
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Anime e quadrinhos
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68 Chs

Chapter 41: The Origin of Breeders

Generations ago, there was a legendary figure who was born before the establishment of the Pokemon League. He came from a farming family and would go on to achieve great things with his beloved pet, Eevee.

It all began when Seidou found an Eevee as a pet. Eevee would eventually make Seidou the first legitimate breeder in history, the founder of the Breeder Association, and the strongest advocate for the organization's creation.

As a child, Seidou lived in the late Warring States period. He shunned warfare and was one of the few people who saw Pokemon as partners rather than tools. He and Eevee had a strong bond and lived together for a long time, building a deep emotional foundation.

One day, Seidou stumbled upon a miraculous stone that caused a surprising evolution in Eevee. When the stone made contact with his Pokemon, it emitted a blinding white light, and over time, Eevee transformed into a completely new species! Eevee, which was then considered only a pet, had evolved into a blue-bodied creature!

Seidou was shocked to discover that Eevee's evolved form was similar in composition to water, allowing it to dissolve in water. It also had the ability to predict rain and could learn powerful moves that it previously could not comprehend. Its strength was unmatched compared to its previous form.

Eevee's unexpected transformation aroused Seidou's strong curiosity. He wanted to understand the principles behind Eevee's evolution. How could a fragile pet evolve into a new species with extraordinary abilities simply because of a stone?

These were things that Seidou, who had once been an ordinary person, couldn't even imagine! But with this unexpected turn of events, Seidou seemed to have awakened his soul anew within himself and began a journey of self-discovery. Despite his family's objections, he embarked on a journey of knowledge and purchased two more Eevee's from other places. After two years, he found two other magical stones in different places, one the color of fire and the other shining like lightning, which were completely different from the crystal-like stone he had found earlier.

With the help of these two stones, Seidou's two other Eevee also evolved into completely different species than the first. He named them "Vaporeon" "Jolteon" and "Flareon".

After two years of travel and witnessing the changes in his three Eevee's, Seidou confirmed that at least in some way, external factors could cause "mutation" in Pokemon, similar to evolution. He then began to wonder if other things could enhance the strength of Pokemon.

Pokemon themselves were magical creatures and the darlings of nature. Were there various unknown treasures in the world that could benefit Pokemon?

Just like a human warrior wielding a famous sword, their fighting strength becomes stronger!

Seidous embarked in to a longer-lasting study and exploration. This time, Seidou spent seven years living with wild Pokemon, collecting all sorts of magical items, even wild vegetation, and luring Pokemon to cooperate with his research.

Seven years were enough to show him a whole new world.

He came across a silver powder. This powder attracted many Bug-type Pokemon to fight for it, and the Beedrill that obtained the silver powder became even more fierce and powerful.

He found a highly condensed water droplet from a mysterious lake. When he wore this water droplet, his Vaporeon's control over water flow rose more than one level!

In addition to this, Seidou also discovered the wonderful uses of many berries. Back on those days, berries were only for filling one's stomach.

Through failures, Seidou learned valuable experiences. In these years of research, Seidou nearly died several times in the wilderness. Luckily, his three Eevee evolved companions always stuck by his side.

Twenty years have passed, and at this time, and he was already in his forties. In this chaotic Warring States era, he seemed isolated from the outside world, alone, wandering in the wild, pursuing his so-called "knowledge and truth"!

And just at this time, the Warring States era ended, the aristocratic system collapsed, and under the joint efforts of a group of like-minded people, along with their "monsters", which are Pokemon, they spent several years continuously pacifying the ruined continent. They also promoted the concept that "Pokemon" as a companion to humans, and the idea of "equality for all" strongly appeared in everyone's sight. They established the massive entity known as the "Pokemon League".

The Pokemon League quickly seized power and appeared in front of everyone with a fast prosperous, equal, and harmonious development. With such leaders, no one had any grievances. As for the few aristocrats who could not accept and constantly rebelled, they were also punished one by one!

"When equality" and "law" appeared, it marked another step forward for the civilization of this world. At this time, there were no more wars, and the terms "Pokemon" and "trainers" appeared in the sights of many people...

After learning about all of this, Seidou was ecstatic. The establishment of human rights and the status of Pokemon made him see the spark of hope. He couldn't wait to report his research results to the League, and fortunately, Seidou received high attention.

This knowledge about Pokemon gave many people new ideas, and it allowed many people to see new directions. It was then that the ancestors of the Joy family seized the opportunity and monopolized the knowledge of treating Pokemon. With their excellent minds, they quickly established a huge commercial network. Hundreds of years later, the Joy family has become one of the largest and most influential forces in the world.

Today, almost no trainer has not received help from Joy. Behind the Joy family is a huge collective of trainers. With this approach, it can be said that it is a fool's dream to try to shake their position.

As for Seidou, after gaining high reputation and status, he never gave up his research. He also joined forces with many like-minded people to establish the Breeder Association and began researching the magical creatures known as Pokemon.

Unlike trainers, they do not deliberately train the strength of Pokemon. If trainers pursue the "external," constantly improving and honing the strength of their Pokemon through battles, then they are like the "internal," exploring everything about Pokemon, from their breeding, evolution, growth to reproduction!

As this system continues to improve, they gave themselves a special name, "Pokemon Breeders."