
chapter 20

It was a beautiful sunny day in the Alola region. In the pokemon school, Professor Kukui is going over the lesson objective of the day. 

"Now class, today we will be studying the amazing, bountiful agriculture of pokemon in the Bewear Forest! I shall split the six of you into 3 groups and supply you with 3 quick balls to catch some of the pokemon in the forest as well as some luring potions, and repellents for the path back." 

"Sounds awesome Professor!" Ash says with excitement.

"I see you're excited to meet some new pokemon today Ash! That's the spirit!" 

"You bet!" Ash says with a chuckle.

In the back of the class, Lillie was daydreaming about her classmate, Ash Ketchum. The day Ash arrived at the pokemon school, and when she hid behind his back, she felt a comfort around the boy. Sooner than later, Ash figured out about her pokephobia, which led to his typical consent of wanting to help his classmate. During that time, Lillie began developing a crush for Ash, she was greatful for her classmates remorse, but never got the chance to admit it due to her usually shyness.

"Alright! I'll be splitting you into boy and girl groups of 2. Let's see here, Kiawe and Mallow! Lana and Sophocles, and finally, Ash and Lillie! Everyone, go by your partner and I'll supply you maps for the trip. Er, let me just get those from my office!" Professor Kukui said in a nonchalant way.

In Lillies head: "Okay Lillie, today is the day. I need to tell him! I can't hold it in anymore." 

"Heyo Lillie! I guess we're partners! Awesome!" Ash said in his typically excitement around anything. 

"Y-yea, I guess we are Ash! You j-just know me and my phobia though, I don't know if I'll be able to do much." Lillie said sadly. 

"Oh that's alright! I'll protect you no worries. You can just toss me the quick balls and I can do the rest! Non-pokephobia related at all!" Ash said happily. 4

Lillie nods. (Whatever you say cutie.) Lillie says in her head.  13

"Ok class got the maps! 1 for each of you to share. Also, incase any of you are wondering, the Bewear are hibernating this time of year, so there's nothing to worry about as long as you don't do anything stupid on purpose, their heavy sleepers!" Kukui says laughing. 2

"Phew! That's a relief." Mallow says with a long sigh." 

"Zzt! Nooo! More  data needed! More data needed!" Ashs Rotom Dex says with a fuss.

"I'm afraid not Rotom, I'm sorry! Haha." Kukui replies. "Anyway class, to the forest entrance! It's about a 5 minute walk, let's go!" 

At the Bewear Forest Entrance...

"Alright class we're here!" 

"Sooo... tired...." Sophocles said 

"Sophocles!!" Everyone in the gang says loudly 

"Alright gang, let's get a move on! Ash, Lillie, you take the middle! Sophocles, Lana, you take the left! Kiawe, Mallow, you take the right! I'll be sitting at the entrance waiting for you all to return, then we can learn new things about the pokemon you've caught, cya all back here in about 45 minutes!

"Alright Professor! Cmon Lillie let's get a move on!" Ash says energetically.

"Coming cuti- I mean Ash!" Lillie counters at the speed of light.

"You say something? Eh probably just my imagination." Ash says bamboozled.

"Phew.. good save" Lillie mutters to herself.

About 10 minutes in to the capturing.

"EEEEEK!" Lillie screams out loud holding onto Ash's shoulders behind his back.

"Lillie what happened?" Ash says gently.

"I s-saw a pokemon." Lillie says still scared.

"Room Dex! Scan the area!"  1

"FOM-Fomantis!" A wild pokemon screechs

"Zzt! Fomantis: The Leaf Cutter Pokemon! Fomantis is the pre-evolution of Lurantis, evolving at level 34. Fomantis are known for their appearance of transforming into a bush while in non-attack mode, with basic moves of Aerial Ace and Bullet seed! Zzt!" 

"Cool! Alright Lillie, let's catch it!" Ash says while turning his hat backwards.

"Torracat I choo- Lillie what happened?!" Ash says to his classmate curled up in a ball.

"U-uh.. Remeber those quick balls? I may have threw one at the Fomantis and it went inside.. What happened?"

"Wait a second.." Ash says picking up the quick ball. "Fomantis.. come on out?" 

The Fomantis leaped out of the quick ball with a quick dash. "Fo Mantis!" 

"LILLIE! You caught the Fomantis! Amazing! High-five!" 

Lillie still curled up in a ball, is still scared.

"Hey, Lillie. It's okay. Fomantis. Return please." Ash says gently. "See Lillie? Nothing to be scared of." Ash says reassuring his classmate.

"T-thank you.. Ash. I'm sorry." Lillie says holding her classmates hand to pull her up.

"Nothing to be ashamed of! Now let's catch another two! We still got half an hour."

At a fork in the road...

"Hey, I hear something! Rotom Dex, can you sense it?" Ash says curiously.

"BEAAAAK! BEEAAAK!" The flying pokemon screeches.

"Hey.. that's a Trumbeak! A perfect second pokemon, let's chase it!" Ash says eagerly.

While this is happening, Lillie is daydreaming of reactions Ash would say if she told him the truth, about him being a crush. While doing this, unaware, Lillie goes the opposite direction in the fork.

"Ack... so many reactions. What if he doesn't even except my feelings towards him..." Lillie says beginning to feel tears. 

Suddenly. "Spin-spinark!"

"AHHH!" Lillie says screaming, instantly falling on the floor.

"Spinark!!" The wild spinark uses thunder wave at Lillie, causing her to be paralyzed, falling straight to the floor with no control. 

"I can't move! Help! Ash!" Lillie says panicking. 

Suddenly, multiple Spinark appear after the first. One of the other Spinarks uses Leech Sead on Lillie, making her lose tons of energy every second. Lillie, beginning to feel sleepy, already tearing up, with the last bit of energy she has left says. "A-ash... I'm.. sorr-" and at that moment, Lillie falls asleep. The rest of the Spinark use String Shot to cover Lillies body and wraps her up in their sticky web, carrying her away.

"Wohoo! We caught it buddy! Nice going Pikachu!" 

"Pika-Pikachu!" The yellow mouse says in agreement.

"Wait a second.. Lillie? LILLIE? Where are you?!" Ash says realizing that his friend has disappeared. 

"Pikachu. We gotta find her! She could be terrified right now." 


After searching around for a couple of minutes, Pikachu finds something. 

"PIKA pika!" Pikachu yells out to Ash.

"What is it buddy? Ash says hoping it's Lillie.

"Pika.. chu.." Pikachu says handing Ash Lillies big hat the yellow mouse found on the floor.

"Ahh.. nice find buddy. But we still need to find Lillie. Ash says concerned for his friend.

"Pika Pika!" The electric mouse says pointing at a bunch of tiny circular footprints. 

"Rotom Dex, can you scan those footprints? It's an emergency!"

"Zzt.. Calculating.. They appear to be Spinark footprints! Zzt!" 

"Oh no! Some Spinark must've took Lillie! She could be hurt! We gotta find her guys!

<15 minutes pass looking for Lillie>

At the Ariados Tree.

Lillie begins waking up, stuck to a sticky spider web unable to move.

"AAAHHH!" Lillie screams. "W-where am I?" 

Lillie looks around, she realizes she is in a gigantic tree hideout with a narrow entrance hidden within the trees from the circular windows. Tied in sticky web next to her are other pokemon like  caterpie, beautifly, and the occasional trumbeaks.

"Oh man.. I'm all around pokemon! Ahhhhh!! I'm.. gonna have a panic attack at this rate.. Ash.. please hurry.." 

Back to Ash!

