
A wild Cheren

After spending the night in the pokémon center and after leaving the city, Touya found himself in a pretty little park with a fountain.

Furthermore, Touya also taught work up to Pansear even though Oshawott was unable to learn it.

"Osha!" Oshawott said wanting to enter the fountain.

"Nope, this is not a place to swim" Touya said with a smile.

After enjoying the tranquility for a few seconds, Touya looked at the plants strangely.

"Ok this is a Pidove, but can someone explain me why there is a Pikachu here?" Touya asked waiting for an answer.

"Why so much love for the yellow rat?" Touya asked Oshawott.

"Osha Oshawott" Oshawott said in an explanatory tone.

"I'll take that as a marketing favoritism" Touya said with understanding.

After walking a bit more Touya found himself in his old kindergarten on Route 3.

"What memories, I can almost see Bel going down the slide and Cheren giving a speech" Touya said wistfully.

Touya continued with his way when suddenly.

"Touya wait!" said a voice behind Touya.

Turning around, Touya could see Cheren who seemed quite animated.

"Ohhh, a wild Cheren, it's quite interesting" Touya said as he gently threw a pokeball at him.

"Hey, I'm not a pokémon, I wanted to tell you to have a pokémon battle now that we both have the trio badge" said Cheren catching the pokeball with a smile.

"So you passed the second gym challenge" Touya said in surprise.

"It was horrible and uncomfortable, but I made it" said Cheren striking a victory pose.

"That's it dude, the pokémon league will be easy after that" Touya said imitating Cheren.

"Well, do you want to fight or not?" Cheren said returning to his normal state.

"Well, last time you beat me so this will be my rematch" Touya said defiantly.

"Excellent" Cheren said with a challenging smile.

"Come out Snivy" Cheren said throwing a pokeball in the air.

"Come out Pansear" Touya said also throwing a pokeball.

Both pokémon got ready and ...

"Pansear use work up" Touya said quickly.

"Snivy use growth" Cheren said almost at the same time.

Pansear was filled with an orange aura improving his attack in general and Snivy grew suddenly also improving his attack

"Pansear use tackle" -Touya.

"Snivy dodge and use wrap" -Cheren.

Snivy was able to dodge Pansear and then catch him with his body like a snake.

"Pansear use lick and then incinerate" -Touya.

Pansear hit Snivy with his tongue causing him to loosen his grip a bit, then used incinerate to deal great damage.

"Snivy use leer then vine whip and also tackle" Cheren said with a serious tone.

Snivy managed to scare Pansear and then grab him with the vine whip and hit him with tackle causing him to take good damage.

"Pansear use leer and then lick" Touya said excitedly.

"Snivy dodge" -Cheren.

Pansear managed to grab Snivy with his tongue and Touya said.

"Use incinerate and finish him" -Touya.

Pansear used incinerate while he kept grabbing Snivy and managed to defeat him.

"Snivy come back you did a good job" Cheren said with a smile.

"Oshawott come, it's your turn to fight" Touya said to Oshawott who was watching the fight with emotion.

"Osha Oshawott!" Oshawott said entering the arena excitedly.

"Come out Purrloin" Cheren said with determination.

"Oshawott use focus energy" Touya said quickly.

"Purrloin use growl then tackle" Cheren said at the same time.

The growl was able to cause Oshawott to lose concentration and unable to use focus energy.

"Oshawott dodge and use cut" Touya said seeing Purrloin very close.

Oshawott dodged the attack and dealt some good slash damage.

"Use leer and then water gun" Touya said quickly.

"Purrloin dodge it" Cheren said at the same time.

But Oshawott managed to hit him and Purrloin was unconscious.

"It seems you beat me this time" Cheren said with a smile as he returned Purrloin to his pokeball.

"The problem is that you think too much and you hardly attack, even if you don't believe me being a bit more like Bel would help you" Touya said with a smile as he healed his pokémon.

"I see, maybe you're right" Cheren said thoughtfully.

After resting and curing their pokémon they both talked about unimportant topics until.

"Out of the way!" said two men in unison as they ran making Touya and Cheren move to the side quickly.

"What was that?" Cheren said in confusion.

"These guys again" Touya said with annoyance.

"Aren't they the bodyguards of that guy called Ghechis?" Cheren said curiously.

"Yes, but also-" Touya said before being cut off by a voice.

"Guysssss!" Bel said as she appeared running alongside a girl.

"Wow Bel, what's up?" Cheren said with concern.

"Have you seen any guys running around here?" Bel asked a little tired.

"Now what did they do?" Touya asked in annoyance.

"Miss, where is my pokémon?" the girl said with some tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry we will find your pokémon" Bel said with a comforting tone.

"Can you tell us what happens now?" Cheren asked even more concerned.

"Those guys stole the girl's pokémon" Bel said with an annoyed tone.

"And why didn't you say it before ?!" Touya and Cheren said as they ran towards where the men went.