Follow reincarnator Ace Ketchum as he travels the world of Pokemon in a journey to be the best, and to rise to the occasion as Arceus' champion. Will be a mashup of the numerous Pokemon universes, so there won't be one specific timeline that I'll focus on.
I approached the circle of semi-naked girls without any hesitation or waiting for an answer to my question, taking a seat in the chair that they quickly cleared for me between Lyra and Rosa.
We were all sitting around the space where the coffee table usually was, except it had been moved so as not to be in the way. And sitting in a circle around the space was Lyra, Misty, Giana, Serena, Hilda, Leaf, May, Chloe, Joy, Selene, Lillie, Gloria, Daisy, Dawn and Rosa, while Sonia was in the middle as she went through with her dare.
Apparently the dare was something along the lines of 'take your pants off', cause that was exactly what Sonia was in the middle of doing when I arrived. Even now she was standing there awkwardly with her hand in front of the crotch of her panties, even with her pants around her knees.
And Sonia wasn't the only one either, as nearly all of the girls were currently experiencing undress to some degree. May was completely topless, Misty completely bottomless, Daisy was sitting in her bra and panties, and even Lyra had been made to take off her overalls to name a few. Poor Lillie seemed to get the worst end of it again though, as the only thing on her body was merely a pair of panties.
"U-Um... Do I really HAVE to?" Sonia asked worriedly while glancing at me embarrassedly.
"Yep~! Pants and panties please." Hilda said with a slightly sadistic grin.
"Wait! When did my dare include my panties as well?!" Sonia exclaimed.
"I DID ask you to remove your bottoms. That means both layers." Hilda replied with mock innocence, making Sonia go teary eyed. It made me wonder who was truly the elder around here, as Sonia was supposed to be older than all of us. Even Daisy.
With no one offering to help her, Sonia reluctantly fingered the waistband of her panties before pulling them down as well to join her pants around her knees.
"P-please don't stare..." Sonia pleaded, not that any of us listened as we blatantly stared at her naughty bits.
I was surprised to see that she had shaved her orange pubic hair into a neat little landing strip, leading right to the top of her slit.
"Uohhh... This is so embarrassing..." Sonia whined as she turned so that she was facing away from me. Unfortunately for her, this meant that she was pointing her butt at me as she bent down to completely remove her pants and underwear.
As she bent over I was tempted to report to Sonia exactly how many wrinkles she had 'back there', but decided against it since she might actually pass out from shame if I did that. So I just counted and admired the view silently, filing the information away for later.
When Sonia finally removed both her pants and panties, she tossed them to a small pile of clothes that was outside the circle before hurrying back to her sitting place, her hands attempting to cover what had already been thoroughly exposed.
"Now then, my turn~!" Leaf crooned as she glanced around at everyone with a mischevious glint in her eyes, before they landed on me.
"Ace. Truth or dare?"
"Hm... Well dare is usually more fun, but I think I'll start with a truth." I answered.
"Boo, you're no fun." Leaf pouted momentarily, before continuing, "Alright then! My question, how many women have you been with?"
I was immediately the center of attention from everyone present, with even Daisy and the girls curious as to what the actual answer was.
"Well lets see... Daisy was my first, and then there was Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire, and then there was..."
I slowly went through the list of every woman I could recall that I had been with, in this life, which was incredibly long due to my monthly trips to Viridian over three years, then there was all of my 'conquests' ever since I start my journey. By the time I had finished by listing Clair, every eye had grown wide, and more than a few jaws had dropped.
"I don't know if I should be disgusted or impressed..." Leaf uttered.
"I'd say impressed. But that's just my opinion." I said without any shame.
"Can you imagine if he wrote a book?" Misty muttered to Lyra.
"I'm more concerned about him possibly fathering the entire next generation..." Sonia said, seemingly forgetting her own embarrassment for a moment.
"Well... Clair DOES want me to impregnate her specifically due to my excellent genes and dashing good looks." I said cockily.
"Amazing..." May said while shaking her head, along with her breasts, before perking up as she declared, "My turn!"
The next few turns went by as I quickly learned what few rules were in place. Firstly was that the person who was asking truth or dare was the next in the circle, while the second rule was that there was a buffer between a single person being picked.
