
Chapter 500 Shazhi! The Age Of Theo By Lapras

"You have to take good care of that Aipom, everyone is very nervous now!"

Slowly, acquaintances arrived one by one. After Xiao Zhi took care of Aipom, Drew appeared.

Hearing his words, May immediately laughed and said, "So Drew, you feel nervous too!"

"Please don't confuse me with you!" Drew tugged at his hair, too arrogant to admit that he was nervous! But he noticed the Fuchsia long-haired girl walking over and was stunned for a moment.

"Drew used to be a very nervous person!" This young lady was accompanied by a silly hippo. She had a very good momentum and the light of wisdom shone in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, this was Xiaogang's acquaintance, "Oh my god, isn't this Miss Sha?"

"I remember that you seem to be the Gym Trainer of Nibi Gym, right?" It turns out that Miss Saori's hometown is in Nibi City, and Xiao Gang used to often run to her to get close to her.

Seeing that Shazhi recognized him, Xiaogang immediately rushed up to her, "For the fateful reunion of Celebrate, do you have time to be alone with Xiaosheng and confide your feelings to each other?"

"I'm sorry, I have something to talk to Drew and Xiao Zhi May. Let's talk about it next time!" Shazhi rejected Xiaogang directly and passed him to Xiao Zhi, Drew and May.

Xiaogang was suddenly petrified, and Spinda had already jumped out of his heart.

"14Long time no see, Drew! And Xiao Zhi and May, it's our first time meeting you. Nice to meet you!" It seems that Shazhi and Drew have known each other for a long time, and she also treats Xiao Zhi and May with special regard, but only seriously.

"I'm very much looking forward to seeing Breeder's Pokémon performance, Miss Saori!" Drew said and introduced Xiao Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, this is Saori, I think her strength should be on par with you!"

Shazhi smiled and said, "Xiao Zhi is the Top Coordinator!"

As she spoke, she looked at May and said, "May, I often hear Drew talk about you!"

It seems that Miss Saori often contacts Drew during her travels, and when Drew just debuted and participated in the Contest for the first time, it was him on the final stage of Rival.

Therefore, Miss Saori is also a senior with special meaning to Drew. And now, all of them are already mature coordinators.

"To all the viewers around the world, the Love Festival of Pokémon and Coordinator Trainers, the Pokémon Contest, and the long-awaited Grand Festival Indigo Plateau Conference are about to begin!" Ms. Lilian is still as energetic as ever, and the atmosphere at the scene has changed. It lit up!

"Betting on the honor of Top Coordinator, the winner who can stand at the top will get this extremely luxurious ribbon trophy! And he can join the ranks of Top Coordinator!"

Kanto's ribbon trophy is naturally different from Hoenn's, but Xiao Zhi and everyone else are determined to win it!

As a Grand Festival, the judging here is not simple. In addition to the two familiar uncles and Nurse Joy from Rainbow City, there is also Miss Vivian from Hoenn, Lilian's sister!

"Today is the first day of the preliminaries to show off your charm. This time I can only show off one of my favorite tricks. It can be said to be a one-on-one competition to determine the winner!"

A total of 270 coordinated trainers have to perform on two stages, and the host of the other stage is Jessie. A total of six Nurse Joys are responsible for scoring until 64 people are selected to participate in tomorrow's official competition!

You can imagine how cruel this competition is!

"The beautiful display stage of the preliminaries is about to begin. Don't miss this precious moment of coordinating the Pokémon that Trainer is most proud of and shining brightly!"

After Miss Lilian finished speaking, the performances have already begun!

The first coordinator Trainer appeared on the scene. He splashed and threw the Poké Ball, and saw the divine horse that Xiao Zhi had been thinking about leaping onto the stage. In an instant, the stage was turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the horse stood in the fire. What a heroic figure!

The stage of the Grand Festival this time is very interesting. It has a partition that can be opened and closed. If the coordinated Trainer sends out a Pokémon in the water, you only need to open the partition and it will be a water venue!

No, on the stage where Jessie was in charge, a Goldeen jumped out of the water and caused a wave!

Venusaur's Plant Frenzy, Tropius' Sunfire, Pichu's Discharge, Salamence's Flamethrower. . . .

With the competition in full swing, it's finally May's turn to perform!

"Combusken, take the stage!" May sent his first general to embark on a journey from the Hoenn Region [Far Song Dynasty Combusken as the Earl Dervish Pokémon ten followed Xiaolianshenmai.

Although Xiao Zhi's Blaziken, as its descendant, has already completed its final evolution, it is about to evolve. This is just because May and Xiao Zhi's Breeder methods are different. As long as Pokémon and Trainer can accept each other, there is no problem.

May took out the pink Frisbee she used when she first participated in the competition and threw it out, "Combusken, use Sky Uppercut!"

Combusken's pair of sharp claws shone with the light of the Fighting system, streaking across the ground of the stage, leaving sparkling traces! It caught up with the Frisbee, Splashed hard, and smashed the Frisbee to pieces with a punch!

In the waiting room, Xiao Zhi, Shazhi, and Drew nodded repeatedly when they saw May's performance.

Saori looked at Drew and smiled and said, "Both May and Combusken's movements are very neat. I can understand why Drew you care about her so much!"

"She is enough to stand on her own!" Xiao Zhi is very satisfied with May's progress. The Combusken will be able to evolve soon, or should have been able to evolve for a long time. It just lacks a battle that is enough to trigger its potential and promote its evolution!

"The next contestant is Miss Saori from Nibi City!"

On Jessie's side of the stage, Miss Saori appears!

"We're going, Lapras!" The Pokémon she sent turned out to be Lapras, which is very rare for Trainers in Kanto. There are very few Lapras here.

Xiao Zhi knows that the Lapras currently migrating at sea, that is, the Rapp Las 453, was brought by Professor Oak from the distant Alola Region.

"That's her partner who has been following her for a long time. Its level must have grown quite high!" Drew knows Shazhi very well, and Xiao Zhi can also see that their bonding value is very high!

As Drew introduced, this Lapras suddenly fell into the water, causing high waves and even hitting the audience!

"Lapras, use Sheer Cold!"

It actually used the ice-type Mega move, and the ice started forming under it, and spread to the rising waves in an instant, forming a huge ice flower!

This move really highlights the charm of Lapras!

Xiao Zhi even had the urge to change the name of this move. It would be more appropriate to call it "Theo Era"!

"Miss Saori is still the same!" Drew has always spoken highly of Saori's performance.

After hearing what he said, May looked over and said, "Drew, I heard that you cried when you lost to Miss Saori before. I didn't expect you to cry too, Drew?"

She didn't remember how she cried so hard after losing the game when she debuted.

"No way, at that time I would just practice stupidly," Drew said, looking at May, "May, you should thank Xiao Zhi, his guidance saved you a lot of detours C"

Hearing this, May smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am very grateful to Xiao Zhi!"