While searching, Ash spots a set of big, peculiar vines hanging from two tall trees, with a small lighten entrance.  Before he could have a chance to explore, a big horde of Spinark, and the occasional Ariados came down from the vines.

"Woah! Looks like we have some company, alright, Torracat! I, choose, you!" 

The quick, big 4 legged fire cat pokemon sumersaults out of the poke ball, landing quick on his feet.

"Alright Torrcat! Spin in circles using flamethrower to wipe out the horde or Spinark and Ariados!

Torrcat obeys and launches a powerful flamethrower, wiping off a good amount of Spinark, however some remained. 

The opposing Spinark used Mud Ball. Lowering Torracats speed and accuracy. While the Ariados used a powerful bullet seed. Injuring the Torrcat.

"Torracat? Can you still fight?" "Torra." The red cat says affermitavely.

"Alright! Use Fire Spin on the leaves on the tress to launch them at the Ariados and Spinark, since their bug type it'll be good damage!

Torracat obeys spinning gracefully in the air launching burning leaves from the trees at the enemy bug types. Injuring the Ariados severely, and knocking out the rest of the Spinark. 

"Nice Torracat!" The cat licks his paw in remark. Only to be surprised by a mega water pulse launched from a mysterious pokemon. Knocking it out. 

"TORRACAT!" Ash screams in shock. "Alright, you gave it your all there, nice job." Ash said returning the injured cat back to its Pokeball.

Ash sees one last remaining Spinark and chucks a fast quick ball at it. He caught it. Fulfilling the 3 pokemon quota needed for the project. 

Ash then follows the big mysterious pokemon into the tree trunk. Only to be surprised by the gigantic space of the hollow trunk. To see a gigantic web with a fimiliar face.

"Lillie? Is that you?" Ash says with his hands circulating his mouth to make his sound reach the far end.

"ASH!! Help!" Lillie says. 


"I'm coming!" 

Suddenly, from the top of the tree trunk. The big gigantic pokemon swoops down. Causing a mini earthquake on the floor. 

"What is that thing Rotom?" 

"Zzt! It seems to be a gigantic Ariados!" 

The gigantic Ariados generates a glowing, orange aura around itself, giving a powerful shriek.

"Zzt! This must be a Totem Ariados!" The Rotom Dex says

"Woah... it looks really menacing! This is gonna be tough. But we gotta do it for Lillie guys!" 

"ASH STO- MMPH MMPH!!" Lillie says only for the Ariados to do an agalic turn around and webs her mouth. 

"Lillie! I'm coming! Just wait!" Ash says nervously. Worried about his classmate. 

"Alright Rowlet! I choose you! ROWLET GET UP! This isn't a time for sleeping! Please!" Ash says to the drowsy rowlet in his bag.

"Rowlet!" The tired pokemon screechs out.

"Okay Rowlet, here's what you're  gonna do, use Leech Seed under Ariados and use Double Team right after! 

Rowlet obeys and plants a Leech Seed under Ariados, draining his health and creates multiple duplicates of himself. 

"Now Rowlet, use Peck!" 

"Rowlet attempts to use Peck, but the Ariados launches an armegeddon of Sticky Webs which takes out the Rowlet clones, and ties Rowlet to the wall.

"Rowlet NO!" Ash screams 

The Ariados then launches a power Hyrdo Pump out of its mouth, knocking out Rowlet.

"MMMPH MMMMPH!" Lillie tries to speak, signaling to Ash about the webs beginning to fade. Which would cause her to plummet a gigantic height. 

"Lillie! Hold on! Rowlet return! Thanks buddy. You have it your all." 

"Alright, Lycanroc, Let's go!" 

The elegant orange, green eyed dog swoops out of its pokeball. 

"Lycanroc, use Accelerock!"

Lycanrocs eyes changed into a glaring, blood red, and went straight toward the Ariados at full speed. 

The Accelerock lands a critical hit, causing the Ariados to fall back, causing its 2 back knees to fall down. Only standing on 2 legs.

The Ariados uses a power, aggressive Hydron Pump trying to hit the Lycanroc.

"Now's our chance! Use Counter!" 

The Counter lands damaging the Ariados even more. Causing excruciating pain.

"Lycanroc, let's do it! Let's show them our bond and power!"

Lycanroc let's off a large howl causing the wood to almost fall of the tree.

"Let's do it Lycanroc! With our power combined, nothing can stand in our way! CONTINENTAL CRUSH!!!!!" 

Lycanroc copies the Z ring motions, and leaps high into the air, creating a extravagant boulder bigger than Totem Ariados and slams it down on it. 

The boulder slams on Ariados knocking it out. However from the heaviness of the boulder, the structure begins to collapse. 

"MMMMMPH!! HELMMPPPH!!" Lillie says in terror as the support for the webs begins falling 

"Lillie!" Ash says while running towards her.


"MMMPPH!" Lillie says as one of the last strips breaks 

"LYCANROC! Use rock slide so I can climb up to Lillie! Hurry!" 

Lycanroc obeys and makes a pattern of rocks climbing in the air one by one to get closer to Lillie. 

"MMMMMMPPPHHHH!" Lillie says as the last support of her breaks and she begins plummeting.

"LILLIE!" Ash then dives off the the rocks and skydives towards Lillie as the structure crumbles. Ash grabs hold of Lillie and wraps her around him. Ash falling backward with Lillie on top. 

"SPINARK!!! COME ON OUT!!! USE STICK WEB TO MAKE A SAFE LANDING! Ash says as he throws his poke ball in mid air. Spinark instantly makes a ball of sticky webs on the floor. 

"HOLD ON LILLIE!" Ash says screaming. He lands on the stick web plummeting him forward and out the entrance, accidentally letting go of Lillie, all of his pokemon followed him out.

"Ugh... We made it g-guys. WAIT LILLIE!" Ash says screaming. 

"PIKACHU!" Pikachu said.

"Wait here guys! I gotta go back for Lillie!

Going back into the crumbling structure, Ash tries his best to squint for a blonde girl. And he manages to capture a sight near the sticky web trampoline next to some falling rocks. 

"MMMMMMPHHH!" Lillie tries to scream, struggling to get out of the sticky web around her. 

"*cough* L-Lillie!" Ash says with joy picking her up with both arms. 

"MMMMPPHHHG!" Lillie says worried tilting her head up trying to signal the falling branches and wood. 

"We gotta get out of here!" Ash says

While holding Lillie with his tightest grasp, Ash hops and runs as fast as he can out of the collapsing structure. A big rock falls right behind them causing them to spling out of the place, Lillie going head first for a tree shrieks "MMMMPPPPHHHH!" And at the last second, ash turns his body slamming his back on the tree. Letting go of Lillie.

The structure officially collapsed and was now crumbles of falling rocks and tree bark. Ash tries to stand from the pain of his back from hitting the tree. And tries to find Lillie. 

"L-Lillie!" Ash says with his remaining energy. And manages to find her lying on her left. 

"LILLIE!" Ash screams worried.

Ash tears off the sticky web on her shoulders and her moth. Seeing the bruises and dust marks. 

"L-Lillie.. N-no. WAKE UP PLEASE!" Ash says scared.

Ash begins to cry, with Lillie in his arms. With his tears over Lillies face. Lillie makes some slight head movements looking at the teared up sticky web from her, and a crying Ash. 

"A-Ash?" Lillie stutters.

"L-Lillie?" Ash stutters. 

A moment of awarkad silence passed between the two.

"LILLIE YOURE OKAY!" Ash said squeezing the classmate in the biggest hug ever.  5

"C-can't breath!" Lillie said.

