
Pokemon Dimension

Fernando_Sanchez_8138 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Departure day! Finally waited until this day!"

In the early morning, the well-dressed Chu Chen opened the window , Facing the sun's face was a little trance.

He who lives in the rare treasure of the world Hoenn Region is not actually an aboriginal of this world!

A few years ago, Chu Chen woke up and found that he had come to this strange and familiar world.

Wearing him, he naturally has no relatives in this world.

Fortunately, thanks to the good social welfare system of this world, he, who is only about ten years old after crossing, and who has no identity certificate, will not live in a vagrant way.

In the past few years, he, like an ordinary teenager in this world, has accumulated knowledge in school to become an outstanding Trainer.

Now, as an adult at the age of fifteen, it is time for Chu Chen to embark on his own journey!

Yes, what is different from the original world is that young people in this world who want to start traveling alone must reach fifteen-year-old adults who can take care of themselves!

But Chu Chen is also facing a problem now.

The breeding of rare treasure shellfish requires a lot of manpower and material resources!

Even Alliance can only provide as much as possible a good environment for growth and education for young people in this special situation…

but can't do it Let every young person like him get a Starter Pokemon on the day of departure.

So, when young people everywhere took the Three Founding Families or started the journey with the Starter Pokemon prepared for them at home, Chu Chen's situation seemed a little embarrassing.

(Note: Starter Pokemon specifically refers to the first one that Trainer got, not necessarily Three Founding Families, and Three Founding Families are the three of each generation that everyone is familiar with)

However, Chu Chen is not depressed.

As long as the mind does not slip, there are more methods than difficulties!

Perhaps because of the World Rule, people in this world are not bad physically.

Think about it, Johto Region Fighting Type Gym Leader Chuck, and Sheba, one of the Kanto Region Elite Four, are expensive brothers, but they can be the rare treasure of Bei Gang directly!

As for the portable Larvitar and Tyranitar-resistant Ash…

It's nothing more than the lumbar disc protruding a little bit!

Even if Chu Chen passed through, his physical fitness has been greatly improved compared to before he passed through!

at worst, just like Jessie's bare hands to conquer God's rare treasure shell!


Magikarp, Wurmmple and others, Chu Chen is confident that he can still play well…

If it doesn't work, what can I do?

It's all here…

"If it's…"

As if thinking of something, Chu Chen shook his head gently.

Overall, he is still very happy.

Which Pokemon player has never imagined that one day he will travel to the picture of the god rare treasure shell world?

Being able to truly capture and cultivate your favorite god rare treasure shell, this kind of experience is not comparable to the game!

Packed the luggage items, Chu Chen breathed deeply, and walked outside the door.

Stepping out of this door, what he will come into contact with will be a world with surging forward with great momentum that is different from the school's ivory tower environment!

"Loading progress 1%, 2%…100%!"

"Binding the only host: Chu Chen!"

"Ding! God- The Level Treasure Box system is activated!"

At the moment Chu Chen's hand touched the doorknob, several consecutive electronic prompts that seemed to appear directly in his mind sounded.

The hand holding the doorknob stiffened, and Chu Chen was convinced that this was not his own auditory hallucination.

I have all experienced the traversal, and adding a system is not unacceptable.

In fact, immediately, who has passed through it a long time ago, he is waiting for the emergence of 'it' as the standard configuration of the transmigrator.

"God-Level Treasure Box system? Is this system designed to open treasure boxes? In what form is the treasure box obtained?"

Compared to other details, Chu Chen should be more concerned about these.

But before he thought of a reason, the cool electronic alert sounded in his mind again.

"Ding! You have obtained [Novice Treasure Box] X1!"

Accompanied by this electronic notification sound, a blue translucent panel appeared in front of Chu Chen. .

That is similar to the normal panel of the item bar in the game.

And in that first grid, a golden-bright and dazzling box that emits rays of light is listed!

No need for system's reminder again, Chu Chen self-taught speaks.

"system, open the [exclusive treasure chest for beginners]!"

At the same time that Chu Chen gave the instruction, the treasure chest on the blue panel was enlarged and opened, rays of light flourished !