Aside from those two rules it appeared this was a game without any real restrictions, as indicated when May dared Dawn to stick a pill vibrator up her ass in front of everyone. Which Dawn readily did.
A few more turns with Chloe, Joy and Lillie giving relatively mild questions or dares, and then it was Gloria's turn as she looked right at her with her eyes intense.
"Ace, truth or dare?"
"I'll go dare this time." I replied, wondering what Gloria had in store for me.
"I dare you to take your pants and underwear off!"
Suddenly there was a spike of tension in the room as every girl I hadn't slept with looked at me even more intensly than before. I had no doubt they had heard the stories from the others, and now it was time to see if the stories bore fruit.
"Well... I guess it's time to face the music." I said as if it couldn't be helped, even as I saw Leaf and May trade knowing looks.
I stood and stepped out into the very middle of the circle, thumbing the waistband of both my pants and underwear as I did so, before directly approaching Gloria since she was the one who made the dare. I smirked as her eyes widened in anticipation at my approach, before I promptly lowered my bottoms to allow my flacid cock to flop out while smacking her in the face.
Rather than appear offended, Gloria looked enthralled as she admired my cock.
"It's so big..." She uttered in awe as my clothes pooled around my ankles, before I stepped out and tossed them onto the growing pile. Then, to Gloria's disappointment, I moved away from her to let everyone get a good look at what I was packing.
The reactions I received were all quite varied as I made my round. The girls who traveled with me all planted an affectionate kiss or lick on the tip of my cock, some more eagerly than others. A couple of the others though, Sonia, Hilda and Rosa, looked as if they were trying to do some calculations in their heads while making matching gestures. Selene, Lyra and Lillie all seemed as if they had never seen a cock before, not even in porn or illustrations, as they stared transfixed at me with reddened cheeks. Serena meanwhile just appeared to be in a daze with a little bit of blood dripping from her nose.
Once I made my round I returned to my chair, lounging on it like it was a throne before my cock-worshipping subjects.
"Ehem! Anyways, I believe it is my turn now." Daisy said, drawing (some) attention away from me as she glanced around the group, before she settled on one person in particular.
"Gloria, truth or dare?"
"Dare." Glaoria answered without even looking at Daisy.
"Ok then. Since you seem so enthralled by Ace's penis, then I dare you to suck on it." Daisy said, surprising everyone even as Gloria rose to her feet.
"BUT!" Daisy said, stalling Gloria as we all looked back at her. "There is a time limit. You have three minutes to try and make Ace cum. Succeed, and there will be no penalty. Fail to do so though, and you'll have to strip completely naked."
"Ok." Gloria readily answered as she sank to her knees between mine, preparing to worship my cock just like I had just pictured.
"Your time!" Daisy stated as she started a timer
Instead of immediately trying to make me cum though, Gloria just took her time as she ran her chilled fingers up and down my length, while even poking and prodding my balls experimentally. She then gently wrapped her fingers around my shaft, before proceeding to open her mouth as wide as possible.
Sounding as if she were about to bite into a particularly delicious meal, Gloria eagerly took the head of my cock into her mouth before sucking on it to create a vacuum, making her cheeks sink in as she did so.
Accompanying the sucking and warm/wet embrace of her mouth was Gloria's warm tongue as it swirled around my head, before she began to slowly inch her way down my length with slow bobbing motions. As she did that, her hand also began to stroke me as it slowly worked up and down my shaft, steadily picking up speed as she used her own spit as lubricant.
I could feel every single eye in the room transfixed on us as Gloria eagerly sucked me off, all filled with some varying form of awe as she slowly made her way further down my length, until I hit the back of her throat.
Rather than seeming daunted by the fact that she was just short of making it halfway down my length, I felt Gloria pause for a moment as the muscles in her throat relaxed, and then she took me in deeper.
The further down Gloria went on my cock, the higher my brows went as it became increasingly obvious that she had practiced before now. But with how 'innoncent' Gloria appeared to be, along with fact that I was pretty sure this was her first time doing this, then the only logical conclusion I could think of was that she was a closet pervert that had been looking forward to getting her lips around her first cock.
