
Chapter 1026 Big Melee! Unruly Giovanni!

The fateful battle between Xiao Zhi and Giovanni is about to begin!

Giovanni has lost two Pokémon, but Xiao Zhi has also taken back Metagross, which has finally completed its bond evolution.

But even Metagross, which hinders evolution, will not attract too much attention from Giovanni. It is of little value to him. Instead, he said to Xiao Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, come to our Rockets, I will sit for you." The Rockets' second-place finisher!"

To him, Xiao Zhi's value is truly huge. If Xiao Zhi is willing to join the Rockets, he can indeed be the second in command!

But Xiao Zhi smiled and took out the third Poké Ball and threw it out, "Uncle Giovanni, Team Rocket will fail in the Unova Region. Remember my words! I will not give Meteorite to you tonight. !"

"The decision is yours, Fei is here!"

Xiao Zhi's third Pokémon is Salamence, which just completed its evolution at the Lily of the Valley Conference. After a long period of precipitation, it finally completed its final evolution!

The bloody dragon wings spread out in the deepest part of the Relic Castle, and that huge heroic figure immediately captured Iris's eyes!

"No matter how you look at it, Salamence is so handsome! Axew, don't you think so?" Iris hugged Axew hard and was so excited to see Xiao Zhi's Salamence!

Moreover, the 690 Feilong with Flying Type can also restrain the Ground type that Giovanni is good at!

But Giovanni didn't hesitate and went out to play the Poké Ball, and the Pokémon that appeared surprised Xiao Zhi!

That is clearly Hippowdon in Sinnoh Region!

When he was in Sinnoh, Xiao Zhi once had a battle with Ms. Bertha, the Elite Four of the Ground system, but Giovanni's Hippowdon was much more powerful than Ms. Bertha's!

"Dragon Star Group!"

Xiao Zhi's Salamence mastered a large number of dragon-type skills, and immediately launched an astonishing number of Meteorite, which fell from the sky and enveloped Hippowdon!

But unexpectedly, Giovanni suddenly laughed ferociously and said, "Dig a hole in the ground!"

It's normal to dig holes in the ground to avoid attacks, but Xiao Zhi frowned when he saw Giovanni's expression, and a blue light flashed on his body, only to find that Hippowdon didn't stop after he burrowed into the ground to avoid attacks, and continued to attack again. Go to the ground!

The reason why Giovanni came to Unova this time and brought his Ground-type Pokémon with him was because of the late-night Meteorite under Relic Castle!

The boss of Team Rocket really doesn't follow the rules!

Xiao Zhi casually took back the Salamence and threw another Poké Ball, "Bgeb, Earthquake!"

For Pokémon in the Contest Condition of burrowing, attacks such as Earthquake and Magnitude are extremely effective, which will undoubtedly cause great damage to Hippogriff!

If Hippowdon loses its fighting ability underground and cannot come up in time, even if it is a Ground-type Pokémon, it may be in danger!

Therefore, Giovanni must not let Xiao Zhi and Bangila's Earthquake trick succeed!

"Come on, Garchomp!"

Giovanni's fourth Pokémon turned out to be the Sinnoh quasi-god, Garchomp, and it was his hidden Trump Card. The level was very scary!

Iris was about to cheer, but she quickly covered her mouth. She could see that the battle in front of her had changed!


Xiao Zhi subconsciously called Pikachu, which also meant that the battle between Xiao Zhi and Giovanni had turned into a big melee because of Giovanni's actions!

Sure enough, a big cat suddenly appeared next to Giovanni, with Ruby on its forehead shining brightly!

This is the pet that always follows Banmu, but now it suddenly shows its terrifying side!

However, Bangira didn't seem to see the other Pokémon on the board. He raised his leg and was about to hit Bulldoze. The two partner Pokémon, Pikachu and Eevee, rushed out to meet Giovanni's Quasi-God Biting Luo!

The shadow of the Ice Pokémon flashed across Eevee's body, and she immediately Spit Up a ball of icy Haze, shrouding the Biting Shark. It was also mixed with ice crystals and cut through Garchomp's dragon scales like a blade!

Xiao Zhi said coldly, "Put the cat across the street, we also have puppies!"

With a tap of the Warrior's Staff, Riolu appeared next to Xiao Zhi. The moment he opened his eyes, his figure stood in front of Persian!

When it comes to who has more Pokémon around him, Xiao Zhi will never lose. Along the way, he has tried his best to find ways to bring more Pokémon around him!

You are a veteran champion, but if you don't follow the rules in the battle, the Pokémon next to me will kill you just by counting!

Riolu moved quickly, his steps became faster and faster, and he struck hard with his hand, creating a Vacuum Wave to defeat Persian!

"Good fight, meow!" Meowth suddenly cheered for Riolu. After beating the Persian, it could climb onto the boss's lap!


Bangila roared loudly, stamped his foot on the ground, and suddenly the whole Relic Castle began to tremble!

Cracks appeared on the top of the head, and a large amount of quicksand poured down. It seemed that the deepest altar was about to be buried!

Mei Yi stood tightly next to Xiao Zhi and waved her hand suddenly, but she saw that Blizzard was blown up in the vast underground altar. With just a few breaths, the wall that was cracked by the shock was sealed by ice, and even the quicksand was covered by ice. Frozen, as hard as Oreburgh!

Garchomp was frozen and fell down, and Blizzard combined with Freezy Frost's attack had an outstanding effect on it!

However, Giovanni immediately took back the Pokémon and laughed wantonly, "Xiao Zhi, your reaction was very fast, but you still lost!"

After the words fell, the castle Ground that turned into frozen soil was broken open again. Hippowdon did not lose his fighting ability, but was seriously injured but successfully completed the mission!

It confirmed that Meteorite is deep underground, and opened up the Underground Path to explore Meteorite at night. Now it's time for Team Rocket's black technology to stop!

At some point, the Rocket trio pushed in a machine and arrived at the hole made by Hippowdon!

"Break that machine!" Xiao Zhi gave the order, and Bangira, Pikachu, Eevee and Riolu launched attacks at the same time, but were blocked by the mysterious force field above!

But I saw that the machine had dropped a ray at some point, absorbing the energy contained in the Meteorite at night to operate!

No matter how strong Xiao Zhi's Pokémon are, they can't break the energy field created by the energy of Meteorite this night!

Xiao Zhi seems to have seen such equipment before. Butler used a device like this to draw energy from the Millennium Comet and create monsters from the Ten Song Dynasty!

Immediately, the entire altar began to shake, and the basketball court-sized Night Meteorite was being pulled up by the Rockets' machines!

Relic Castle is about to collapse completely, burying everyone under the desert! Unova Region is about to face annihilation!

However, Xiao Zhi smiled coldly, with golden light shining on his body, and a Qianzhou wrist slowly appeared from behind him!

He stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently, and the energy field on the machine suddenly collapsed!