
38: Punk and Rock

"Now... Here you go." Holding onto the red and black Pokemon, Darius smiled as the small fox Pokemons yipped and called for their father. After being put under a medically induced coma - which basically means using Sleep Powder on him every single day - so he could properly heal, the hurt Zoroark was now well enough to start his physiotherapy to aid in his long recovery journey. There will be permanent marks that such injuries will leave behind, such as a limp in the left leg and a harder time breathing, since the left femur bone of the Zoroark was completely destroyed and Darius had to do surgery to "stitch" - he just used localized healing to make the bone fuse together with the pieces of bone - the small pieces of bone together so the Pokemon's leg could regrow, but seeing as there were still some missing pieces that are not going to grow again, he'll limp for the remaining of his days.

Oh, and the breathing?

Well, there are several small puncture wounds on the Zoroark's chest, seemingly made from some sort of stinger or sharp and thin metal straw - like a needle - that punctured the lungs of the Dark type Pokemon. "Now, let's just do this here..." Softly and slowly placing the Zoroark's feet down, Darius smiled at the four little Zoruas as they cried out in pure glee and happiness. The Zoroark still was like a confused father, looking at Darius apprehensive but not lashing out, seeing as his four kids liked the human. "Even though your recovery is going well, It'll take a while for you to be completely healthy." Darius began to explain: "I had to surgically remove sixty five broken shards of hard and tiny spikes of metal that looks like mercury, rearrange thirty one broken bones, and stitch seventy one wounds of internal bleeding with threads soaked in Oran Berry alongside Revive Herb juice and small crumbs of Dusk Stone to help your body regain energy."

The Zoroark understood what the human was getting into. His body slowly shifted from appearence, and soon he looked like a generic human man: "I understand... Thank you for help me, and saving my children." Huh... Darius was surprised for a few moments before he remembered that the Pokedex mentioned the fact that Zoroark is able to easily bend their illusions, so thus must be easy for this Pokemon to do. "You're very welcome big guy." Darius shrugged as he helped the Pokemon, applying a small dose of healing: "Now, let's see if this works-" Pouring his Grass, Water, Fairy, and Poison energy into the Zoroark, Darius focused on stimulating this extremely concentrated dose of numbing "poison", which wasn't exactly poison. With the Zoroark's numb leg in his hand, he pushed the bone out of the socket for a moment before pushing it back to its place.


Because with the Dark energy, Darius activated the Pokemon body's natural healing by making it seem that the Zoroark was just injuried in a fight. The reason it didn't work when he was unconscious was that his conscious mind needs to "think" he was in combat. And the quickest way to do that was to cause harm to the Pokemon for a moment. "There."

"...this was curious." Zoroark said, groaning a little as his weak body shivered. It was a muscle spasmic reaction due to the sudden shock of energy through his entire body. This would aid his healing journey, but he would probably never walk normally again, forever bound to walk with that limp. "How can I thank you for this, human?"

"Well, that's easy-" Before Darius could finish his words, a small black and white blur jumped from behind him and landed in his arms. "-oh, hello." In his arms stood the cutest and punk-iest little thing that Darius had ever held in his life. A black and white little raccoon-like Pokemon.

A Galarian Zigzagoon.

"...curious, I don't think I've ever seen this kind of Zigzagoon before." Zoroark said looking at the little thing in Darius' arms. At the same time, the little black and white raccoon let out this "Zig~!" cry that made Darius grin and the Zoroark to look a little surprised. After all, the little boy just called the human his "dad".

Which, considering the fact that Darius hatched his egg, was technically true.

"How is my punk boy doing today?" Ruffling his boy's fuzzy head, Darius channeled his Electric energy for a moment, making the fur of his boy suddenly poof out, making the Zigzagoon into a ball of cute and fuzzy fur. The little Raccoon just let out this cute giggle as he felt tickled by the electricity.

Let's see this little guy's stats?


| Name: Zunk

| Species: Galarian Zigzagoon

| Type: Dark/Normal

| Held Item:

| Gender: Male

| Level: 1

| Rank: 0

| Potential: ★★★★★

| Nature: Naughty (Attack Potency+/-Energy Resistance)

| Abilities -

Trained Abilities:

Gluttony (Eats quickly and can digest food quicker)

| Attributes -

0-10: F

11-20: E

21-30: D

31-40: C

41-50: B

51-100: A

101-200: S

201-500: SS

501-1000: SSS


Strength: 10 [F]

Speed: 15 [E]

Endurance: 10 [F]

Attack Potency: 22 [D]

Vitality: 20 [E]

Energy Control: 9 [F]

Energy Resistance: 2 [F]

Energy Capacity: 8 [F]

Energy Potency: 9 [F]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Parting Shot [T], Quick Guard [T], Extreme Speed [T]

Moves: Leer [L], Tackle [L]



Grinnig still at the newborn - literally, he was born yesterday - little raccoon, Darius softly held him. He was born in Darius' arms and recognized him as his father, immediately imprinting on him. It was also hilarious that he started considering Wally as his mother, much to the boy's embarrassment and Darius' grining joy. "So, how you feeling now?" Looking back at the Zoroark, Darius let the small black and white Zigzagoon crawl from his arms into his shoulder as walking into the small cottage that housed the Zoroark on Big Mom's back came in Cerberus.