Soon enough she had her lips wrapped around my base, her chin resting on my balls, and her nose poking my pelvis as she looked up at me expectantly. It was obvious what she wanted.
"This feels amazing Gloria." I said while patting her head to show my appreciation, making the closet pervert hum in contentment as she started bobbing up and down yet again.
I leaned back and enjoyed the sensation of Gloria worshipping my cock, the tightness of her throat combined with the vibration of her humming once she realized how good it felt to me.
Even when Daisy pointed to her timer to indicate that time had ran out, Gloria made no move to stop and I didn't even try to stop her. Instead, I put my hand on the back of her head and guided her to make it more intense for both of us.
Soon enough I could feel the tell-tale pressure building in my balls, prompting me to pull Gloria off until only the tip remained in her mouth.
"Here you go!" I exclaimed, before filling her mouth with enough cum that her cheeks buldged slightly.
And Gloria, ever eager to impress, pulled off of my cock and opened her mouth to allow me to see the white inside of it before she closed it again and swallowed audibly. She then opened her mouth once again, and showed me that none of it was left.
"Good girl." I praised her, making Gloria preen despite the fact that she failed her actual dare. Then, as if she intended to all along, she readily stripped off all of her clothes before adding them to the pile off to the side, her Wooloo themed panties topping the pile.
"Well that was something~!" Rosa exclaimed as Gloria retook her seat, even as several of the more innocent girls blushed while glancing between Gloria, and my glistening cock. Which was still standing straight and ready for action.
"I believe it's my turn now?" Dawn asked, bringing our attention to her after the show everyone else got.
"Lets see..." She said while looking around at everyone, before her gaze settled on Misty.
"Misty, truth or dare?"
"Dare..." Misty said begrudgingly.
"I dare put this up your butt!" Dawn declared with a smile, producing a strand of anal beads that made Misty pale.
From there the dares got increasingly intense with the next few people chosen, while I noted that it seemed like no one was choosing truth anymore. Clothes were removed, girls made out with one another, and at one point Rosa even had to pleasure Hilda, her own cousin. (I MIGHT have been the one who gave her THAT particular dare.)
And then finally, it was my turn again as Giana asked me which one I wanted.
"Dare." I answered with an expression asking if she expected any different.
"I dare you, to eat Lillie out until she cums." Giana stated with a mischevious grin.
"Eh?!" Lillie exclaimed in surprise when she was mentioned, before looking between Giana and I nervously.
I then stood up and stalked towards Lillie with a predatory look on my face, making her even more nervous as she glanced between my cock and face, as if she thought I was going to use it on her. Not yet though.
I sank to my knees in front of the blonde and reached for the waistband of her panties, slowly pulling them down her smooth legs while also exposing her innocent slit before my greedy eyes.
Lillie was probably the only girl here that I'm pretty sure was COMPLETELY innocent, in that I doubted that she had ever even masturbated before, despite being the same age as most of us. The prospect was all the more exciting to me as I endeavored to completely and utterly corrupt her body.
After pulling Lillie's panties off completely, and throwing them to the pile with the others, I spread her legs to see her sex in it's smooth entirety. There was not even a single strand of hair over her entire pelvic region, even compared to the others who had undoubtedly shaved/waxed.
"Ace..." Lillie utteredly, before I dove in and licked.
Lillie's voice filled the room as I gave her pussy it's first ever stimulation, running my tongue up and down her slit a few times before using my thumbs to peel her lips apart. I pulled back enough that I was able to see her lovely pink virgin flesh, before digging back in to explore her folds with my tongue.
Lillie continued to cry out and whimper as I licked and played with her pussy, her hips bucking with each wave of pleasure that surged through her body as a result of my machinations. And with my control over my aura, as well as my ability to read her body, I was able to prolong this experience as long as possible before Lillie inevitably orgasmed.
When I could feel it building within her without stopping though, I kicked things up a notch by prodding her folds with my finger, coating it in her juices, before shoving it up her butt completely as she came.
Lillie cried out both from her first ever orgasm, as well as the sudden intrusion into her tight and filthy back hole, her body spasming as she pressed her crotch into my face even harder.
I gave a few last licks and thrusts of my finger, before pulling it and my head back out from between her legs as Lillie's body went limp on the couch.
