
Pokemon: Coffee, Hex, and Yanderes (Haitus)

----------------------------------- A Madman's Musings are not to be ignored. A Madman's Musings are to be avoided. The Veil beyond the stars are calling, Alex. Will you answer? Or will you drown in despair like the rest of them? They will make you happy, Alex... ...Whether you want it or not. ----------------------------------- This is how the story of an Emperor, An Admin, And a God began. Godspeed, Alex Juniper, Godspeed.

Dumby_3054 · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

The Gacha and My Utter Bullshit-Tier Luck! (Rewritten)

Dreams. A place where one cannot be judged by their sins. The acts that hang on their waking mind, An in-between, a place of both the living and dead.

Ever since I was a kid, I would only have either lucid dreams or be plagued by images of the void and what was laid bare beyond the pitch-black veil.



They See Me.

I See Them.





It was what gave me the insight for my Void-Tech designs. I worked tooth-and-nail to create its schematics, and I know it would've been one of the biggest discoveries in the history of science itself!

It was another of those horrid nightmares.

…They never seem to leave me.



'What the fuck do you want?'


'And I'm still going to say it! No! Do you not understand what that fucking means? Leave!'



'Get your Eldritch-Looking Ass out of my damn head!'




'Get out of my fucking head!'



"BEGONE! CREATURE OF THE DEEP!" A Deep, and Majestic voice shouted, anger oozing from his demanding tone.


"BEGONE WITH YOU!" It shouted again, releasing a bright beam into my dreamscape.

The darkness receded, leaving only a blinding, warm light. I felt… safe, for the first in a very long time.

It turned to face me, "I apologize for arriving so late, little one. From now and millennia forward, that vile creature may terrorize you no more"






"Ralts!" Rem yelled, dumping me onto the hardwood floor. If I wasn't awake then I definitely am now.

"Oww" I groaned, nursing the back of my head. I glared at her, "Rem! What was that for?!" I yelled in exasperation. "Ralts!" she shouted, concern oozing from her voice. My eyes soften.

"Oh… you were worried for me, huh?" She nodded. "It was just a nightmare Rem. One not worth remembering…" I wiped the tears from my eyes. My voice was strangely hoarse, like I screamed until my throat went dry.

I-... What was I even dreaming about?

Wh-Why can't I remember?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Sorry about worrying you Rem. C'mere." I grabbed Rem again, placing her to rest on my head. She seemed comfortable at the very least, So I think she wasn't worrying about me anymore.,

I opened the door, and made my way to the main living room.

'Miia? Anything new?'

[Actually, yes. Paul sent five Gacha Tickets as a starter. It seems that gacha tickets can only be earned with battles, so this is just a start.]

I hummed to myself. Alright then, I guess I'll spin those.

'Alright then. Could you spin all five for me please?'

[Sure thing Darling!]


Using 5x Omni-Gacha Tickets






You got 1x "Anywhere Key"!






You got 1x "SCP-662, Mr.Deeds"!






You got 1x "SCP-5708 (Including Fuel and Manual)"!






You got 1x "High-Quality Magic Circuits"! (Install Pending)






You got 1x "The Pen CYOA"!



For the first time in a very long time, I was utterly speechless. My mind fucking blanked. I know what all four of these damn things are, and they are bullshit with two god damn T's!

First things first, the Anywhere Key. As its name states, you slot it into a door, and you could go fucking anywhere. It is completely broken, as I could slot it into a door and walk out into fucking Mass Effect if I god damn wanted to.

Second, SCP-662, It's like having the best damn butler in the world. You shake the bell, and a well-dressed butler with a nice accent named Mr.Deeds will show up from an unviewed corner of a room, or through a hallway that no one's looking at.

He will do any task you ask, to max efficiency, as long as it is somewhat doable.

…He can't make 100% pure gold, however.

Third, SCP-5708 is a fucking Dimensional Traveling Rocket! It does exactly what it says on the tin. And it comes with a fucking manual and its fuel!

Fourth, High-Quality Magic Circuits. I'm going to assume these are from the nasuverse, but Theses are essentially useless for me right now, as I don't have anything to learn from like books.

If I used them now, they would be glorified Aura ports, something I don't need.

Fifth, is the Pen CYOA. It gives you a choice between three Pens, the Living Pen, The Electric Pen, and the Combustion Pen. At first, it seems underwhelming, but give it time, and hoooooly shit.

The living Pen will essentially write poems, stories, and other things for you. Sometimes the secrets of the universe as well. You can write back to it as well, and If you befriend it, it is more willing to share secrets with you.

The Electric Pen, when you draw a polygon onto any piece of paper, that polygon wil become an access point for your personal computer, acting like a holographic screen. It comes with lots of pre-installed programs, and new technology can be assimilated with it if you draw a polygon onto it.

And finally, the Combustion Pen. That's the one I'm going to choose.

The Combustion Pen will print out a step-by-step blueprint on how to build what you drew, as well as print out the materials used for its construction.

Hell, the better you draw and the more in-depth it is, the pen may occasionally print what you built with no assembly required.

Like I said, Utter bullshit.

[...Holy shit.] See! Even Miia was speechless. She cleared her throat, [...W-Well darling, congrats! You- Uh… pretty much won… ehe…]

'I'm seven Miia! What the hell am I going to do with this shit? Grow faster? To hell with that, I'm going to enjoy my time here.'

I turned to look out the window, spotting Oak's Lab. 'That's my first goal, become someone respected in the science community. And then Pokemon Master. Everyone has to do it once, right?'

Miia snorted. [Heh, guess so. Go get 'em Darling!]

I felt an excited smile form onto my face. Not that I was aware of this but two people saw this, their interest peaking.




Paul and Yog sat there utterly fucking speechless. Yog turned to Paul, "Hey… Paul? You didn't mess with anything… right?"

Paul was taken aback, "Hey! Don't blame me for this! I think I made a mistake giving him those things…"

"Ya' Think?!"

"Don't sass me you prick! Well, how's it going with your guy, huh!? Wasn't his name Ray or something?" He yelled, his eyebrow twitching furiously.

Yog went pale, a cold sweat trailing down his back. "I-uh… I don't want to talk about it."

Paul chuckled with unhidden mirth, "Well, you better spill, or I'll tell Legate what you did with her Agents…" Yog paled even further.

"F-Fine! He essentially became an all-powerful god of science and beat my ass with his Wife! Happy?!"

Paul smiled. "Very."


""Hm?"" They both turned, surprised by the sudden presence of another Diety.

"Yog, care to tell me what you did with my precious Hubby?" Legate asked, smiling. A cold sweat trailed down both their backs, before latching onto each other, and panicking.




…Hey guys. Dummy here.

I'm… I'm kinda pissed now because whatever semblance of a plot I had duck-taped together just fell apart by the fucking seams!

Oh yeah, give the bastard a device capable of Dimensional-Travel to whenever you want! And a pen that makes you a fucking danger to anyone working with metal!

Sometimes I hate my OC's own RNG Luck.

Why can't I have that kinda luck playing Gacha?!

Yog and Paul are two characters I have referenced in both this book and my other book 'Gears N' Grinding'. Go check it out if you have the time.

Dumby, Out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dumby_3054creators' thoughts