"O-oh okay." Ash let go of Lillie.

"A-Ash.. I'm s-sorry for what I caused. This should've been fun and my stupidity caused us to get into this m-mess." Lillie says as she begins to cry.

"Hey, its alright." Ash said hugging his classmate while rubbing her back. "Im just glad youre okay. I w-was so scared." Ash says.

"Ash..?" Lillie says 

"Yea Lillie?" Ash says. 

They were both looking straight at each other. And that's when it happened.

Lillie wimpers to Ash and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Ash. Ever since you came to the school, I fell for you, when I went behind you from the Tauros I was afraid of, you accepted me, you helped me ease my phobia. Helped me raise my first pokemon, Snowy. I couldn't thank you because I was shy. But I love you, Ash Ketchum.

The two classmates laid there, Lillie still crying a bit on ashes shirt. And ash comforting her. That was how it was. Two people, laying there, accepting each other for what they had in them. This was  Ash and Lillie. Two amazing friends, that both liked each other. 

When they got back, they told Professor Kukui what happened, except for the kiss and all that of course. Haha, they showed everyone the pokemon they collected, and everyone compared and had a great time, and we had two people. Ash and Lillie, who were side by side until the end of the day, and the walk home. 

"They obviously like each other, right?" Kukui said 

"Zzt, romance doesn't compute with me! Zzt!" Rotom Dex said.

"You can say that again, Rotom!" Kukui says with a Chuckle

It was a warm and beautiful day in Alola, the pikipek were chirping, charizards were flying, and the stratus clouds made everything look peaceful. In Professor Kukui's cabin, we have a sleeping Ash Ketchum, unaware that school starts in 10 minutes!)

"Pi-pikachu use thunderbolt!.." Ash says in a trance "BEEPzzt BEEPzzt BEEPzzt School in 10 minutes! School in 10 minutes!" Ashs Rotom Dex says loudly. "AHHHHHH!" Ash screams while falling off his bed onto the floor. "Ouch... Hey Pikachu, sorry for waking you up pal. We gotta get ready for school we got 30 minutes!" "Incorrect! You have approximately 9 minutes and 56 seconds until the first bell! Zzt!" Rotor Dex says. "WHAT? I swear I set the timer for 8:15?!" Ash screams in shock. "Correctionzzt, you set it for 8:35! Approximately 10 minutes befor-" "Yea yea I get it.. Why didn't Prof. Kukui wake me up?" "He was scheduled an appointment to help tutor Sophocles with his math homeworkzt! You know how bad he is at it." "Hmph, good poin- Ahh what I'm I saying! I gotta get to school! To the bathroom gang!"

"Zzt! You have approximately have 7 minutes and 48 seconds until the first bell! Zzt!" "I know Rotom Dex! Stop stressing me out!" (Ash begins watering his face and putting on his clothes) "You have 6 minutes and 39 seconds left! Zzt!" "Ahh! It's no use! We gotta go guys!" Ash says worriesome. Ash grabs his toothbrush, slams on some toothpaste and begins jogging through the door, grabbing his backpack and cap and keys, heading out the door giving it a powerful slam. 

"Rotom Dex, status update!" "Okayzt! You have 6 minutes and 2 seconds until class begins!" "Okay, we can still make it with enough determination!" About 1 minute passes and ash can see an outline of the school and walking Exeggutors that looked like giraffes from a far. "Ok, Rowlet! I choose you!" The flying grass type gracefully flies out of Ashs bag (surprisingly not sleeping) with a powerful "Hoooot!". "Alright Rowlet, I need you to use Leafage from behind to create a wind current to boost my speed! We need to make up for lost time!" The green owl obeys and launches a barrage of leaves behind Ash, giving him 5 seconds of air time and tons of momentum on the ground.

"Wohoo! This is the life; Rotom Dex, how much time?" "Zzt! You have 4 minutes and 37 seconds remaining!" "Decent, as long as we have no obstacles in the way, we should be good to go!"

Meanwhile at the Pokemon School...

"Alola!" Lillie, Mallow, Lana, and Kaiwe all said in union walking in class. "Alola!" Professor Kukui said to his students. "Ugh.. all this math in my head is making me dizzy." Sophocles said confused. "Haha! Have any of you seen Ash? He should be here by now. There's only 3 minutes until class starts.." Lillie said concernly. "He never is this late, he's always ready to start class and is usually here 10 minutes or before.." "Kukui said "Hhm.. I hope he's okay. Mallow said with concern. "Same here!" Lillie said.

Back to Ash!

"Alright! Looking good. The bridge is almost ending, we're almost there guys!" "Pika-pika!" The electric mouse companion said excitedly. Suddenly, a horde of pink and blue fish leaped out of the water and used Water Gun on Ash and Pikachu. "Zzzeak!! Water! Does not compute!" Rotom Dex spattered out. "Rotom! Ahh, what's that pokemon?" "Bruxish: The Psychic Fish Pokemon- Bruxish are known to be one of the most treacherous pokemon of the sea aside from Sharpedo. Stories have stated Bruxish use their psychic powers to mislead swimmers to undesignated locations, causing the swimmer to become lost at sea" "Woah, well we have to stop them! Pikachu. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ash said with a mischievous and excited look. "PIKA PIKACHU!!" Pikachu said that his excitement could blow you away. 

"Alright! Here we go Pikachu!" Ash said while moving his arms, corresponding with his Z-Ring. "Let's show these Bruxish our true power buddy! GO! Gigavolt Havoc!!!" A gigantic ball of pure electrocity heads toward the Bruxish at full power. "Bruxi-" The horde of Bruxish are sent flying in the sky landing in the water. 

"Rotom! What's our time?" "Zzt! We only have 1 minute and 19 seconds left! This isn't goodzt!" "It's not over until the fat Jynx says it's over Rotom! Torracat, COME ON OUT!" The speedy fire type cat Ash recently evolved jumps out ecstatically. "Alright Torracat, this may sound weird, but I need you to give me your most powerful fire fang yet on my pants. Rowlet, as soon as fire fang hits, use the best Leafage you got! "Torra!" "Hroooo!" The two pokemon said. "Alright Torracat! 3... 2.... 1.... GOOO! 

Back at the School:

"Ok then, class.. I guess Ash has slept in and hasn't realized today was a school day.. apparently. So I'll be taking attendance!- Kiawe!"! "Here!" 

Back to Ash!: 

With the combination of Fire Fang and Leafage, plus the extra wind of the leaves and the current,   Ash was traveling at the speed of sound! "AAHHHHHH R-ROTOM HOW M-MUCH TIME!!!!!!" All of Ashes pokemon were in his bag. Not to be blown away by the wind. "Z-Zzt 26 SECONDS!!" 

"Lana?" "Here."

"AHHHHH!" Ash just arrives in the courtyard "ZZT 13 SECONDS!" 

"Sophocles?" "H-here" 

"11 SECONDS ZZT!!!" 

"Mallow?" "Here!" 

"7 SECONDS!!!" Rotom says while Ash is running up the stairs.

"Lillie?" "Here Profess- Wait what's that screaming noise?

"1 SECOND!!!!!!" 

"No Ash?" 


Everyone's face turns to the door in awe of the ash running at the speed of light, to Ashs surprise, the wind manages to stop and he trips on the wooden shaft that held the door open. "Waghhh! Ash says flipping through the hair, while backward, his hat falls over Lillies hat, and ash slams his body into a wooden pole. 

