
Pokemon: Darren's Path

The story centers around Darren Park, who finds himself reborn in a world of Pokemon, where Pokemon are portrayed in a more realistic way. Beginning in the Hoenn Region, Darren sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him to Sinnoh and beyond. Along the way, he gains strength and experiences the world of Pokemon in a whole new light. Breeder / Coordinator / Trainer Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Alternative Titles: The Garden Tree, Pokemon Garden, Pokemon Court Author - A gentle stream flows with resonant sound Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1009720842/

Rookni · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Chapter 1

Hoenn region, northeast, in a small town by the name of Fallarbor.

The dense and gloomy forest forms a natural labyrinth, separating Mt. Chimney from the outskirts of Fallarbor.

With the rise of the profession of trainers, the Pokémon League began to focus more on developing the wilderness to create a safe travel environment for trainers on the go. However, there are still many places in the region that are "undeveloped," and Fallarbor is one of them.

In these places, there are abundant natural resources, but the treacherous and unknown terrain, dangerous environments, and even aggressive Pokemon can be intimidating.

The town of Fallarbor, which located outside the local forest, is a small agricultural town with about a dozen residents. Due to its proximity to Mt. Chimney, when the wind blows, volcanic ash from the mountain drifts to the town, providing rich nutrients for the local flora.

As Darren stepped out of the old manor house and into the courtyard, he wrinkled his nose and wore a helpless expression.

Beside him, a Beautifly with water-blue compound eyes kept flapping its beautiful wings, controlling a sea of shimmering golden electricity that sounded like a chorus of birds, creating a breathtaking sight.

The light from the sea of silk shone on the face of the tree, making his tender face with his golden-brown hair look exceptionally handsome.

This was the "Electroweb" move that the Beautifly was practicing.

The boy's name was Darren Park, and he was a member of the old manor orphanage. The old manor was a unique building in this small town with few inhabitants, and it was often a gathering place for a group of children who played together.

Looking at the Beautifly flying around him, Darren felt a bit nostalgic. "It's been almost a year, right?"

The Beautifly chirped and nodded in agreement.

A year ago, to avoid being hunted by the proud Taillow flock, the Wurmple that would become the Beautifly, crawled out of its habitat in the grass and forest and wandered until it found its way to the old orphange.

Then, the timid Wurmple was caught by the lively children and became the target of their teasing. Fortunately, Darren discovered this and stopped the children, rescuing the Wurmple.

The children's nature wasn't bad, and soon the Wurmple received a sincere apology and became friends with them, getting along very happily. Unexpectedly, even Darren didn't expect that this little wanderer had been living here all along, and had naturally become a part of the old family.

Taking care of the Wurmple had been Darren's responsibility for the past year.

After spending an extended period training with Beautifly, Darren noticed that it was already noon. He let out a deep sigh as he surveyed the dusty ground that had not been swept or cleaned.

"Beautifly, can you help me out with the cleaning?" Darren patted the dust off his clothes and put his backpack aside. He picked up a broom from the corner and planned to start by clearing the fallen leaves.

But at that moment, Darren suddenly heard a crisp voice in his ear. He instinctively looked up and saw a little girl running towards him happily.

"Lina" Darren smiled when he saw the little girl. was also an orphan from the old, but they didn't know each other when they first entered.

Thinking of the innocent who used to stick to him, as well as his own clumsy actions at the beginning, Darren suddenly felt a sense of time travel.

Time flies, four years have passed.

Darren is originally from Cerulean City. Four years ago, he lost his family and was adopted by Granny Oran.

Over the past four years, the life has been tedious and boring, but Darren gradually adapted to it. In this familiar yet unfamiliar world, he slowly picked himself up.

But no one knows that Darren had been "replaced" four years ago. The current Darren comes from another world, Earth!

"Darren, what are you thinking?" walked up to him, staring at him with bright eyes.

Lina's words brought Darren back to reality. Feeling a little dazed and sad, he said, "Nothing, are you hungry? Let me prepare lunch first."

Lina saw Darren's smile and felt happy. She looked around at the ground and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, Darren. We went to explore the cave this morning with Hatsu. That's why we didn't help you clean up."

Lina wanted to help, but Darren shook his head and stopped her. "No need, let the Beautifly do it. It can handle it."

"Then...can I help you prepare lunch?" wanted to do something for Darren.

"I'll do it. You guys went to the cave without permission, do you know how dangerous it is?" Darren's tone was serious. "I've told you many times, don't wander around. Stay in the town!"

"But you always go out too." Lina pouted and looked at Beautifly with envy. She murmured to herself, "It's not that dangerous outside. There are many friendly pokemon that often help us."

