will be justice. The pokemon deserve better than just being puppets!" N said with a bit of annoyance.
Touya and Sawk seemed a bit concerned about N's extremist vision, but just as Touya was about to stop him, N looked at him sadly.
"Although also... it saddens me to imagine that pokemon have to separate from their human friends like you Touya" N said with a touch of sadness but still very determined with his vision.
N started walking out of the airport being stopped for a moment by a question from Touya.
"Tell me N, does that hero you want to be, does it involve any sacrifice?" Touya asked N looking at his back seriously as the wind moved his hair a little.
"Of pokemon never, of human beings, maybe..." N said and then walked away.
Touya watched N's silhouette disappear into the distance with a bit of concern about the future that awaits him.
"Sawk" Sawk said concerned about the upcoming events.
"There is nothing to do friend, for now we only have to wait if that legend is true, and if one of us is the supposed chosen one" said Touya, putting aside the bad thoughts for now.
"Come, let's rest, it's already getting dark" Touya said looking at the setting sun while he yawned a little.
After curing his pokemon, Touya celebrated the victory against Gerania with special food for everyone, as well as sleeping earlier than normal from exhaustion.
Currently we can see Touya sleeping in a small room for trainers next to his pokemon while he snored.
"Why the hell is there a Charizard underwater? And why doesn't my Togepi evolve into Latios? Zzz zzz" Touya said between dreams.
While Touya made references in his dreams, his pokemon had a small conversation in a low voice.
Darmanitan and Sawk were next to each other on one side of the room while Krokorok and Dewott were on the other, plus Dewott was sitting at a small desk and Tynamo was flying over Touya.
"{Tell me Sawk, why do you seem so nervous?}" Krokorok asked Sawk in confusion.
"{Right, you usually have a bored or annoyed face all the time}" Dewott said curiously.
Sawk calmly recounted what happened after the gym and then asked the question that worried him.
"{Do you think that legend the green-haired man spoke of is real?}" Sawk asked the rest.
"{Most of us are very young, we all agree that legendary pokemon exist, but I cannot judge the veracity of that legend}" said Darmanitan thoughtfully.
"{I didn't think you could think so deeply}" Krokorok said to Darmanitan in shock.
"{That's offensive, but it's also weird for me, I guess it's part of my new evolution}" Darmanitan said with a shrug.
"{I remember that time Touya was stunned by a white stone in the museum, maybe they have something to do with it}" Dewott said trying to remember.
"{It's not safe and the dark stone would still be missing, besides, do you think Touya is part of that legend?}" Tynamo asked making everyone look at Touya.
"Zzzz, sure, this Caterpie will evolve into Rayquaza if he trains enough, zzzz" Touya said between dreams making all of his pokemon have a drop of sweat on the back of their heads.
"{That battle will be very complicated, but if someone represents the truth and ideals they are these two}" Sawk said convinced of that.
"{Well, we better go to sleep, I'm tired from today's fight}" Dewott said stretching a bit and then settled in next to Touya.
"{I miss the times when I was little}" Krokorok said a bit uncomfortable of his size.
"{I understand you}" Darmanitan said with understanding.
"{Good night!}" Tynamo said entering Touya's pocket again.
"{Yes, good night}" Sawk said, leaning against the wall.
And so this complicated day ended.