"ASH!" Everyone screams, Lillie was the most worried. Lillie runs to her classmate, supposedly unconscious and lays his head on her lap crying. Until Ash gently said "L-Lillie.. Why are you... crying?" "ASH!!" Lillie gives Ash a gigantic bear hug on the floor while everyone else is aweing at them. "Thanks for taking care of my hat, Lillie ;). You really are the best friend anyone could ever have. 

"Ash!" "HERE!"

It was an ironic day in Alola, instead of the clear, blue skies, the chirping pikipek, the people on the beach, it was snowing! Shops were closed, families stayed inside, and the pokemon stayed in their dens. 

However, at the pokemon school the students were having a short recess. Four of those students at the school decided to stay inside, to keep warm from the cold. But, 2 classmates were outside, fearless of the cold, having a good time in the snow!

"Man! You don't see this very often in Alola don't you Lillie?" Ash said cheerfully.

"Yea, I suppose." Lillie said in a nonchalant tone. 

"Something bothering you?" Ash said with a concerned tone.

"N-no it's just. I've never... actually seen or experienced the snow before. I don't even own a sinister jacket! The one I'm using right now is Mallows, she was kinda enough to lend it to me." 

"O-oh! Well, is that something to feel bad about?" Ash said, still not fully understanding Lillies sadness. 

Lillie then takes a pokeball out of her pocket.

"It's Snowy, one of my greatest, bestest, friends in the world. She's an ice type, the weather she should be enjoying, and I don't even know.. how to experience that with her." Lillie said with a sigh. 

"Well you know what Lillie? I'm gonna help you enjoy the snow! I'm gonna teach you how to connect with Snowy in this environment! If that's what you want!"

"N-no, I don't want to force you  into anything because of my sadness." Lillie said.

"It's not because I'm doing it because you're sad, but because you're a friend, Lillie. That's what friends are for! They help each other! Now let's go experience the snow!" Ash said grabbing Lillies arm and jogging towards a big pile. 

While being pulled by Ash, Lillie realizes that Ash has been doing these nice things out of his heart for her ever since she met him. He wasn't faking it, wasn't trying to impress her, this was the true Ash. A kind, thoughtful boy that had a dream and cared about his friends.

Not realizing this sooner, Lillie become deep in a trance while doing the snow-filled activities with Ash.

"Earth to Lillie? Hello?" Ash says with a chuckle.

"Who what wher- oh sorry Ash, I must've dozed of." Lillie said with another sigh. Still realizing the things about Ash.

"Haha, must be the cold, anyway, take out Snowy! She's gonna love this wonderful, natural surprise Virizion and you have given her. (I kinda assumed Virizion was the "Mother Nature" of pokemon, so I went with it. Lol!)  1

"Snowy! Come out please!" Lillie says.

"The white, icy Vulpix leaps out of the pokeball with the happiest face ever.

"Vreee! Vreee!" Vulpix says with joy as she tackles Lillie joyfully, falling onto the snow flat surface. 

"Ahh! That reminds me! I forgot one of the most important things about the snow! Making Snow Angles!" 

"Vul?" Snowy said confused.

"What are snow Angles?" Lillie said confused as well.

"Snow Angles are where you lay your body flat on the snow" Ash says while showing and example, "and spreading your arms and legs in and out!"  1

"And when your done, get up, and viola!" 

"Lillie was amazed by what she saw, almost an imprint of a flat, paper Ash on the snowy floor. 

"Snowy! We gotta try this!" Lillie said is enjoyment.

"Vul! Vulpix!" 

After the two made countless snow angles, Ash realized it was almost time to go in for the recess. The two began to walk when suddenly.

"B-brr.. I f-feel c-cold" Lillie said. 

"How? You're wearing a jacket and scarf?" Ash said bamboozled. 

"All the snow from m-making snow angles has gotten on my hair, and b-back" Lillie says in a cold tone. 

"Here, have my hat and jacket for the extra warmth." Ash says aggreingly.

"What about you? You'll freeze!" Lillie says worrisome.

"Not to worry, Litten come on out!" The small cat comes out of his pokeball ready for whatever awaits him.

"Hey Litten, throw an ember up in the air slightly, and aim it to land on your tail. I promise we will get some practice in later? Alright buddy?" 

"Meow! Meow!" Litten says excited.

The ember lands on Litten's tail, warming the path to the school. they were almost at tne school wene they kissed each other mellow saw it and said Lillie now had someone to love her. on the walk home mellow saw ash give her his jacket he said ge was used to the cold Lillie said All I need to keep me warm from the cold, is an amazing friend like you. Lillie says giving the hat back to Ash" 

"O-oh t-thank you." Ash said lillie.

And that's how it was for the rest of the walk home. Two classmates, next to each other. In the cold, able to be warm with their own bond in the cold.

Today was a rainy day in the Alola region. The skies were cloudy and gray, the trees were facing downward, and the people stayed indoors.

And we have Ash Ketchum, absent from the Pokemon School due to an above average fever that struck him in the morning.

"Ding-Dong!" The doorbell of the cabin rings.

"H-hey Pikachu!.. Can you do me a s-solid and open the door? Must be P-professor Kukui." Ash said with an additional cough at the end.

"Pika Pika!" The electric mouse companion said.

The door opened to reveal a white garment and a blonde with a big white hat with a white raincoat on.

"H-hey Ash." Lillie said "You feeling okay? The Professor told us about your fever." Lillie said saddened by her classmate.

"N-no it's" *cough cough COUGH*" Ash said with a couple more coughs and a choke at the end.

Lillie rushes to Ash to pat his chest.

"Easy does it. There you go." Lillie said even more worried for her classmate.

"It's n-nothing." Ash says trying his best to stay positive. But Lillie knew the classmate was bluffing.

"Ash. Tell me what's wrong? I'm here for you..." Lillie says trying to get her classmates affection.

"It's p-probably just a strep t-throat." Ash said. "Do you k-know where the Professor is?" 3

"He's still at the Pokemon School. He gave me a pass for an early dismissal to check on you." Lillie said.

"W-well that's nice of you" Ash said to his classmate.

"Anything for a friend. That's what you taught me." Lillie said

Suddenly. The telephone began ringing.

"I'll get it." Lillie says with a smile and wink to her classmate.

"Yes Professor?" Lillie said. "Oh! Okay. Alright." Lillie then hung up the phone.

"What'd the p-professor say?" Ash said.

"Oh, he'll be home a bit later tonight around 11. He's got some researching and dinner to do with Professor Burnet." Lillie said.

"Oh. Well I g-guess that's okay." Ash said

Lillie goes to check Ash's forehead.

"Ash... you're burning up!" Lillie says with fear.

"I'm gonna go get some medicine at the poke mart. I'll be back in 5 minutes. Okay?" Lillie said.

"S-sure." Ash said weakly.

Lillie puts on her jacket, but leaves her hat for some odd reason, and walks out the door.

While waking down Route 1 in the rain, Lillie begins to think.

"Why do I feel so, weird around him? He's just a friend.." Lillie tells herself.

"Or am I thinking about it the wrong way.. is this good?"  8

"So many possibilities.. but what am I thinking? Is he something more?"

Lillie reaches the pokemart which had very few people in it, 1 buying some great balls and another drinking some coffee.

"Hi there! What can I do for you?" Says Nurse Joy.

"I c-could use some cough medicine please." Lillie says giving a half smile.

"Oh. You feeling a cold? I can't blame you, the weather is crazy! Always sunny in Alola, R.I.P" Nurse Joy says with an ironic chuckle.

"N-no it's.. for a friend. He's feeling a bad strep throat."

"Oh man, that's bad." Said Nurse Joy. "Here, I'll get the medicine, it's in the back."

"O-oh alright."

