
Chapter 770 The Final Battle! The Magic Of Mismagius!

Xiao Zhi and Lopunny showed terrifying power from the very beginning of this Contest!

This Lopunny was originally intended to be a carefully crafted Breeder by Xiao Zhi and used as a Trump Card in the Sinnoh Region Contest. Now it has been able to show enough strength and courage to become a Trump Card!

The frozen Misdreavus sent out a Spark and used its electromagnetic breaking skills to break through the ice immediately and float again!

Zoey's momentum has not been reduced, but a lot of points have been deducted, "Misdreavus, use Psybeam again!"

Misdreavus rushed towards Lopunny again. Psybeam's momentum was stronger than before under Double Team, but Lopunny just looked up at Misdreavus' figure without making any move!

Psybeam was already in sight, but Lopunny disappeared again at the critical moment, successfully avoiding Psybeam's attack!

Its action mode has become more and more similar to Gardevoir's Teleport, but it relies on instantaneous bursts to quickly move positions!

To put it simply, this should be called Shunpo!

"Lopunny's movements are incredible, and her figure on the stage is like a phantom Normal!" Ms. Marian's explanation was spot on.

Xiao Zhi had a satisfied smile. 14 He did not give any instructions, allowing Lopunny to avoid the attacks of Zoey and Misdreavus again and again!

His points were deducted a lot from Zoey's Contest attacks, but Lopunny's sharp skills also deducted a lot of points from Zoey, but overall, Zoey still has more points!

But Xiao Zhi didn't care about this. He now wanted to know how far Lopunny's ability had reached and where its limit was. However, Zoey tried various attacks, but never managed to hit Lopunny!

Finally, with little time left, Xiao Zhi gave the order again, "Fly jump!"

Normal and Fighting skills are ineffective against Misdreavus. All Xiao Zhi can rely on are the ice-based freezing beam and the Flying-based jumping skills!

But when the words fell, the figure of Lopunny disappeared again. It jumped into Splash and came straight in front of Misdreavus. Although it was a Flying skill, it still kicked out and knocked Misdreavus away!

Misdreavus, lost the ability to fight!

"Technical knockout, Xiao Zhi won and qualified to advance to the finals!"

For a moment, there was thunderous applause. Lopunny's performance was really amazing. The 5-minute battle was really full of fun!

After the intermission, Ms. Marian finally announced, "On the banks of Lake Valor, the Wallace Cup, the Pokémon Contest that has been broadcast for all viewers for three consecutive days, finally has only the final stage left in the current schedule!"

In the waiting room, May and Xiao Zhi looked at each other and smiled!

"Xiao Zhi, I'm finally standing on the final stage with you again!" May was grateful and excited, and she was fully prepared, "I want to have another good fight with Xiao Zhi!"

"Very good, let's have a Contest Battle without any regrets!" Xiao Zhi and May high-fived and both entered the Contest Battle Hall!

"The two contestants who are about to compete on the final stage have already appeared. Xiao Zhi competes against May. Both of them are experienced coordinators. What kind of Contest battle will they stage?" Miss Marian's simple introduction was enough to arouse people's attention. The whole audience warmly supported!

The fighting strength of the two of them is obvious to all, especially Xiao Zhi's every battle is both contest and courage, which is pleasing to the eye, but also makes people excited!

"To all supporters of the Pokémon Contest, please give the two coordinators Trainers and the Pokémon in the Contest the warmest and most exciting atmosphere! Please bring the best stage to you two!" Wallace also stood up to encourage!

May is from his hometown of Hoenn Region. If you can see such a talented and beautiful girl coordinating Trainer, you must pay attention to it when you come to Keli!

And Xiao Zhi is someone he recognizes. He is now very interested in watching how far Xiao Zhi can go. He is really willing to consider whether to board the Wanli Sunshine to pursue the legendary Pokémon with him. Master, what kind of existence is he!

"The final stage of the Wallace Cup, the time limit is five minutes, the clock starts!"

Xiao Zhi threw the Poké Ball first, "The decision is yours, Mismagius!"

For a moment, the gloomy atmosphere began to spread. The special effect Xiao Zhi chose for it was also the purple mist that Zoey had used before. It dispersed under its power. For a while, the entire Battle Hall was filled with ghosts and shadows!

"May, you are growing up very fast now, it's time to face the Ghost Pokémon!" Xiao Zhi is very aware of May's progress. She has become very proficient in fighting, but there are still Pokémon that she is not good at dealing with!

Xiao Zhi only started to conquer Ghost Pokémon after arriving in the Hoenn Region. It was too early for May to learn how to train Ghost Pokémon. She didn't even have much experience fighting Ghost Pokémon!

Therefore, Xiao Zhi planned to take this opportunity to let her experience it! His Mismagius girl has many magic skills, and now she wants to show them off on this stage!

"Yes, I will work hard!" May naturally understood Xiao Zhi's intentions, "Blaziken, get on the stage!"

Sure enough, she sent out the Trump Card she relied on most, her newbie Pokémon, Blaziken! Although it is a fire Pokémon, with its mobility, it can also show its strength in this water stage!

"Blaziken, use Fire Spin!"

May's battle was taught by Xiao Zhi, so naturally she started with the special attack skill 610! The flames crossed the water stage, but it failed!

I don't know when Mismagius appeared in front of Xiao Zhi!

It wasn't until the flames dissipated, and seeing that May never looked around in panic, but instead stared firmly at the entire venue, that Xiao Zhi spoke slightly, "Phantom Force!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mismagius' figure suddenly appeared behind Blaziken, and a black shadow flashed out, knocking Blaziken staggering!

"The Ghost type is really powerful!" May knew that this was a Ghost type skill similar to Dive. She didn't hesitate and immediately gave the order to use Blaze Kick!"

The slender and strong chicken legs burst into flames, and before he could stand still, he was about to kick them out. But as soon as he turned around, he saw Mismagius clearly in front of him. His ghostly appearance looked very cute, but when he got closer, he couldn't Blaziken was really shocked!

"This is the Astonish trick of the Ghost type. Player Xiao Zhi's skill control of the Ghost type is absolutely perfect!" Ms. Marian's explanation was very timely, explaining to all the audience what just happened!

Blaziken was frightened and took two steps back, but Xiao Zhi's attack was launched again at this moment, "Mystical Fire!"

Xiao Zhi's Mismagius girl used fire magic and summoned flames to swallow up Blaziken!