"Haaa... Haaa..."
Her chest heaved as she panted from the overwhelming experience, her limbs hanging limply on either side of her body as she tried to recover from what she just experienced.
I licked my lips while looking in the eyes of every single girl sitting around me, all of who were sitting on the edge of their seats while watching in anticipation. I even saw Serena with her skirt flipped up, and panties push to the side as she furiously worked herself with her fingers.
It was obvious the game was almost over by this point.
"Alright then. I'm saying its MY turn now." I declared, increasing the tension in the room as every single girl gave me their utmost attention.
"First I 'DARE' you all to get completely naked." I declared in what could only be considered an order, which they all readily followed as every single girl removed whatever clothing they had left. Even Sonia removed what she lad left with no argument.
Once I was surrounded by sixteen completely naked women, I gave them their next 'dare'.
"Now, I 'DARE' you all to put your hands on the bed, and stick out your asses for me."
Again, there was no fighting my 'dare' which was actually an order, as every single girl bent themselves over the bed, putting their hands on it while sticking their butts out.
For a moment I admired the beautiful view of so many naked and lovely women sticking their butts out at me, even if they were on the other side of the bed. But then I identified my first target as I moved behind her before positioning my cock between her lovely cheeks.
Serena tensed as I rubbed my cock against her lower lips, lathering it with her juices on top of the remnants of Gloria's saliva as I prepared to penetrate her.
"Please....put it in me..." Serena whimpered pitifully while looking back at me with desire in her eyes.
"Of course." I answered, as if I were doing her a huge favor, before suddenly burying myself inside her virgin hole.
Serena cried out as she came from the penetration, after all of her earlier solo build up, despite the fact that she had also just lost her virginity.
Of course, I didn't start moving immediately after filling her with my cock. Instead, I extended my hands out on both sides to cup the asses of the girls on either side of her, Lyra and Selene.
Both girls moaned as I squeezed and played with their butts, before probing both their holes with my digits even as I started to slowly fuck Serena. While I used my thumbs to probe their anal holes, my other fingers probed their hot and wet folds, which seemed to take them in greedily with their growing desire for cock.
"Don't worry." I told the two of them, even as I directed my attention to every other girl around me.
"I'll make sure to fully satisfy each and every one of you tonight."
Lady Ilene was sitting on the balcony of her room with her mind swirling after the numerous bombshells that had been dropped on her since arriving on the SS. Anne. She was even sure that Lance had broken some kind of record given how powerful her aura perception was.
First was the discussion regarding Ace Ketchum(along with his brother Ash).
Though both brothers were naturally very powerful aura users, Ace easily eclipsed every single aura user Ilene had ever seen. It wasn't for no reason that she likened his aura to that of a sun.
Ash himself was powerful enough to contend with their most skilled Aura Guardians, but Ace was the real prize that Ilene was after.
Unfortunately Lance was unwilling to even discuss sending Ace to Rota to join the Aura Guardians and be trained by them, let alone Ash. Barring Ace himself going of his own will, the reason was because he was needed here in Kanto too much.
Ilene was then told the story about the criminal organization known as Team Rocket, and just how vital Ace was to fight against them.
Apparently there had been whispers of a new criminal organization in the shadows for years before they were exposed, yet no matter what the League could not determine who they were.
This was not due to incompetence on the League's behalf, but because of the fact that the same organization had infiltrated the League itself. Not only did they have inside information of the League's movements, but they also apparently had the support of the most powerful psychic on the planet, Sabrina.
No matter how many Koga clan agents were sent to investigate Team Rocket, both before and after they were exposed, not a single one returned alive. Instead the organization remained entirely in the shadows, until they encountered a certain twelve year old boy.
Not only did Ace thwart their plans to assassinate May and Dawn, and drag professor Oak's name through the mud in doing so, but he also directly exposed the organization itself to the world via a live broadcast. And afterwards he proceeded to inform professor Oak exactly who was heading the organization.
Unfortunately with Sabrina on his side, not that they knew that, there was nothing they could do since every investigation resulted in another loss, and the last thing Lance wanted was to trigger a war in the middle of Viridian city.
But then Ilene was told about how Ace had singlehandedly turned the tide, starting the very same day he departed Pallet town on his journey.