"That's just luck." Darren sighed. "It looks like I have to let Granny Oran come and give you guys a lecture. Get ready for lunch. Today is your favorite aroma mushroom, and it's also the last meal I prepared for you guys."

As Darren spoke, his tone suddenly became a bit bleak.

"The last meal?" was stunned, and noticed the implication in Darren's words. "Darren, what does that mean?"

Before Darren could answer, an old lady came out and affectionately patted 's head. "Silly girl, haven't you figured it out yet? Your brother Darren is planning to leave."

Leave here?

Lina looked at Darren in confusion. "Leave...leave the orphanage?"

Looking at Lina, Darren remained silent.

In the 209th year of the League's history, on Adoption Day, Darren and Lina, both orphans who had lost the ability to live independently, were adopted by Granny Oran at Cerulean City.

Since arriving at, Darren had always been very mature and responsible, in order to repay the kindness of Granny Oran. He did not behave like a child at all and took on everything he could in the. As a result, Darren had become like a big brother to the children in the.

For the children who relied on him, it had become a natural thing for Darren.

Now, upon hearing that Darren was leaving, Lina's reluctance and panic were understandable.

After a moment of silence, Darren nodded his head. "Granny Oran, I plan to start my journey to Lilycove City tomorrow. Thank you for taking care of me for these past four years."

"What are you going to do there? Is it because we don't listen?" Lina's eyes had started to turn red as she interrupted Darren.

"No, I just want to see the outside world. Also, I plan to take the Breeder's Exam. If I pass, I can share some of the burden for the" Darren said calmly.

Granny Oran sighed. "Darren, you need to think carefully. These children grew up in poverty and don't even have the qualifications to register as trainers. You are still so young and going out to explore, it's better to stay here and help me take care of the orphanage"

"I understand, Granny Oran. But I have hands and feet, can't I take care of myself? I've been waiting for this day for four years." Darren unexpectedly replied with firmness.

Darren had spent his four years here not just playing like the other children, but studying diligently every day. He spent his time with boring books, enduring the tedious and yet fascinating days, all for the chance to one day leave and see the world outside.

To be honest, when Darren had accepted the fact that he had been transmigrated to this world, he was not willing to stay in one place for his entire life. However, reality had dealt him a heavy blow.

But Darren did not give up. Knowledge was the important bridge he had found to the outside world!

Unlike Earth, although this world had technology, the related knowledge was very precious and was monopolized by some organizations such as the League and large corporations!

Knowledge in the field of technology is considered a high-end discipline and an important means of balancing the League. In this world, technology is not as openly shared as on Earth, and the pursuit of talented people is still in its early stages.

On the contrary, the mainstream of this world are pokemon!

They replace technology and are chased after by all people. All kinds of industries are built around them, and they are an indispensable companion in human life in this world.

What Darren has been studying is the knowledge about pokemon.

Although the knowledge publicly available on the continent in these four years is numerous, Darren has built his own learning system in a disciplined manner for his dream.

When Granny Oran heard him say this, she knew Darren had thought it through and could only sigh and say nothing more.

Darren had been very responsible since coming here four years ago, not causing her any trouble and always helping take care of the orphanage.

But Oran could also tell that Darren's mind was not here. Although he also helped take care of the children, Oran had lived most of her life and naturally could see the essential differences between Darren and the other children.

It was as if Darren had a hard time fitting in with the other children.

Although he was still young, Darren had already been very opinionated. Perhaps from the Adoption Day four years ago, Granny Oran should have noticed something different about him from his calm and composed gaze and self-introduction.

It was not very realistic to keep someone like Darren in a small town like Fallarbor. Granny Oran did not want to see that kind of future for him.

But even so, she did not know why Darren was so determined. It was hard to imagine that a 10-year-old child would have such perseverance and make such bold decisions.

"Perhaps this is the best choice..." Darren sighed in his heart.

This world is full of fantasy and splendor! For him who came from another world, every place here attracted Darren and made him want to explore and cross over.

At the same time, Darren also understood that in recent years, orphanage had fallen into a period of decline. With only Granny Oran's savings, it was difficult for the to operate in the long term.

Therefore, not only for himself, Darren did not want to add more burdens to orphanage. Even though he knew the road ahead would be difficult, Darren had no thoughts of backing down.

Since he had already crossed over, Darren wanted to go see the world outside. If he did not have the courage to do even this, he would be unworthy of the title of "Transmigrator", and what would be the difference between him and a couch potato?

There was no reason; he just wanted to see the splendor of this world!