
¿What do you want?

After resting in the pokemon center, training a little and teaching Sawk work up, Touya and his pokemon went to the gym in town.

"Well, the star of this gym will be Sawk since he has an advantage against normal type" Touya said in an explanatory tone.

"De Dewott!" Dewott said in annoyance.

"Don't worry you will fight too, the gym leader will not be easy at all" Touya said seriously.

Just before entering the gym (which is inside a museum), a young man with green hair came out of it along with several pokémon.

"Ohh, your name was N right?, How have you been?" Touya asked with a smile.

"I, I want to discover what no one else has discovered, the truth about pokeballs and trainers, their ideals and have a world where pokemon live free and happy" N said thoughtfully.

"What do you want?, what drives you to continue your journey?" N asked curiously.

"Well, I wouldn't tell you normally, but you already told me your goal, so that's fair" Touya said in a tired tone.

"At first I wanted to start this trip because I was bored, but lately I also wanted to know if there is something I am missing, if there is something about me that I have not discovered, the truth that I cannot discover alone" Touya said with a thoughtful tone.

"I see, let's have a match, I want to see if you can help me with my goal" N said with a serious tone.

"I don't see why not" Touya said with a shrug.

"Dewott, do you want to fight?" Touya asked with a smile.

"De Dewott!" Dewott said excitedly.

"Help me a little Pidove" N said to the Pidove near him.

They both prepared for combat taking a serious look.

"Dewott use water gun" Touya said quickly.

"Dodge it and use tornado while flying" -N.

Pidove managed to dodge Dewott's attack and wounded him a bit with a tornado.

"Dewott use leer then water gun and finish him off with razor shell" Touya said seriously.

"Pidove dodge it with a quick attack" -N.

Pidove was able to dodge the water gun, but fell low enough for Dewott to hit him with razor shell, defeating him.

"Timburr it's your turn" N said to a Timburr next to him.

"Dewott use focus energy" Touya said when Timburr was already in the arena.

"Timburr use focus energy too" N said at the same time.

Dewott and Timburr concentrated hard and Dewott finished first.

"Dewott use tackle then leer and finally razor shell" -Touya.

"Timburr use leer then tackle and finish him with low kick" -N.

Both attacks canceled each other out although Timburr did take some damage.

"Dewott jump at him, then use water gun to boost yourself and finish him off with razor shell" Touya said quickly.

"Timburr dodge it " -N

Just when he was about to dodge the attack

"Dewott use leer" Touya said excitedly.

Dewott used leer to confuse Timburr for a second and then boost himself with water gun and hit him with a critical knocking him unconscious.

"We won!" Touya said with a smile.

After this N approached Touya and said.

"My pokémon friends and I are not strong enough to change the formula of this world, I need a power capable of making my dream come true" N said with a thoughtful tone and then moved away a bit.

"The power of Zekrom can help me, to become the hero of the pokémon and also your friend" N said mysteriously and then left.

"My friend?" Touya asked in confusion.

After this Touya let Dewott rest for a moment before entering the museum.

The first thing he noticed was a large Dragonite skeleton which scared him a bit.

"Every time I see this skeleton I am in awe" said a man dressed in a lab coat as he looked closely at the skeleton.

"Hey sir" Touya said calling the man.

"Ohh, a visitor, my name is Vero, since you are here I imagine you want a guided tour" said Vero with a smile.

"Actually-" Touya said before being cut off.

"Perfect follow me" said Vero as he walked.

Touya just followed him with a gloomy aura around him.

Vero brought Touya showing him things like a meteorite, Dragonite skeleton and finally.

"And this one here is just a rather strange and old stone we found it in the desert and we only have it exposed because it is quite beautiful" said Vero pointing to a round white rock.

Touya got a little closer and seemed drawn to the stone and even felt it call out to him.

"Come I'll show you where the gym is" said Vero pulling Touya out of his trance.

"O-ok" Touya said coming back to his senses.

'It's really strange' Touya thought giving the rock one last look.

After going up some stairs Vero said.

"In that hallway is the entrance to the gym, the leader is as strong as she is beautiful, besides being my wife" said Vero proudly.

At that, Touya had a drop of sweat on the back of his neck, to then enter the gym