Everything following that was just a confirmation of the investigation on Ace that Ilene had ordered after learning of him, but there were also certain things she had been completely unaware of. Such as Mewtwo.
Rota had remained standing and unconquered after so long due to two reasons.
The first was of course, the Aura Guardians, a special group of people naturally gifted in aura and trained to use it, all of which were paired with the pokemon known for using aura, Lucario.
The second reason was because Rota was home to the largest and most influential cult in the world, the cult of Mew.
Ilene herself was a devotee to Mew, which afforded her a position of extreme respect across the entire world that even League Champions did not possess. This was because Mew was undisputed in the conflicts that had broken out between the various cults throughout history. Even the cults of Ho-Oh and Lugia would not raise their heads before the cult of Mew.
So when she heard that Team Rocket that cloned Mew to create the being known as Mewtwo, she was completely and utterly livid!
To take the purest and holiest being in the entire world, and warp them to fit their own agenda! Ilene knew that if/when she informed the cult of Mew back in Rota, the entirety of the cult would readily rally to ensure Team Rocket was completely destroyed!
Of course the same sentiment was NOT held towards Mewtwo.
The teachings of the cult of Mew was that all life was sacred, as all life was descended from Mew. Regardless of how it came into existance, Mewtwo was a descendent of Mew as well, and therefore was a being to protect and embrace alongside all others in this world.
What shocked her most of all after being informed of all of this, was that Ace Ketchum was in semi-regular contact with BOTH Mew and Mewtwo!
In fact, according to professor Oak, Mewtwo had actually abandoned Team Rocket after it was sent to kill Ace, and chose not to. This led to a falling out between it and the leader, Giovanni.
And while Ilene had found this hard to believe at first, she was shown both the footage of Ace's first encounter with Mewtwo outside of Mt. Moon, and then the pictures he had taken with Mew back in Vermillion city.
Needless to say that Ilene was stunned that a human could form such a relationship with the Legendary Mew. Not even the upper echleons of the cult of Mew could claim such a thing, though Mew did regularly visit Rota in disguise.
But the biggest surprise was yet to come for Ilene, at least on a personal level.
Though it was mentioned as something 'minor' compared to the other bombshells that had been dropped on her, Ilene had also learned that Ace and Ash Ketchum were none other than the sons of Red Ketchum.
Though she did not know his last name, Ilene knew EXACTLY who Red was, as he had once come to Rota a couple years after his victory over Lance.
Though not nearly as gifted as Ace is, Red was also gifted in aura in a manner similar to Ilene herself. He possessed a powerful form of perception for those around him, not nearly as powerful as hers, but it was this gift that allowed Red to capture and train a team of pokemon powerful enough to take down the Champion of both Kanto and Johto in such a short time.
The biggest shock about Red though, was that he was actually a direct descendant of none other than the legendary hero of Rota, Sir Aaron.
This was something that only Ilene and her mother, the acting queen at the time, was aware of, as if Red's heritage became common knowledge then it would have triggered chaos all over Rota. He would have become a celebrity overnight within the nation, and there would have been demands for him to stay as a noble with a status similar to Ilene's.
Unfortunately Red was completely and utterly against being put into the public eye more than he absolutely had to, and he hated being tied down. He had explained that this was also why he turned down the Champion position after defeating Lance, as all he desired was to travel and see what the world had to offer.
Even when Ilene's mother had(jokingly) offered Ilene's hand in marriage to him, Red readily turned her down, stating that he was already married with two sons. And no matter how tempting, Red would NEVER betray his wife, especially after leaving her to raise their children alone.
This had been especially devestating to Ilene, since in the time she came to know him, she had developed a bit of a crush on Red.
It was a stupid childhood crush considering that she hadn't even been ten years old yet, but she had came to see him as the living embodiment of the old stories of heroes, such as Sir Aaron.
Now Ilene was here, in extremely close proximity of Red's sons, Ace and Ash.
And if she were being truthful, being so close to Ace was borderline torturous.
The boy was like a sun that radiated lust, passively impacting those around him without him even seeming to be aware of it. Ilene could tell this was one of the reasons women were so accepting of his advances, but it also extended beyond that.