Lillie begins to wander around the store. Looking at some random objects and knick-knacks. She takes a look at the pokeball section, only to find something amazing.

"Woah." Lillie says amazed. "It's a customized Pikachu Quick Ball. I bet Ash would love that!" Lillie says nodding her head.

"Alright! Here's your medicine young lady." Nurse Joy says with a bow.

"Thank you so much! May I also purchase this?" Lillie said.

"Sure! That'd be an additional 30 poke dollars please." Nurse Joy said.

Lillie  searches through her mini purse only to find an unfilling quota of 25 poke dollars and 25 cents.

"I'm s-sorry." Lillie says getting a bit teary eyed.

"Hey, no need to feel sad. Tell me, why do you want the quick ball?" Nurse Joy says reassuringly.

"It's f-for that sick friend I bought the medicine for, he l-loves pokemon so very much. It's the least I could do for him." Lillie says with an uncontrollable blush.

"Something tells me that this "friend" is, well more then a "friend". Nurse Joy says laughing.

"I d-don't know at this rate. My head is saying all these thoughts and doesn't know which one is true." Lillie said with a sigh.

"Let me tell you something." Nurse Joy said. "I'll let you have that quick ball for the price you currently have."

"T-thank you so much!" Lillie said with a bow.

"And, for that "friend" of yours, speak your heart to him. Don't let your fear own you! Tell him the truth." Nurse Joy said smiling.

"Thanks Nurse Joy." Lillie said walking out of the poke mart with a wave.

"What my heart is telling me." Lillie repeats a good 3 times.

Lillie comes back to the cabin to find Ash watching some Pokemon Baseball on tv.

"Hey L-Lillie." Ash said "Did you get the m-medicine?" Ash says weakly.

"Right here." Lillie says with a warm smile.

Ash takes the medicine Lillie poured and feels a little drowsy.

"Hey A-Ash I also got you this." Lillie said holding her hands out with the Pikachu quick ball.

"Woah! That's a-awesome Lillie. Thank you so much." Ash said putting the quick ball on the table. "I'll capture the best pokemon with that pokeball!" Ash said affirmatively.

And with that. Lillie goes to the counter to grab some water, turning back, she says a tired, beautiful ash preserved with some drool, sleeping like a baby on the couch. And Lillie makes a move.

In Lillies Head: Ash, you're more than a friend. And I want it to be that way. Lillie said in her head.

Lillie begins taking off her main outfit wearing only a short sleeved tee with some tiny pajama skirt and begins walking toward the couch Ash was sleeping on.

Lillie then begins to lay on the couch next to Ash and cuddles up with him. Holding her arms around his body, and wrapping her legs around his. She felt the most comforting, warm sensation with Ash.

"Lillie?" Ash said." "W-what are you doing?" Ash says confused.

"Sssh.." Lillie says puting her index finger over his mouth. "Just rest.." Lillie said straying her hand on his hair.

Lillie then gives Ash a warm, kiss on the cheek. And Ash realizes this while turned around. He blushes instantly. And falls asleep.

Lillie then begins to doze off, and eventually fall asleep with Ash in her arms

Today was Valentines Day in the Alola region, all the couples were cuddling and buzzing around, suprising each other with flowers, jewelry, and some fancy late night dates in the evening.

In the Pokemon School, we have six students sharing the "love". Giving each other presents, warm smiles, and the joy of spending time together.

And we have Ash, sitting by his desk, reviving a teddy bear from Mallow, and a Z-Crystal necklace (the Z-Crystals were fake nonetheless) from Lana.  1

In the back of the class, Lillie is cupping a quick ball between both of her hands. Sighing to herself.

"Alright Lillie, just give it to him. I'm sure he'll enjoy it with all his heart." Lillie says.

Lillie begins walking towards Ash, chittering her teeth and walking a bit uneasy.

Suddenly, Lillie trips on the floor, bruising her ankle. She drops the quick ball and the surprise pokemon... Luvdisc comes out.

"Lillie are you okay?" Ash said concerned

"Ooooh! A Luvdisc..." Sophocles said sarcastically. "I wonder who's the special one?" Sophocles said with a even more sarcastic laugh.

"Lillie, who's the Luvdisc for?" Mallow said winking at her friend. 2

With everyone looking at Lillie, espically Ash, oblivious to the fact that the Luvdisc was meant for him, Lillie rushes out of the room.

"Lillie!" Ash said running out of the room to find her.

"Er... Well then.." Sophocles said. "Guess that's a wrap."

"SOPHOCLES!!" Everyone yelled.

Meanwhile with Ash and Lillie.

Lillie begins running as fast as she can, crying viciously.

"Lillie!" Ash yells out to her, not that far behind.

Lillie still running away makes a sharp left and cuts into a forest.

"Lillie?" Ash says. He waits for a response but makes a left and keeps going foward onto the beach.

Lillie still running, begins getting deeper and deeper into the forest, unaware that it's the Bewear Forest!

Lillie slowly begins to walk through the forest, realizing she's completely lost now begins to panic.

"W-why d-did I r-run away." Lillie says still crying. "Er, I guess I S-should look for an e-exit."

Rambling through the forest some more. Lillie runs into a small cave.

"I g-guess I can rest here for a while." Lillie said shrugging.

All of a sudden. Lillie feels a soft yet big paw touch her back. She looks behind her shoulders.

"BEEEEEEEWEAR!" The Bewear says with blood shot eyes with a derpy voice. 2

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Lillie says running away.

While doing this, Lillie trips on a rock, tumbling down a hill, getting a cut on her forehead and twisting her ankle.

"OOOOOWWWWW!" Lillie screams in agony.

The Bewear manages to leave and Lillie is left there in the woods surrounded by a pile of bushes under a tree.

Lillie begins crying once again until she hears a rustle in the bush.

Lillies facial expression goes from crying, to absolutely petrified. She curls up into a ball crying until she hears something. 1

"Lillie?" Ash said pushing through the bushes. "Lilli- Oh there you are!" Ash says rushing towards his classmate.

Lillie gives off a quick "EEEK" and hurles to the right.

"Lillie.." Ash said touching her shoulder. "I'm here. There's nothing to be scared of." Ash says calmly.

Lillie looks up from her curled ball state, and dives toward Ash, burying her head in his shirt.

"A-Ash I'm s-sorry" Lillie said crying in his shirt. "I s-shouldn't have ran away." Lillie said.

"There there it's alright." Ash said rubbing her back.

"Woah. Your ankle is twisted." Ash said pointing at Lillies ankle.

"A B-Bewear chased me and I tripped." Lillie said.

"We gotta get you to a Hospital and fast." Ash said affirmatively.

"Can you hop?" Ash said putting his arm over his shoulder to help her move.

"N-no.." Lillie said feeling a sharp pain in her ankle.

"Well then." Ash said. "I've done it with pokemon, let's see if I can do it here!"

Ash picks Lillie up and holds her in his arms. Seeing Lillies bruised forehead with her black chocolate eyes glittering staring at him made him feel a heartwarming sensation.

"A-Ash.." Lillie said while Ash was walking with her.

"Yea?" Ash said smiling.

"That L-Luvdisc.. that got out of its pokeball. I-it was for you." Lillie said.

"Thanks Lillie! I'm so glad you were gonna give me it. You're the best friend anyone could have."

Lillie then leans her head up and kisses Ash. Ash with his eyes wide open. Manages to do the same.

"Ash, thanks for taking care of me.." Lillie said blushing.

"Thanks, for being the best person anyone could ever kiss." Ash said smiling.

