
Chapter 286 Masked Messenger? Meganium Is Back

Xiaozhi unexpectedly met the Ice King from the Fengyuan region in Zijin City, and the battle ended in a draw.

Not only that, Xiaoyao also ran into Mr. Walter in the Zijin Food Court, who was the assistant of Mr. Tiexuan of the Zijin Gym.

She did a practice match with Miao Xiangwei and Mr. Walter's electric dragon, and she won. She has really improved a lot now.

Xiangwei Miao's help skills are indeed very powerful, and this also proves the compatibility between Xiaoyao and Xiangwei Miao!

She also learned from Mr. Walter that the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest was about to be held in Shade Town, not far ahead!

After checking the map, I found that Luyin Town is on the route back to Chenghua City, so the next destination for the group is Luyin Town!

Now Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao each have a ribbon medal, but of course Xiaozhi does not insist on it.

On the way to Green Shadow Town, the group also passed a place called Shuangye Town. There, Xiaoyao met Ayako, a senior coordination trainer who uses Elegant Cat.

Ayako has won the championship of a gorgeous large-scale celebration and has the title of top coordination trainer, but now she has retired and opened a Pokémon clinic in Futaba Town, which can be regarded as finding a new path in life!

The elegant cat is the evolved form of the tail cat, so Miss Ayako and Xiaoyao hit it off immediately, and she also provided Xiaoyao, a newbie, with some advice as a coordination trainer.

Therefore, Xiangwei Meow has learned to use a series of slaps to play with the ball. How to show off his unique skills in the gorgeous competition is something that coordination trainers need to think about.

Not only that, Xiangwei Miao also learned the blizzard skill, but it is not yet proficient and does not work when it malfunctions. It needs more training.

But in this way, Xiaoyao has more confidence in the next gorgeous competition in Green Shadow Town!

When we arrived at Green Shade Town, the Gorgeous Contest was about to start on the second day. Sure enough, there were already many coordination trainers gathered here. It was another opportunity for Xiaozhi to earn redemption points!

Entering the Pokémon Center, everyone saw the familiar figure. Sure enough, Xiao Shun had also arrived and was asking for something with Miss Joy at the moment.

When he got closer, he saw that Xiao Shun's Poison Rose was covered in bruises!

"Xiao Shun, you are indeed here too!"Xiaoyao is full of fighting spirit this time and must defeat Xiaoshun,""You also want to participate in tomorrow's gorgeous competition, right?""

Xiao Shun returned to his conceited look,"That's what I originally planned!"But the poisonous rose that has been entrusted to Miss Joy at this moment cannot recover before tomorrow!

"What happened to Poison Rose?"Xiaoyao felt distressed when he looked at it.

"We just had a fight!"Xiao Shun could no longer maintain that conceited attitude,"I give up this competition!"

"The coordination trainer wearing a mask, the Masked Messenger! Xiaoyao, you have to be more careful, but Xiaozhi, your words will definitely defeat him!"With that said, he bowed gently to Miss Joy again and walked out of the Pokémon Center.

Although he had other Pokémon, he was no longer in the mood to participate in the competition!

From this perspective, Xiao Shun was also Very immature, still far away!

After completing the registration, Xiaoyao hurried to an empty park for practice. This time she decided to send the tail cat to play.

"That coordination trainer can even defeat Shun, so I have to be careful!"Although she knew that the coordination trainer was very strong, Xiaoyao was not timid at all. Instead, she gradually became more willing to fight. She has made great progress.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, who are you going to send to the competition?"Watching Xiaoyao training Xiangweimao to play with a ball, Xiaogang asked with concern from the side.

"This little guy Pokejigu is too playful and unwilling to perform well, and he really doesn't seem to be interested. Since there is such a powerful character this time, I have already decided!"Xiao Zhi threw another Poke Ball casually,"Come out, Geranium!"

When Geranium saw Xiaozhi again after not seeing him for a long time, she turned her head and ignored him. What was written all over her face was,"The baby is angry and cannot be coaxed!"

"Wow, what a beautiful Pokémon!"Xiaoyao immediately fell in love, this is so beautiful!

"And it smells so good!"Xiao Sheng was so touched,"I actually saw the geranium from the Johto area. Sister, this is the geranium that killed the opponent in one move at the Silver Conference. It's super strong! You will definitely lose this time!"

Xiao Zhi also said proudly,"How beautiful, the beauty I cultivated with all my heart, my pride!"

Even when she heard Xiaozhi praising herself, Geranium just twitched the corner of her mouth, and then twisted away.

Seeing its appearance, Xiaozhi immediately smiled, patted its neck gently and said with a smile,"Okay La, doesn't this exchange you? Don't be angry. I'll just play with you these two days, okay?"


La Lulas teleported in front of it and waved her hand towards it. The two girls started chatting, ignoring Xiao Zhi at all.

They already knew each other. After all, they had previously challenged Xiao Zhi to pull La Lu. Lulas temporarily exchanged with her.

Besides going to play with Kati Dog, Lalulas's biggest gain was getting to know this beautiful sister!

Suddenly, a strong wind came, mixed with fallen leaves and dust, and a figure appeared from the wind , he was wearing a black cloak, a black hat, and a Night Giant mask on his face

"Let me ask you, are you a coordination trainer who wants to participate in the gorgeous competition?"Just listen to him ask.

"A coordination trainer wearing a mask!"Xiao Sheng exclaimed, this should be confirmed, this is the trainer Xiao Shun defeated!

And then he admitted it himself,"I want to fight you, not against someone with some backbone. The battle is so boring!"

Xiaozhi was happy when he heard this. My geranium is still standing here. Where did you get the courage to say that I am just a person with a little bit of backbone?

I am a mountain that you can't climb!

"OK, I accept it!"Xiao Zhi will never refuse the invitation to fight!

Xiao Gang serves as the referee, and the time is limited to 5 minutes. The fighting method is the same as the gorgeous contest. Of course, the Pokémon used by Xiao Zhi is Geranium.

The Masked Man also threw out His own Pokémon,"Go, Night Giant!"

It is indeed a Night Giant, and his outfit has elements of the Night Giant. This kind of ghost-type Pokémon is very difficult to deal with!"

"We have a competition tomorrow, don't break it! Xiaozhi warned Geranium,"Flower Dance!""

The flower dance performed by Xiaozhi and Geranium is completely different from what Xiao Shun asked Poison Rose to do!

It is both beautiful and unimaginably powerful. The sweet petals spread out and immediately enveloped the Night Giant. Before he could use any skills, he was instantly killed by Xiaozhi and Geranium.

The scene in front of him made the masked man unbelievable, but then he noticed a luxury car driving towards the park, and immediately took back the car that had lost the ability to fight. Night Giant,"The battle will continue next time, goodbye!"

As he said that, another strong wind blew, and he ran away without a trace!