Ilene could sense that nearly everyone with rooms in close proximity were being affected by Ace's lustful aura, resulting in lovers engaging with each other passionately, or even people trying desperately to bring themselves to satisfaction.
With her own powers of perception, Ilene had it significantly worse.
This was nothing new though, as she could always feel the intense emotions of nearly every single person in Rota, as her perception extended nearly to their very borders. The problem was that the lust Ace was radiating was so powerful and intense.
It was impossible for her to ignore it.
Eventually Ilene decided not to, as she could then learn more about Ace before they inevitably met face-to-face. That was when she learned that he was currently engaged in sexual fun with not one, two or even three women, but SIXTEEN!
Ilene didn't have personal experience, but if she recalled her anatomy classes, then it should have been physically impossible for a man to actually keep up with sixteen women the way that Ace was. But she got her answer why soon enough, when she felt him channeling a constant stream of aura into his nether regions.
This shocked Ilene since she had NEVER heard of someone using their aura in a such a way for sexual endeavors. But that wasn't all.
Ilene also realized that Ace was using his own aura perception to bring the women with him to the highest peaks of pleasure possible, literally playing them like a master playing an instrument. It was stunning that a person would use aura in such a way!
Curious about their feelings exactly, Ilene tried to focus on the women themselves to determine what they truly thought of being 'used' in such a way.
The effect was immediate as lust and desire filled Ilene from top to bottom, stunning her as not only the emotions of the girls was transmitted to her, but also each of the physical senses they were experiencing.
The next few hours passed in a haze to Lady Ilene, with her somehow moving to her bed and stripping her clothes without any knowledge of doing either. Instead, all she was able to feel and register was the sensations surging through her body.
As Ace plunged his meat into the girl before him, she also felt the phantom sensations of him filling her up. She could feel his hands upon her body, squeezing and groping her in ways that no queen should be touched, especially on her breasts.
She could taste his lips upon hers, as well as his tongue as it entered 'her' mouth, all while thrusting into her from behind as he brought her to repeated orgasms, until the moment he spilled his seed into her.
That was just the first of numerous rounds Ace would go through with women, with Ilene feeling him inside her quivering quim almost constantly. The only breaks would be when he would use one of their mouths, filling hers with the taste of his cock/cum, or when he decided to use someone's ass.
Ilene felt as if she had been split apart when he did that, as both pain and pleasure filled her. But then the pain began to fade, until there was mostly just pleasure until a burning sensation filled her rear.
This continued, over and over and over again, with no breaks as Ace fucked woman after woman, making Ilene wonder if it was ever going to end. But surprisingly, it did.
After what seemed like his hundredth climax, Ace collapsed onto the bed with all of the women crowding around him. Each and every one of them exhausted, but surprisingly they had just barely managed to outlast Ace with so many of them.
From a few of them Ilene felt a sense of vindication, they had FINALLY defeated Ace Ketchum in bed!
But immediately after that, they too collapsed around Ace and fell asleep, not at all caring about cleaning up or anything.
It was only then that Ilene found herself back in her own bed, also completely and utterly spent. And the reason why was readily apparent when she examined her own body.
The entire time Ilene was experiencing what the girls were going through, her hands had NOT been idle.
Her breasts were covered in red marks from all of the groping, pinching, and twisting she had apparently done to them in her trance, while her crotch, thighs, and even bedding were drenched from all of the juices as a result of her repeated climaxes. Even her butt was a little sore, making Ilene think she must have played with it as well in her trance.
"Ace Ketchum... You truly are a terrifying man..." Ilene muttered to hersef, before she alowed her own exhaustion to take her. Her dreams that night were the lewdest dreams she ever had.
"Hey Lance, can I ask you something?" Clair asked her cousin once the meeting with Lady Ilene was over with.
"Of course Clair! What is it?" Lance asked her curiously, since Clair RARELY came to him about something.
"You see... I was wondering if you can tell me everything you know about Ace Ketchum." Clair forced herself to ask him, making Lance's expression go completely blank.
"Lance?" Clair asked hesitantly as he seemingly became unresponsive.
Lance however ignored Clair's voice as he slowly walked towards a nearby wall, before repeatedly slamming his head against it.