The two classmates walked out of the forest, with Lillie still in Ashs arms. Walking to the hospital. Hey got to the hospital he told nurse joy that she needed to be checked for broken leg and she checks she had a broken leg so ash took her home and said he'll be staying with her to help her walk around Hobbes Said that is nice of you he said I will do anything for my girlfriend

The Pokemon School was having its annual Pokemon Palooza Day. Where Prof. Kukui took the students to Mount Lanakila to have a camp out and watch the sunset fall as well as watching a movie on a wide screen picture lay out connected by the mountains legendary frosted trees. 

During the movie, the class set up their sleeping bags and watched on the lush yet warm snow. Watching with the alolan sun setting upon them. 

As it hit 10:00, the movie finished and the students were told to have a good nights sleep. 

However, a student known as Ash Ketchum wasn't planning on sleeping tonight. But finding and giving a gift to his friend. 

In the middle of the night, Ash went to the van, grabbed his scarf and trusty hat and took off into a dark cavern with luminous crystals lighting it up. And went inside.

"Alright buddy. From the research Sophocles had, he told me a special Pokemon guards what we're looking for. And we gotta take it out!" Ash said to his electric mouse companion.

"Pika!" The mouse said enthusiastically. 

A bit more walking later, Ash was haulted with a fork in the road with 3 paths. Resembling a type of maze.

"Sophocles told me about this.. To get to the crystal.. a maze will challenge us and we must conquer its dangers." Ash said repeating what Sophocles said to him.

After the constant ice slipping, Carbink ice shards to the back, and the occasional falling icicles. Ash found the luminescent glowing crystal. 

"There it is buddy! The Icium Z!" Ash said reaching out to the pedestal.

Suddenly, icicles from the ceiling were falling, and a white blue Pokemon came crashing down with icicles sticking out of its back. 

"SAAANNNDD" the icy Sandslash said with its orange aura bursting out of its back.

"Totem Sandslash." Ash said remembering the Pokemon Sophocles was talking about. 

"Litten, come on out!" Ash said chucking his pokeball in the air.

"Meeeow!" The blazing cat yelled out.

"Litten, use Fire Spin!" Ash said with a furious passion.

"Lit!" The Fire cat yelled spinning in circles generating circles of flames in the air.

"SLLLASSHHH" The Totem Sandslash shrieks out loudly. 

"Litten! Watch out for the Blizzard! Retreat behind the icicles!"

Litten covers behind a small wall of icicles penetrating beneath the floor covering him from the harsh blizzard.

"Use Ember!" 

Litten spits out a powerful flame and lands it directly on Sandslash.

"SAND!" The Pokémon screamed in agony. 

"Nice one buddy!" 

Sandslashes eyes begin to rage and goes straight at Litten with some Fury Swipes.

"LITTEN!" The pokemon screams as slashes of claws are penetrating its skin. 

"Litten? Can you still fight..?" Ash said in concern. 

"L-Litten.." The cat says weakly. 

Sandslash uses Icicle Crash, shattering the ice and causing it to drift into separate paths. 

"Litten! Use Agility and skate across the ice! Then use your most powerful Fire Fang!" Ash says with a cheer.

Litten obeys dashing and hopping on the ice with quick speed. It reaches to Sandslashes platform and delivers the final blow. 

"SANNNN-" The Sandslash almost yells.

Icy dust covers the room blocking everyone's vision. 

When the dust cleared a glowing object appeared out of its pedestal. 

"Nice job Litten!" Ash said petting the cat on its head.

"Lit!" Litten said affirmatively.

"Woah.. The Icium Z!" Ash says looking at the white light blue Z Crystal. "Litten, return and take a rest! You did awesome friend."

Ash and Pikachu take the Z-Crystal and walk out of the cave and go back to the tents. 

In the morning... 

"Good morning everyone!" Ash said greeting his classmates. 

"Alola!" Prof. Kukui and the students said. 

"Hey Lillie can I see you real quick?" Ash said to his classmate.

"S-sure" Lillie said blushing. 

Walking to the top of the mountain with their coats, Ash hands Lillie the little box with some white wrapping around it. 

"Ash what's this?" Lillie said. 

"Open it!" Ash said with a smile. 

"Lillie opens the box and gasps to find a Z-Ring and an Icium Z in the box. 

"Ash! How did yo-" 

"I talked to Hala before the trip and he told me I could give this Z Ring to you based of your knowledge in the Pokemon School, and because of how you've become such a great trainer with Snowy!" Ash said excitedly. "Put it on!" 

Lillie still in shock puts on the Z-Ring and Ash installs the Icium Z into the slot. 

"Take out  Snowy!" Ash said.

"Come on our Snowy!" Lillie said with joy. 

"Vul!" The ice type yelled out.

"You ready Lillie?" Ash said holding out his fist embracing a fist bump. 

"Yea!" Lillie says bumping Ash's fist. 

"We'll do it together!"

Lillie copies Ash's movements and begins to feel a spark of joy, compassion, and friendship coursing through her body. 

A radiant aura of white begins glowing around Lillie and Vulpix. Copying Ash's movements. 

"Do it Lillie! SUBZERO SLAMMER!"

"Subzero Slammer Vulpix!!" 

A tall, vertical wall of ice emerges under Vulpixs feet. And the Pokemon launches a powerful laser of snow and ice at the tree. Once it hit an explosion of jabbing icicles exploded out of the tree and the Z-move was over. 

"Wow...." Lillie says in shock.

"Vulpix!!" Snowy said jumping to Lillie and snuggling her tightly. 

"Thank you Ash. For having the energy and friendship of being able to do this for me. It means so much." Lillie says smiling. 

"Anything for a friend! Now let's head back to camp. We gotta pack our things!" Ash says running away.

Walking down the hill, with Vulpix on her head. Lillie begins to feel a sensation of warmth when she thought about Ash. 

"Snowy. I think I have a crush on him." Lillie says to her Vulpix.

"Vul!" The Vulpix said back. 

"You're right, lets catch up to him!" Lillie said. "Last one there is a rotten slowpoke!" Lillie said teasing Ash.

"Get back here!" Ash said with a chuckle.

The two classmates ran off into the snow. And that was the end.

They got back and Lillie showed every one the z ring and Icium z they all said were did you get it she said from ash and he got it from Hala but the Icium z I do not know ash said he went off last night and got it from sandslashes they all went back to school

"NO!" The young female said. "I GET TO MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!"

"HOW COULD Y-" The older woman said on the video chat until she was interrupted.

"If you simply don't care about being with your daughter and youre too tied up with your wonderful job, you don't DESERVE to make my decisions!" Lillie said turning off the video chat. 

"M-Master Lillie!" James said.

And with that, Lillie slammed the door and said "G-Goodnight James!" with a loud tone. 

At the Pokemon School the next day...

"Okay class! Your Miniture Projects on the possibility if Alolan pokemon can rechange into their Kantonian form is due tomorrow! Have a great evening." Professor Kukui said.

"Alright guys! To the librar- Hey Lillie what's up?" Ash said confused.

"I w-was wondering if we could both work on our projects t-together." Lillie said to Ash, even though her lying was super obvious 

However, Ash was oblivious to the fact because, well he's Ash!  4

"Sure! Let's head on there right now!" 

"Actually James should be picking us up in the limo." Lillie said looking through the balcony. "But I don't see it.." Lillie said.

"That's alright! Let's get a move on and walk! It can't be that bad." Ash said 

At Lillie's Mansion...

"Now Hobbes... You're gonna act as normal as ever when Lillie arrives. And if you do or say anything suspicious. You're never gonna hear the end of it." The mysterious figure said.

