
Pokemon : Ash reborn

What happens when Ash and Pikachu start on a rather harmonious tune stay tuned to find out the rather exciting rewind of ash and pikachu's journey again ************ This is a translation of Pokemon : Wisdom series Join my patreon for Ash's adventure at Kalos patreon.com/ThedenGUARD963

Denzil_Beast · Anime e quadrinhos
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191 Chs

Chapter 173 - Celadon City

"You deserve it," Bruno said with a satisfied smile. "But there are still many things I need to deal with. I'm heading back to Saffron City. As for your companions, say goodbye to them for me." He waved at Ash and tossed a Poké Ball, releasing his Hitmonlee, then casually climbed onto the Pokémon's head.

"By the way!" Bruno called out, just before Ash could respond. He tossed something toward Ash, who barely caught it.

"This is a gift from me, personally. I see great potential in you, Ash. I hope to see you on the champion podium at the Indigo Plateau Conference in the near future!" Bruno shouted as he tapped Hitmonlee, who kicked off the ground with incredible force, leaping nearly 300 meters into the air. In another few swift kicks, Bruno disappeared from Ash's view entirely.

Ash stood there, stunned by Bruno's abrupt departure, until Misty and Brock caught up with him. Misty noticed the item in Ash's hands and asked, "Did Master Bruno leave already? And... wait, isn't that a Mega Evolution stone?"

Brock's eyes widened when he saw the stone. "That's a Mega Beedrill stone! These are incredibly rare," he exclaimed.

Ash nodded, explaining the basics of Mega Evolution to them. He avoided mentioning the recent events involving Silph Co. and instead fabricated a plausible reason for having the stone. Despite his explanation, both Misty and Brock seemed unconvinced but chose not to pry. They had some understanding of the situation without needing to hear the full story.

Ash, aware that his friends likely sensed more than he was willing to admit, thought to himself, *As long as they don't ask directly, it's not really a leak, right?*

Besides, the Xtransceiver they had recently acquired—designed like a sleek wristwatch—would soon be released to the public. When that happened, Ash knew they'd figure it out.

"Just don't go getting involved in dangerous things like this on your own next time," Misty said softly, her voice filled with concern as they walked along. "If you ever face danger again, we're in this together. You can count on us. We're your friends."

Brock nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Don't forget that, Ash."

Ash smiled warmly at their words. The heavy burden that had been weighing him down lifted ever so slightly. He realized how fortunate he was to have such loyal companions by his side.


Celadon City, one of the largest cities in the Kanto Region, stood proudly amidst dense forests, offering an impressive skyline that stretched into the distance. Known as "the city of rainbows," Celadon was renowned for its vibrant hues and breathtaking rainbows that frequently arched across the sky. The bustling metropolis was second only to Saffron City, its eastern neighbor.

After a ten-day journey that took them through seven different routes, Ash, Misty, and Brock finally arrived at Celadon City. Fortunately, they encountered no significant trouble along the way.

"Let's head to the Pokémon Center first and get settled," Ash suggested as they strolled down the lively streets. "After that, we can hit the Celadon Department Store."

Misty and Brock agreed, so they made their way to the Pokémon Center. The structure itself was massive and vibrant, reflecting the city's rainbow motif. Its modern design made it one of the most impressive Centers they had encountered so far, rivaling even the Pokémon Center in Saffron City.

Once they registered and stowed their luggage, the group regrouped in the Center's lobby and set off toward the famous Celadon Department Store.


Celadon Department Store was more than just a simple shopping destination; it was a massive complex, a joint venture between Celadon City and Silph Co. The ground floor catered to the general public with everyday necessities, while the upper floors were a Trainer's paradise, offering a vast selection of supplies, gear, and equipment.

The store's sheer size took Ash and his friends by surprise. Even though Ash had visited the towering Silph Co. headquarters, the scale of this mall left him wide-eyed. It wasn't just a department store—it was an entertainment hub, filled with restaurants, shops, and even entertainment venues scattered throughout the six floors.

Ash stopped a store employee. "Excuse me, where can I find the Silph Co. store? I need to exchange some items."

The employee, noticing the Silph Co. logo on the letter Ash held, gave a surprised yet respectful nod. "Right this way, Silph Co. guest. Please follow me."

The three friends exchanged curious glances. Silph Co.'s influence was undeniable, especially given that they helped fund the entire department store, but the level of deference was still unexpected.

They were led to the third floor, where Silph Co.'s store occupied a vast central space. The area bustled with Trainers examining various Poké Balls, healing items, and other Trainer necessities. Ash even spotted the Xtransceiver—the one they had acquired—displayed at a counter. It wasn't for sale yet, though it had clearly caught the attention of many Trainers browsing the store.

A clerk accepted Ash's letter and disappeared briefly, returning with a large backpack that bore Silph Co.'s logo. The bag was primarily red, adorned with black accents and a prominent Poké Ball design. It appeared deceptively simple on the outside, but when Ash opened it, he was shocked to see how spacious it was inside.

The pack contained a luxury tent, just as promised, along with an array of supplies: over fifty Poké Balls and various types of medicine.

Ash smiled gratefully. "Thanks! Please send my regards to President Silver."

The clerk returned the smile, relieved to have met the request successfully. "I'm glad you're satisfied. Safe travels!"

As the trio left the store, Ash slung the bag over his shoulder. The quality and sheer number of supplies exceeded his expectations. Celadon City was proving to be a worthwhile stop in their journey.

"Wow, Ash, you're really lucky to have such connections," Misty remarked, marveling at the items they received.

"Yeah," Brock agreed. "It looks like Silph Co. really knows how to take care of their VIPs."

Ash, still holding onto the Mega Beedrill stone Bruno had gifted him, looked out at the bustling city streets. With the Celadon Gym challenge looming ahead and so many experiences behind them, he felt more ready than ever to tackle whatever came next.


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