"Ding! You got [Luxury Ball] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Eye of Investigation] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Poké Ball] X5!"

The treasure chest in the front panel opens, and what appears in front of Chu Chen are three new Items .

5 Poké Balls can be ignored directly, this is for Rookie Trainer to subdue the new god rare treasure.

[Eye of Investigation] It is not difficult to understand literally, it is used to view the panel information of God's rare treasure.

Chu Chen's gaze fell directly on the Luxury Ball at the forefront.

[Luxury Ball]: Contains a random Three Founding Families!

A line of information appeared above the Luxury Ball.

Random Three Founding Families!

In the first few minutes, Chu Chen was still thinking about how to get Starter Pokemon, didn't expect this to be solved.

And it's not an ordinary Starter Pokemon!

"This is the rare treasure of my first god!"

Whispering softly, Chu Chen reached out and grabbed it, his eyes filled with unconcealed expectations and excited.

"Come out! little fellow!"

Turning around, Chu Chen threw the Black Luxury Ball in his hand towards the house.

As the Black Luxury Ball opened in the air and the white light flashed, a small silhouette fell on the Ground.

The look of a monkey, orange hair, a hairstyle like a lazy sheep, and a burning flame on the tail…

This is a Chimchar!

Chu Chen couldn't help but feel a little bit more surprise in his eyes.

There is not much difference in the strength between Three Founding Families, and there is no big difference in which one is randomly arrived.

But if there is a choice, Chu Chen naturally hopes to be able to randomly select the ones he likes most!

And Chimchar and Little Flame are his two favorite fire masters!

Needless to say, Little Flame, the old spray of the final evolutionary form is among all Pokémon, and the fan base is also one of the very best.

Chu Chen likes Little Flame Monkey because of its difficult growth process in the original book.

At the Sinnoh Alliance Lily of the Valley Conference, Paul and Ash's rivalry confrontation, the moment Infernape activated [Blaze] and burned the entire venue, Chu Chen's blood boiled!

"Little Flame Monkey, we will be partners in the future!"

With a smile on his face, Chu Chen squatted down in front of the Little Flame Monkey and extended the hand to touch it Little head.


The comfort of the Luxury Ball itself can promote the goodwill between Trainer and the rare treasure shell, even if it's the first sight, the Little Flame monkey Does not exclude his intimacy.

After screaming, the little fellow even closed his eyes and actively rubbed his head against Chu Chen's palm.

"System, use [Eye of Investigation] for Chimchar!"

Looking at Chimchar's well-behaved appearance, Chu Chen also treats his first god as rare treasure. Be concerned about the specific situation.

The efficiency of the system is very high. The blue translucent panel immediately appeared above Chimchar.

[Name]: Chimchar

[Attribute]: Fire

[Characteristic Trait]: Iron Fist

[Level]: Level 5 (Infant)

[Potential]: Gym Leader

[Carry]: None

"Characteristic Trait is not [Blaze], but a relatively rare Add [Iron Fist] of the boxing type Ability formidable power…"

Chu Chen's gaze first fell on the Characteristic Trait column on the panel, secretly nodding.

For the powerful Chimchar and its two subsequent evolutionary forms, [Iron Fist] is undoubtedly a good Characteristic Trait!

In terms of its stability, [Iron Fist] is better than [Blaze], which requires a slippery state to function!

"Is it directly the Gym Leader's potential?"

Moving his gaze down and falling on the potential column, Chu Chen's eyes were full of joy.

The potential of Gym Leader means that even if he only trains Chimchar step by step, he can harvest a rare treasure of Gym Leader level god!

In the rare treasure world, what does Gym Leader-level strength mean?

This represents the dividing line of Trainer's strength!

Starting from the Gym Leader level, you really have stepped into the category of powerful Trainer!

even more how, for Chu Chen who owns the God-Level Treasure Box system, even the Gym Leader's potential will only be temporary!

As soon as he got Chimchar, more detailed information about system has been brought into his mind by system.

Various levels of treasure chests, and various rare items...