"Y-Yes M-Master L-" 

"QUIET FOOL! Why did I ever hire you for this job..." The figure mutters to herself.

Suddenly, the door begins to knock.

"Now.. go get Lillie. I'll be waiting to have a.. "chat" with her.." 

James gulped and immediately went down the stairs and opened the door with a bow.

"H-Hello Ms.Lillie, and A-Ash! What brings you here." James said with a nervous tone.

"Hello Mr. Hobbes! Me and Lillie are here to do our project on.. well pokemon things! Haha." Ash said lightheartedly.

"S-Splendid!" James said touching his sweater neck as he was sweating furiously. 

"Is something wrong?" Lillie said confronting James.

"You two must b-be going to Master Lillie's bedroom now. I have some house cleaning to do." James said. 

"Alright." Lillie said.

"Hey Lillie! Would it be alright if I made myself a sandwich? I'm starving!" Ash said with his stomach growling.

"A-alright." Lillie said smiling as she walked up the stairs.

Lillie approached her room and opened her door...

"AHH-" Lillie tried to say after her scream was muffled. 

"That's it.. Sssh.." The figure said.

"Mother..." Lillie said passing out. 

Lusamine grabbed a chair, some plastic knot. And began tieing her daughter to a chair. 

"Pesky little child, bringing her friend over causing me to do this. It'll have to hurry." 

Lillie begins to wake up, unable to move her legs, stomach, or arms as she was struggling in the chair. 

"Now now little girl." Lusamine said gently swaying her hand down her hair. "You yelled at me today.. you CANT DO THAT!" Lusamine said slapping her child that a red bruise appeared.

"A-Ash J-James.. help.." Lillie said whimpering with some tears. 

"As your mother I'm responsible for your foolish behavior. And the consequences are being scolded upon you right now." Lusamine said with a chuckle. "Ash? Hhm.. that's the little brat you consider a friend? How could my own daughter have such a lack of common sense.. it's a shame I couldn't raise you to become as smart and elegant as me.." Lusamine said with a sigh.

"DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!!" Lillie yelled out directly to her face.

In the dining room, Ash hears this and runs up the stairs.

"L-Lillie?" Ash said. "LILLIE OPEN UP!" Ash said banging the door. 

"I'm afraid she's a little.. tied up at the moment." Lusamine cackled with an evil laugh.

"A-Ash.." Lillie managed to say.

"DONT CALL FOR THAT ROTTEN BOY YOU SLU-" Lusamine was about to give her the slap of a lifetime before the interruption. 3

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Ash says with the bruises on his face from barging the door open with his body.

"H-Help m-" Lillie said before Lusamine put her hand over her mouth. 

"I SAID.. GET AWAY FROM HER!" Ash says as he tackles Lusamine to the floor. 

"You.. little... BRAT!" Lusamine said kicking Ash's legs and throwing him to a wall. Grabbing his hands.

"Your pathetic resistance is futile.." Lusamine said. "Hitting a lady? How rude of you.."

"I d-did it to protect Lillie you m-monster." Ash said weakly.

"ASH!" Lillie says trying to escape from the knots. It was no use.

"Say goodbye.." 

"MASTER LUSAMINE!" James says at the door. 

"Hobbes, LEAVE!" Lusamine says screaming 

"YOURE INJURING THAT BOY! What have you done with Master Lillie?" James says looking at the blood from the slap she has given her.

"None of your concern you buffoon. NOW GO!" 

"No. You can't harm these children ANYMORE!" James said tackling Lusamine, letting her hand go of the chokehold she put Ash in.

"L-Lillie!" Ash said crawling to the classmate untieing the restraints.

Lillie falls into Ash's arms weakly with the bruise and blood on her face. 

"We gotta go and call the police force and Officer Jenny!" Ash said carrying Lillie down the hall.

After the crazy situation went down. Reporters, Officer Jenny's, and more came around the house arresting Lusamine and taking James to an ambulance for the damage In the fight with Lusamine. Ash and Lillie were told to stay at Professor Kukuis house and told him about the incident that went down. They were left alone on the couch watching the Alolan news of the event that occurred.

"Lillie.. Who was that.. what even happened today?" Ash said wanting an explanation.

Lillie's tears began to emerge and ducked into her classmates pajama shirt, sobbing.

"M-my m-mother was a c-crazy person o-obsessed with unidentifed p-pokemon." Lillie said whimpering. "She went c-crazy and left me and my b-brother with James to continue her r-research." 

"It's aleight.." Ash said calming his classmate. "Let it out."

"Thank you for b-being there today. Who knows what that m-monster could've done to me without you.." Lillie said still sobbing after what she said. 

"As long as you're okay..."

Lillie falls asleep on Ash's lap shortly after the sobbing ended. Ash reaches over and grabs a Pikachu bandage and puts it on Lillie's cheek.

"I'll be here for you, Lillie." Ash said falling asleep with Lillie on the couch

It was December 31st, 11:56 pm in the Alola region. A majority of the residents were on top of Mount Lanakila standing in the audience waiting for the fireworks and the final seconds of the year. In the audience, The students of the Pokemon School were invited to watch the celebration. 5 of the parents said yes while Sophocles passed out around 11:25. 

"Alrighty everybody! It's almosr time!" Professor Kukui says with a cheer. The audience shouts and claps. Blowing their 2018 blow horns, waving their foam 2018 foam pointing fingers, and tossing their 2018 top hats all around. 

In the audience, we have 2 students from the Pokemon School, none other than Ash and Lillie. Waiting for the final seconds to commence.

"Wow. The year is almost over." Ash said with excitement. "What an amazing one too, I went to the Pokemon School, made so many awesome friends, and started my brand new adventure." 

"This year was very pleasant too. I ended my fear of touching Pokemon, came to terms with my mother, and got Snowy as well!" Lillie said hugging the ice type Vulpix.

"2 minutes left everybody! Send those resolutions if you haven't made any yet! Go go go!" Kukui said in the mic.

"Hey Lillie, what's your New Years resolution? Mines to become the Pokemon master of the Alola league and beat the Elite Four!" Ash said hi-fiving his Pikachu. 

"Er.. I haven't really thought about it yet." Lillie said lying. Ash being oblivious to the blushes, Lillie wanted to confront her classmate and tell him her feelings. "Graduate from the Pokemon School? Yea, that's it." Lillie said, partly being honest and lying.

"Awesome! Hey, we got one minute left! Are you excited!" Ash said raising his hand in the air, twisting it like a cowboy with a rope.

"Y-yea." Lillie says twisting her foot in a circle. "Ugh.. what am I gonna do.." Lillie silently mutters to herself.

"Party people! 20 seconds left, let the countdown commence!" Kukui said with a cheer.

The electronic board in the back of Kukui had the number 20 beginning to change every second with a background of a bunch of different colors.

"Let's count it down Lillie!" Ash says lifting his classmates hand up in the air. "Wohooo!" 





"Do it, Lillie." Her subconscious says.





"2- Lillie what are you doin-?"


In union with the fireworks and the cheers of Happy New Years being yelled, Lillie places her hands on Ash's cheeks and leans in, kissing him on the lips. Ash with his eyes wide open shocked by this. 

"My resolution all along, was this, Ash." Lillie said putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Lilli-" Ash said before being interrupted.

"Sssh." Lillie said. "Enjoy this moment, it's the beginning of an amazing new year for all of us". Lillie said turning her classmate to the screen, watching the fireworks in the air spelling throwing out constant 2018s and other emotes. 

"What a promising start..." Ash said hugging his classmate.

