
Daisy Oak

"Sure," Daisy said.

She was excited to see what kind of question Alex was going to ask her, He had already made it clear that he wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer but it was not as if she disapproved of such a path, he only had a Caterpie and everyone knew Caterpie was a weak Pokemon.

"I have some berries and I wanted to sell them in Viridian city Pokemon Mart," Alex said, "But my Pokemon isn't strong enough to defeat any Pokemon we may come across while walking to Route 1,"

Alex not only cared about his Safety but that of Caterpie, Caterpie was one of the underrated Pokemon in the anime and he had to admit, it was weak but that was his only option… It's not like he had access to a Charmander.

Upon living in the Pokemon world for a month now, It was vastly different from how the anime portrayed it. To be honest, He was scared the first time he saw Pidgey- they looked a little cute when he was watching them on screen but in real life, menacing as fuck.

"What kind of berries?" Daisy asked.

"Oran berries," Alex replied calmly.

Daisy nodded with excitement.

"My Grandpa wanted some Oran berries, how many do you have?" Daisy asked.

If Alex cross-checked the patches of Oran berries he had, they were about a few hundred.

"Fifty of them," Alex replied.

"Nice, do you mind if I ask where you got them from?" Daisy asked, she knew it sounded a little bit rude but she was curious.

"Uhmm, My family grows them," Alex replied, "They're far away from here though and they just gave me fifty before I came to Kanto, I don't really have any use for them,"

"Okay," Daisy nodded excitedly, "Thank you Alex, now I don't have to go to Celadon to go look for berries,"

Alex smiled and nodded gently, as this was an Alternate world of Pokemon, Transportation from one city to another could be done very quickly through underground railways but it was not advisable for trainers, To Pokemon Trainers, The Adventure was what carved the path.

A trainer couldn't use the railway to travel everywhere and expect to be strong enough to participate in the Indigo Conference by the end of the year, no being a trainer meant traveling through the thickets of jungles, traveling through the harsh rocky terrain of caves to train your Pokemon and get stronger.

Powerful trainers sacrificed a lot to get to where they are, Even with a Protagonist's halo, Ash was sure to figure that out in this timeline.

"When should I bring them in?" Alex asked.

"Just drop by the lab tomorrow," Daisy replied and then they both heard a shout from the inside, Daisy stood up and grabbed her book, "Umm, I have to leave. My little brother, Gary needs me,"

"Alright," Alex said and waved goodbye as Daisy went inside.

As the door clicked shut, Alex found himself feeling lonely. Of course without Daisy being here, he felt a little lonely but at this point he was already used to this loneliness.

Alex walked home and after taking a quick shower, he stepped into his sub-space with Caterpie.


Coercing Pidgey was not a simple thing, for Alex it required a lot of effort and even after expending so much effort, the Pokemon didn't fully believe him but Pidgey agreed to help him in Caterpie's training.

The Grasslands were wide and spacious enough for probably a thousand Pokemon to live in it peacefully without experiencing any kind of discomfort.

Alex's eyes glowed as he appraised the Pidgey.

[Species: Pidgey]

[Level: 5]

[Ability: Keen Eyes]

[Hidden Ability: None]

[Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack]

It still had the same stats but after a while, Alex was sure he would be able to train the Bird Pokemon into a great powerhouse.

"Alright Caterpie, Start with String Shot!" Alex ordered, he would check on Pidgey's stats later.

Caterpie shot a white string of silk toward Pidgey but Pidgey proved faster as she flapped her wings and dodged the attack, Caterpie didn't relent though, the String shot continued firing and Pidgey dodged it.

At once, Alex noticed one of the weaknesses of Caterpie- while firing String Shot, He could only stay in place and Pidgey was going to use that to his advantage.

As Alex had expected, Pidgey closed in the distance and shot toward Caterpie, striking the Pokemon with a powerful Tackle that sent it flying. Caterpie landed on the ground and fainted, Alex's eyes widened in surprise at the wisdom of the Bird Pokemon.

Pidgey could have dodged those String shots with pure speed alone, she was flapping her wings to garner more momentum for her Tackle.

"You sure are a smart bird," Alex said, "Alright, be free to take any amount of berries you want,"

He would capture Pidgey later, by that time; the trust between them should have grown even more and Alex couldn't wait to have such a strong Pidgeot on his team.

Seeing Caterpie stir back into consciousness, Alex stroked his head affectionately.

"I have some ideas we can use to defeat Pidgey," Alex said.


Alex rested on his bed, it was already evening time and he was in the living room, watching the news channel.

As much as he would like to train his Pokemon, Caterpie had exhausted itself trying to swing from one tree to another and Pidgey apparently fainted after eating too much berries- He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when the berries she devoured yesterday had already grown back right before her very eyes.

The telephone started ringing and Alex reluctantly got up from the chair, despite the world being advanced in terms of Medical technology… There were still the old-school telephones.

Alex picked up the call.

"Yo Alex," Sam said.

Sam was one of Alex's acquaintances at work and Alex found peace being around the Funny guy and they were in the same boat too, each of them was a virgin looking for a girlfriend.

"Hey Sam," Alex said, "Is this important? I was in the middle of an Important News report,"

"I'm not in Pallet town," Sam said, "I won't be there for a week; I went for a visit to Pewter city to meet my Uncle,"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Alex asked, clearly he was surprised but if he had followed Sam, he could have gotten a chance to capture some good Pokemon and by capturing them, he meant storing them in his Sub-space.

"I needed you," Sam replied, "Could you help me work my Night shift?"


Author's Note:

It's in the tags, this is a slice-of-life fanfiction so expect many realistic things~

The plot will slowly develop and the MC will grow stronger, his Journey will soon start so don't worry.

If you want to immerse yourself in more chapters of my fic, head over to patreon.com/izana07 to support me, I'd appreciate it.