
Pokemon: Creation and Adventures

Alec, after a premature death, was reborn in the body of a 5-year-old boy, although without any memory of his life, but luckily, he realized that he was reborn in the fantastic pokemon world, from here on, he will live his own adventures as he tries to figure out his origins, all while realizing that the world he's in is much darker than he expected.

Jogarp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


"The test will be to care for and train the pokemon that will hatch from the eggs, obviously, both can choose the egg they are most convinced of."

Hearing this, both children showed smiles of confidence and sufficiency, in Alec's case, during this year he realized that he had a natural affinity for pokemon, which is the reason why he was in charge of raising the smallest pokemon, so his confidence was natural.

As for Benga, don't even think about it, he is the grandson of a champion, since he was little he was already related to different types of pokemon, just see how well raised his larvesta, that as soon as he evolves into volcarona, he would be considered a pseudo-legendary pokemon, which is no small thing.

Seeing that both children were not intimidated, but instead believed that his proof was a piece of cake, Alder did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Really ignorance is bliss."

So, a little frustrated, he cleared his throat to get the attention of both children as he said:

"Do not think that it will be so easy for you, although I do not doubt the experience of both in the treatment and breeding of pokemon, I called it a test because I took into account the capabilities of both, so I should start by telling you that, although I do not know exactly which pokemon will hatch from the egg, I do know that the pokemon from the three eggs are dragon-type."

Hearing this, the smiles of both children faded until they disappeared, instead, a complicated look appeared on their faces when they saw the 3 pokemon eggs.

There was more than one reason why, instead of being happy to have a dragon pokemon as their "starter", they exhibited that kind of look, and perhaps it is also the reason why 90% of pokemon trainers, despite knowing how strong those pokemon are, they don't have them on their teams.

And it's nothing more than the insane amount of resources and time it takes for dragon-type pokemon to grow and reach their full potential.

"*Sigh*, no wonder Alder said it was a test, raising a baby dragon is not easy at all."

Alec couldn't help but reflect on what he knew about dragon-type pokemon, and it was that since he came to this world, not only did he spend it raising and caring for pokemon on the farm for 1 year, but he also researched about the different pokemon. and which ones were the most popular, which was when he learned the painful truth about pokemon dragons.

Leaving aside the "strong" character of these pokemon (they do not listen to orders from trainers that they have not accepted or recognized), the growth rate of this type of pokemon is very slow, being quite weak at the beginning, only after they reach their final evolution is when they unleash all their potential and strength, but this is where there is another problem, that the final strength they unleash in their last evolution depends on the resources invested during their previous evolutionary phases.

That is, as long as they receive the best treatment in terms of food ideal for them or specifically developed for them, along with an excellent training, the force they unleash in the end will be monstrous.

But this in itself is a problem, and that is money, an example of this would be the following, an eevee can eat a sack of his favorite food in a week, but a gible would need three during that week, also if you want to give him what better, then you would have to hire a professional breeder to analyze your gible and create food according to his needs, but the money required for this is quite astronomical, after all, the profession of pokemon breeder is in high demand with few being that are recognized.

Thus, it is the issue of resources and contacts that stop more than 90% of trainers from raising dragon-type pokemon, since they can take other pokemon to their evolutionary end for much less money and investment.

Thinking this far, Alec just sighed, Alder wasn't joking about the difficulty of the test.

"Also, come to think of it, would a friend of the champion give him common dragon-type pokemon eggs for him to train? I'm afraid the pokemon in those eggs must be pseudo-legendary."

"And not only that, from the smug expression on Uncle Alder's face, I'm afraid the test is even more complicated."

And just as Alec hoped, Alder took his time to enjoy the expressions of both boys before he blurted out the real "test."

"I have one more requirement, in terms of resources and feeding of the pokemon, you will have to figure out how to get your own money, for my part, I will contribute with the connections and food for the first year of both pokemon that you choose, like this, if they still want to follow the paths they chose, they will have to raise their own money."

Hearing this was like thunder hitting both children's brains, from Alec, even though he was 5 years old, his actual age was over 20, so he had a vague idea of ​​the amount of money required, on his side, though Benga did not have much knowledge of it, if he remembered how much food a day his father's salamance could eat, so beads of cold sweat ran down his forehead.

Alder seemed amused by both children's expressions, so he couldn't help but annoy them a bit more.

"What, do not tell me that they give up, these are just basic problems that a coach must face, if this already worries them, it is better that they abandon their dreams as trainers."

Hearing this, both of them quickly changed to serious and determined expressions, although if they really felt that way inside, only they knew.

Alder just smiled at this, even the little mareep and larvesta looked at each other before shaking their heads, apparently they both agreed that their trainers were bad at pretending to stay calm.

This annoyed both children a bit, who looked at each other at the same time, before nodding at the same time, shortly after, they approached the table where the three pokemon eggs were.

Thus, at a closer distance, Alec could take a closer look at the three pokemon eggs.

The one on the left was dark blue, with a brown spot at the base, and small yellow and red dots could be seen on its surface.

The one in the center was light blue in color, had a large orange spot on top with some white spots on the shell.

And the one on the right was quite different from the previous ones, its color was black with blue and purple spots, with a few small red and green spots.

Both boys took time to analyze each pokemon egg, staring at one egg longer than the other.

Shortly after, both took a step back while exchanging glances, apparently, both had chosen which was the one that caught their attention, and, although the possibility was small, they could still both choose the same egg, which would lead to a situation quite embarrassing.

Alder seemed to notice this, but decided not to say anything and wait for both children to resolve this issue.

Both pokemon also seemed to have noticed the tense atmosphere, so they stuck to their respective trainer, but still carefully observing each other.

This tense situation did not last long, and it was Benga who, with a big laugh similar to that of her grandfather, spoke to Alec:

"Well Alec, even though we met recently, I feel like we'll get along really well, so I wouldn't want to start off on the wrong foot, so I'll give you the chance to choose yourself first."

Hearing this, Alec was shocked, before a smile appeared on his face, as he thought:

"Worthy of being Alder's grandson, choosing first is a great opportunity, yet he gave it to me, just like that."

Alec didn't ponder for long, and he responded not long after as he shook his head.

"Although we just met, I have the same feeling as you, so we do this, we will both point at the same time to the pokemon egg that we have chosen, if, by chance, we chose the same one, then we will decide who will keep the pokemon egg through pokemon combat."

Hearing this, not only was Benga shocked, Alder had a shocked expression on his face, he never expected Alec to solve the problem that way.

On his side, Benga quickly came to his senses before laughing happily before extending his hand in greeting.

"I was not really wrong, for some reason I knew that we would get along since I saw you, well then, if we happen to choose the same egg, let the best current trainer take it."

Alec also smiled at Benga as he reached out to Benga's hand, before he made it into a fist and slammed into Benga's.

Alder said nothing at this scene, but it touched him quite a bit, for a moment, a foreboding came to his mind.

"Maybe I just witnessed the birth of two great trainers that Unova has seen."

For their part, both the mareep and the larvesta looked quite happy with this result, but the slight glances exchanged between them seemed that they would not lose to anyone if it came to pokemon combat.

Thus, without further delay, both of them pointed at the same time to the pokemon egg they had chosen.

What dragon pokemon do you think will hatch from the eggs? Will they resort to pokemon combat? What do you think?

Jogarpcreators' thoughts