As Friday's schooling comes to an end and Professor Kukuis class is dismissed for the weekend, Lillie brings up a topic.

"Hey everyone.. Err, since it's the weekend, I'm gonna host a sleepover tonight at my place, I'll uh.. have movies, snacks, drinks. If you all are interested?" Lillie said.

"I'm in!" Mallow and Kiawe shouted at the same time.

"Same here." Sophocles said in a more mild tone. 

"Me aswell." Lana said softly.

"You bet!" Ash said throwing his fist up in the air.

"A-alright then! My place by 9:25, It's settled." Lillie said smiling as the gang split paths. 

"Hey Lillie! Wait up!" Mallow said running towards her friend.

"Mallow, what's wrong?" Lillie said confused and worried.

"No Girls night?" Mallow said giving Lillie a Lenny face. 1

"W-what are you implying?" Lillie said blushing furiously.

"Be honest here, you're doing this allllllllll for Ash aren't ya?" Mallow said elbowing her friend softly. "I've always noticed you've been eyeing on him ever since he joined our class."

At this point Lillie's blushing went to siracha sauce spicy. "STOP ITTTT" Lillie said embarrassed to the bone.

"Knew it!" Mallow said applauding herself.

"I'll admit. I do want to spend some time with Ash tonight. But I do also want to enjoy everyone's company.." Lillie said truthfully.

"Hhm.. Is that so?" Mallow said thinking sarcastically.

Lillie's face turns as white as snow.

"I'm just messing with you girl!" Mallow said cackling alongside her friend.

"You'll always get me." Lillie said while laughing.

"Cya tonight, Lillie." As Mallow enters her restaurant and Lillie enters her limo.

At Lillie's Mansion...

Lillie's Mansion was all set up for the sleepover. The projector was there to film the movie, bowls of snack and candy, and enough sodas to go around.

"Hhm.. It's 9:30 and Ash isn't here yet.." Lillie said sadly looking at the clock. 

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Lana said sticking her tongue out. "How about we get some more ice cream?" Lana said grabbing Lillie's hand. 

Around 9:40 Ash opens the front door as the rest of the gang are already in their pajamas ready to start the movie.

"Ack. Sorry I'm late everyone." Ash said sweat dropping.

"It's fine!" Mallow said. "We're just glad you're here." Lillie included with a slight blush. 

"I'll go get changed and meet you all back down here." Ash said running up the stairs as he hangs his hat on the hanger.

"Same old Ash.." everyone said as they sweat dropped.

As the movie begins, Ash runs down the stairs and jumps on the sofa with his orange rowlet short and Pokémon boxers Being on the far left side right next to Lillie. 

Both were beginning to blush. Not realizing how close they were to each other on a small uncomfortable sofa.

As the movie progressed, the gang began to grow more tired and sleepy. Sophocles passed out on the couch without brining his sleeping bag. Kiawe went out at around 11. Mallow and Lana almost finished the duration of the movie, but were out cold at midnight. 

Realizing this and knowingly Ash was the only one remaining awake, Lillie was practically shaking. 

"Hey uh Ash?" Lillie said poking her classmates shoulder.

"What's up?" Ash said with his eyes wide open looking at the movie.

"W-would you like to move the movie up to my room since everyone else is sleeping? I don't think their snores are helping us pay attention." Lillie said.

"Sounds alright with me!" Ash said getting up and handling the projecter. "You know what Lillie?  I'll handle all this. You can go up to your room and get comfortable or something like that." Ash said laughing with a big smile.

"You sure?" Lillie said to her classmate.

"Trust me, I'll be fine." Ash said back.

Lillie accepted his offer and went uostrais to her room. She considered that Ash would take at least 5-10 minutes to bring the equipment up, so she began writing in her diary. 

"Dear Diary," Lillie spoke out loud as she also wrote. "Today was great, I got to spend this amazing night with all my friends. The snacks, drinks, and the movie were delightful. But I realized something about myself today. Maybe I do have a crush on Ash, but, maybe noes not the time. But at least I know, that he'll always be there for me, as a friend or something more. He's Ash. That's just who he is..." Lillie said finishing up her writings as she passes out cold.

Just then, Ash opens the door. "Lillie I'm here-" Ash said being interrupted by the faint snoring beside him. He turned and saw Lillie, leaning her arms on the table with her head on top of her arms.

Ash smiled at the cute sight of Lillie as he puts the movie equipment down. He picked up Lillie, realizing how light she was, and walked over towards her bed. Lillie stirred a bit and wrapped  her arms around Ash's back without waking up. Ash immediately blushed as he felt her arms around his back. He gently laid Lillie on her back and covered her with a blanket.

"Goodnight Lillie." Ash whispered. Ash walked out of the room and slowly shut the door.

Lillie lay on her back, wide awake as her mouth formed a small smile.

"Goodnight Ash." she whispered before closing her eyes and going to sleep. in the morning ash got up early and made everyone his famous breakfast burgers at 6:00 everyone smells something cooking and come down and saw ash making breakfast burgers for theme he gave one to everyone even the staff he said of you do not like them you can tell me and i well not be sadabout it because I can take criticism they tryed it and they said they were good he said enjoy theme i have some dishes to do and went in to the kitchen and sang this song

I'm gonna cast a spell on you

You're gonna do what I want you to

Mix it up here in my little bowl

Say a few words and you lose control

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

Put a spell on you

You'll feel the fog as I cloud your mind

You'll get dizzy when I make the sign

You'll wake up in the dead of night

Missing me when I'm out of sight

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

Oh yeah

Lillie and Hobbes came in with the dishes in hand and asked if he needed help he said ok then he went back to singing

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

(We may look bad, but we don't care)

We ride the Wind, we feel the Fire

To love the Earth is our one desire

(To love the Earth is our one desire)

Love the Earth, it's only fair

It's one big Earth that we must share

(We love the Earth with all our Fire)

It's in our Souls, our one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

(We may look bad, but we don't care)

We ride the Wind, we feel the Fire

To love the Earth is our one desire

(To love the Earth is our one desire)

Nature is a precious gift

It will make your Spirits lift

(Love the Earth with all your Fire)

It's in your Soul, your one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

(We may look bad, but we don't care)

We ride the Wind, we feel the Fire

To love the Earth is our one desire

(To love the Earth...

Is our one desire!

lilie said what was that song.ash said something i have been working on in my spare time. she said i would love to hear the hole song. he said ok lets finish the dishes and I will get my electric guitar and play it for everyone she said ok they did. he got out his electric guitar and said Lillie wonted to hear my new song so here it is


I'm gonna cast a spell on you

You're gonna do what I want you to

Mix it up here in my little bowl

Say a few words and you lose control

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

Put a spell on you

You'll feel the fog as I cloud your mind

You'll get dizzy when I make the sign

You'll wake up in the dead of night

Missing me when I'm out of sight

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm gonna put a spell on you

I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you

Oh yeah

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

(We may look bad, but we don't care)

We ride the Wind, we feel the Fire

To love the Earth is our one desire

(To love the Earth is our one desire)

Love the Earth, it's only fair

It's one big Earth that we must share

(We love the Earth with all our Fire)

It's in our Souls, our one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

(We may look bad, but we don't care)

We ride the Wind, we feel the Fire

To love the Earth is our one desire

(To love the Earth is our one desire)

Nature is a precious gift

It will make your Spirits lift

(Love the Earth with all your Fire)

It's in your Soul, your one desire

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

(We may look bad, but we don't care)

We ride the Wind, we feel the Fire

To love the Earth is our one desire

(To love the Earth...

Is our one desire!