
Another little clarification (Not a chapter)

Samurott (A little too proud)

Skill: Torrent

Current techniques: water pistol, water sport, focus energy, cut, razor shell, fury cutter, scald, water pulse, revenge, aqua jet, swords dance, slash.

Sawk (Somewhat serious but a good guy)

Skill: inner focus

Current techniques: double kick, focus energy, work up, low sweep, retaliate, brick break, bulldoze, bulk up, close combat.

Darmanitan (Smarter than you thought)

Skill: Sheer Power, Daruma Mode

Current Skills (Normal Mode): Fire punch, incinerate, Taunt, Fire Fang, Thrash, work up, Flare Blitz, Hammer arm, Belly Drum.

Current Techniques (Daruma Mode): Flamethrower, Psychic, Overheat.

Krookodile (It could be said that he is the most normal of the group)

Skill: Intimidation

Current Techniques: Bite, Sand tomb, Scary Face, Torment, Bulldoze, Dig, Crunch, Slash, Foul Play, Earthquake, Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw.

Eelektross (Spoiler, evolution didn't change he is still spoiled)

Skill: Levitation

Current Skills: Charge Beam, Spark, Thunder Wave, Tackle, Cruel Volt, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Acrobatics.

Zweilous (close to evolving, although she may not look like it, she is quite kind)

Skill: Hustle

Current Skills: Bite, Dragon Rage, Dragon Breath, Focus Energy, Headbutt, Crunch, Scary Face, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Voice, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw.

This is basically Touya's final team before the league and the one that will help him in the final battle.

Any question can be answered if you write in the comments.