"Woof." Woofing, Cerberus looked up at the small raccoon with disapproving eyes, just to see small ones glowing momentarily pink as he seemed to be about to cry, making his disapproving expression turn into one of disgruntled annoyance before turning into resignation. He simply sat down beside Darius to continue his babysitting duty that was given to him by his Alpha.

Darius placed his new son - to make sure Cerberus was comfortable, Darius reassured him many times that Zunk was not his replacement, but his younger brother (that actually made Cerberus cry a little) and like the good older brother he was, Darius asked him to babysit the little one while he went to do a check-up on their most recent patient to see if they could awake him from his medically induced coma.

And now he was awake, it seemed... Well, his Alpha knows what he's doing.

-Scene Cut-

Zunk: Used [Baby Doll Eyes]!

It's super effective!

Cerberus fainted.

-Scene Cut-

"Is this new experiment successful?" Holding white papers in his hands, a shadowy figure looks down at the enormous coliseum-like structure before his eyes. He was safe behind the extremely reinforced glass wall that separated him from the audience beneath. The harsh sunlight was not a bummer for anyone, seeing as they were very used to this type of constant climate.

"We believe so, sir... This one was made specifically by... her." The nervous assistance almost shat himself when his boss slammed down his fist into the desk beside him, shattering it and the ground beneath the desk with a single punch.

"...she made the Abomination?" The shadowy figure comes into the light of the flickering bulb above his head, revealing his face. A dark, crimson blood red hair with a single stripe of white from the root of his hair down to the pointy end of his rather spiky hair. "Ah, of course she would make that thing..." The boss groaned, his hand brushing the hair backwards, getting rid of the splinters that got stuck on his hair: "And I bet she sent it here specifically to fucking mess with me... I fucking hate that bitch Odorella and that crazy guy Dorasium."

The small assistant couldn't do much besides watch as this blood red aura seemed to emanate from the man, giving even the crowd far away a sense of foreboding fear. But that was quickly forgotten as the gates the arena opened and pushed inside was this lean muscular boy with cold pale azure piercing eyes. The cold hatred behind those eyes made anyone who looked into his eyes a terrible sensation of dread.

Alongside him, there was this spear-like weapon on his left hand that had a hammer head at the opposite end of it. The crowd cheered as they saw their champion step forward, ready to face yet another Pokemon! This has been happening for a long time, so long that many have forgotten the boy's name, only calling him by his stage name: Ice Hot.

Now, before you go and say something about my naming sense, this 'name' that he had was actually about his two affinities. Ice and Fire! Like Darius that had been exposed to Poison and unlocked his Poison affinity, some people are exposed to the elemental powers of Pokemon and end up awakening their own Affinities... Normally they don't wake them fast enough to survive the attack of the Pokemon that ended up awakening that potential, but this boy here was very lucky.

His first ever fight has been with a Pokemon known as Sneasel, a Dark/Ice type Pokemon. He had been attacked by many shards of ice and icy winds that froze his skin and he almost died... But he awoke his affinity and survived, killing the Pokemon with the weapon he now holds close to his body.

The next Pokemon that almost killed his was, in fact, a Fire type Pokemon. It was a small kitten cub that evolved mid-battle. A small Litleo that was able to deal good damage to him and burn him badly, but in the middle of the battle, right after he had given the small Lion Cub Pokemon grew out into a fine and mighty Male Pyroar. He still has the burn mark on the side of his face from the instant the Pyroar took him more... seriously.

From behind the glass above the crowd, the red haired man sighed for a moment, only to wave his hand dismissively towards the boy, which was enough for the crowd. They screamed and called: "KILL! KILL! KILL!"

From the other side of this coliseum-like arena, a large metal bar gate began to rise from the ground- The interior of the cage behind it was bathed in complete darkness and shadow. No one could see inside.

There was silence in the whole arena as Ice Hot held his weapon tighter- A flash of red eyes illuminated the darkness from within, and the crowd watched as the ground started shaking with each footstep of the Pokemon...


No, it wasn't footsteps. When the creature walked out of the darkness, everyone watched in horror as this disfigured Onix with an enormous head and two big rocky arms draggged itself on the ground by using its arms. "OoOoOOnIIx!" It cried in pain, it was a cry of pain because everyone could see the Pokemon's body becoming brittle with each "step" it took.

"...I'm sorry." The boy, "Ice Hot", whispered in horror. His spear with a hammer head started to freeze slowly and become sharper. The head of his hammer began to glow with heat, and there were unshed tears in the boy's eyes: "I'll free you." He said, throwing the spear forward- All it took was that throw. Fire exploded from behind the spear, increasing the speed at which it flew, and ice encased the pointy end of the spear, making it more durable and sharper.

I would like to tell you it was quick for the poor Onix monstrosity, but I'd be lying.

The spear embedded itself in one of his arms, shattering it. There was... some sort of blood that began pouring out of the poor and disfigured rock snake with arms, it had the color azure of lapis lazuli, and it reminded the boy of his past...

He had to kill the poor Onix. This time, unlike the other times he killed Pokemon, this wasn't about his survival - it was about mercy.

Oh, poor rock.

-Author Notes-

Posting Schedule: 1 chapter for week. Every Wednesday.