
Pokemon: Creation and Adventures

Alec, after a premature death, was reborn in the body of a 5-year-old boy, although without any memory of his life, but luckily, he realized that he was reborn in the fantastic pokemon world, from here on, he will live his own adventures as he tries to figure out his origins, all while realizing that the world he's in is much darker than he expected.

Jogarp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


"I'll pick that pokemon egg!"

"My choice is that egg!"

Alder, for a moment, felt nervous, one side of him wanted both of them to obtain what they had chosen, but on the other he was intrigued by the result of a possible fight between them.

Thus, with complicated feelings, he carefully observed the outcome of this little conflict.

It was at this moment that both children smiled towards each other, but if one looked closely, a hint of disappointment flashed in their eyes.

"It seems that we will be satisfied Benga, we chose the one we liked the most."

"So it seems Alec."

Both children's fingers pointed to the center and right respectively, Benga choosing the center and Alec the left.

Seeing that they both got what they wanted, Alder reminded them:

"Do not forget that they will have 1 year from the moment their pokemon are born to start looking for a way to cover their expenses as trainers."

Hearing this made the happiness on the children's faces freeze as awkward smiles appeared on their faces, before nodding stiffly towards Alder.

Seeing this, Alder no longer bothered them, he turned to Benga and said:

"Benga, I have a private matter to discuss with Alec, could you wait in the upstairs room in the meantime?"

Seeing the serious look from his grandfather, Benga said no more before nodding towards Alec and heading towards the 2nd floor followed by his larvesta.

Alec, for the part of him, found a seat and sat with a serious look on his face as he thought:

"If he even fired Benga, I suppose it is quite a serious and personal matter."

Seeing that Alec was paying full attention, Alder said to Alec:

"Actually, for you it was going to be a different treatment to give you my approval, but things turned out a little different, although it does not matter, anyway, do you have any plan to take care of that pokemon egg?"

Hearing this, Alec was shocked, before a wry smile appeared on his face as he thought:

"I suppose that the fact of being able to obtain this pokemon egg is totally due to Benga."

Although this disappointed Alec a bit, it also taught him the importance of opportunities and knowing how to take advantage of them.

"Well, since I managed to get a dragon pokemon as a starter, how could I back down now, if I even have to work alone to feed it for the next 5 years, so be it."

Alec already knew about the problem with dragon-type pokemon, but his age was an advantage and a disadvantage in itself, an advantage since he would be 5 years old to be able to take that newborn pokemon to its first evolution at least, like this, when he leaves adventure at age 10, your advantage in having a dragon pokemon as your starting point will become apparent.

As for his disadvantage, do you still need to ask? Who would hire a 5 or 6-year-old and give him monthly money? In Benga's case, his parents might tell him to take care of all the pokemon in his house and, while laborious, they would still give him at the end of the month what he needs to feed his dragon pokemon.

But what about Alec? If you think Grandpa Tokuzo will sponsor like Benga's parents… well obviously not, after all, Grandpa Tokuzo is not the son of the Unova champion.

"I'm really in trouble there, but since Uncle Alder brought up the problem, I suppose he will have some solution, right?"

Thinking this far, Alec turned his gaze to Alder, before saying:

"Please don't play with me Uncle Alder, you know my situation than I do, so if you have a solution, feel free to say so."

Hearing this, Alder smiled and a meaningful look appeared on his face before saying:

"Alec, do you know Professor Aurea?"

Hearing that name, Alec's brain received a second explosion, while the back of his head tingled, definitely, today was the day of surprises.

"Uncle Alder, are you talking about Professor Aurea Juniper? Who is one of Unova's most prestigious pokemon researchers? THAT Professor Aurea?"

Seeing Alec's sparkling eyes, Alder was surprised, he never expected a child like Abel to admire Professor Aurea so much, although she had appeared in some interviews on television, it should not be a topic that interests a 5-year-old child very much.

"You seem to know Professor Aurea very well... well, although I didn't expect this, it makes things easier."

While Alder was thinking about this, for his part, Alec already had an idea of ​​what Alder had in mind, but he was not expecting such a gift, since, speaking only about his future, having the privilege of being in contact with a pokemon professor already gave you It opens many doors, and especially for Alec, who had certain plans in mind, they would be much easier to carry out under the umbrella of both the champion and that of a pokemon teacher.

"As far as I know, at this time both mega evolutions and fairy-type are still unknown, so it is a great advantage for me, but I lacked the connections to investigate about it, and although Alder is a champion, he is not a researcher, so the search would be difficult, but for a pokemon professor things are different. "

Alec had no qualms about discovering these issues in the future, mainly because in this world, those who handle the greatest amount of resources are pokemon researchers, new findings and research on various knowledge about pokemon are in the hands of the league, and those who are in respected positions in this are the researchers.

"It seems that I have to think carefully my next 5 years, depending on how I handle the situation, my future will be brighter."

Thus, with serious and firm eyes, he directed his gaze towards Alder, no matter what, Alec was determined not to let this opportunity slip away.

Alder was surprised by this, but did not think about it anymore, for him, Alec's look was that of a small fan wanting to meet his idol, so he did not delay any longer and told Alec his intentions and motives:

"Let's say that, when I found you, you were in a very special state, so I took you to different doctors, although they did not know very well how to explain your condition, it was only when I asked Professor Aurea that your condition stabilized, and it was when I sent you to the farm, but for fear of some relapse, we decided to restrict your freedom, I hope you understand that. "

Listening this far, Alec's eyes shone with understanding as he nodded towards Alder and told him that he didn't really care, but his mind was processing the information obtained.

"If normal doctors did not know how to cure me, to the point that only someone specialized in pokemon could achieve it, could it be that my parents are human and pokemon?"

Thinking this sent a chill down Alec's spine, before quickly pushing this thought away, for now, the only thing that interested him was that, thanks to this, he managed to forge a connection with Professor Aurea.

Alder was unaware of Alec's thoughts, otherwise, with a serious look he would say:

"No son, but you are much rarer than the son of a human and a pokemon."

Shortly after, Alder continued with his explanation:

"At the beginning, I had planned to send you to Professor Aurea so that they could do more tests to see if you are already recovered and there is nothing wrong with your body, but in view of this situation, I will ask her to give you some work there. As far as I know, she always has a lot of work to do, but because she doesn't trust others easily, she has a hard time finding a helper, but I think she will be quite satisfied with you."

Hearing this, Alec had a small flashback, for a moment he imagined a certain person who had a totally messy room, ate only reheated food and if it weren't for others, he would live alone locked in his room.

This caused Alec quite a bit strange, but he decided not to think about it anymore, after all, how could a renowned pokemon teacher be that kind of person?

Thus, putting aside all the crazy thoughts that were going through his head, he nodded towards Alder saying:

"I have no problem with the arrangement of it, Uncle Alder, in fact, I am quite satisfied with it."

Alec was really very grateful to Alder, after all, he was adopted by him in quite strange circumstances, and although he could not raise him, he did pay close attention to his situation, and even gave him the opportunity to raise a dragon pokemon, and still better, the possibility of working with a teacher.

To Alec, although he wouldn't say it, Alder was his father figure.

So, seeing as Alec had no problem with fixing him, Alder sighed in relief, then said to Alec:

"Then you'd better pack your things, tomorrow I'll take you to Nuvema town, which is where Professor Aurea's pokemon lab is located."