
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

A team should share everything

We landed next to a small village in order to do a break. Well in fact I needed to pee. I am a human with human needs. Of course I needed to do this from time to time.

Meanwhile, Anna and Laura decided to have a pokemon battle among themselves. Finally I will be able to see their level of coordination as well as their strengths.

"Do not get too excited" Mia warned me.

"Eh? Why?" I asked.

"That because you may be disappointed. Even if they are my maids, they are not at my level yet... since you won easily against me, you would too against them. So their fight will surely be boring for you" she explained.

"I do not think so. One can always learn something from watching others. Even if I am not a big fan of watching others have fun, I will try it this time" I replied. Of course, I found it far better to battle instead of just watching.

"You know you do not have to force yourself... you can just practice"

"No that is fine. Moreover I wanted to spend time with you"

I then sat on the ground while looking at them. Mia decided to lean against me. She always choose the closest spot. I guess it is better than avoiding me.

"Arcanin it is your turn" Anna said.

"Altaria go show everyone how cute your are!" Laura yelled.

"Why cute? Should not she say 'how strong'?" I asked to Mia. I was so surprised by what Laura just said.

"Well Laura always think that cuteness win against strength" Mia sighed.

"It seems like you did not brainwashed her correctly"

"I was not the one doing this" she explained.

Altaria having the type advantage won easily against Arcanin. It was now the turn of crobat to fight against Laura's persian.

"Who do you think will win this round?" Mia asked me.

"I wonder. Crobat seems to be stronger than Persian but depending on which move it knows, the situation might overturn"

"You mean if Persian knows ice attacks for example?"

"Yes exactly"

"Well Luckily for Anna, Laura did not succeed yet to teach this to her pokemon" Mia explained.

My prediction turned out to be correct and it was Anna's win this time.

"Still they are not bad at all. They could challenge gyms too" I declared.

"You know we cannot. We are not suppose to show our strengths or weaknesses to anyone that we cannot trust fully"

"Yeah I know... else you might have to silence the witnesses"


"It seems that the final round will be hitmonlee versus skarmory. I wonder who will won"

"Hitmonlee was Anna's first pokemon" Mia informed me.

"Really? When did she get it?"

"5 years ago. That is why your pokemons are stronger. Not everyone got them at 3 years old"

"It is not my fault if I was already very mature. What was Laura's first pokemon?"

"It was her weavile"

"A weavile? I am surprised she did not choose to use it against hitmonlee. Is it because it would be disadvantageous since dark pokemons are weak to fighting ones?"

"I do not know why she did not let it fight. I guess she wants her other pokemons to acquire battle experience too"

"Well yes that is a good point. It is never a good idea to have only one pokemon much stronger than the others"

"I know right? Even if it is strong, depending of the situation it might become totally useless"

"That is indeed true. Looks like hitmonlee finished the battle with a high jump kick" I noticed as skarmory was passing out.

"Yeah it seems so. That was quite impressive. Should we resume our travel once they healed their pokemon?"

"It would be preferable" I agreed before patting her head.

"Stop my hair is going to be a mess" she snapped.

"That is why I love doing it. It gives me a savage aura" I grinned.

"You really are a pervert"

"Said the girl who insisted to shower with me when we were kids and also sleep naked in my bed"

"Oh shut up" she said before standing up.

"Yes ran away from reality! After the cake, the pervert mindset"

Of course she gave me a middle finger without looking back. I chuckled after seeing her reaction. Is not that pure love of newlyweds? We really are an exemplary couple. I am joking, please do not take us as your model. It would be a very bad idea.

An hour later, we arrived at Celadon city. Before I could even land in front of the hotel, Mia landed in a flower garden. Here I thought that Laura believed in cuteness win over all. It seems that she was not the only one. After grumbling for a bit, I landed too.

"Look how beautiful those flowers are" Mia said happily. Seeing her happy makes me happy. Sounds stupid, right? I just cannot explain in another way how I feel.

"Anna take this red flower" Laura said while tending it to her.

"What is it?" I asked since I could not recognize it. It was not a rose, that is for sure.

"It is an Amaryllis. You have to offer it to a splendid beauty" Laura said while Anna was blushing.

"Well indeed she is" I agreed while Mia was pouting.

"Here is for you" Laura said before giving me another flower.

"Is it a daffodil?" Mia asked.

"Yes it is. It symbolizes chivalry. He has the duty to protect us, the young and innocent maidens, right?"

"Yes" Anna and Mia nodded.

I flinched when I heard 'innocent'. They are far more pervert than me! If they are innocent then what I am? A saint? It is like using Beelzebub to cast out the Devil. It is just non sense!

"And here is for you, mistress" Laura said while giving a flower to Mia.

"It is an orchid!" I realized.

"Yes. Do you know its meaning?" Laura asked, suddenly interested.

"I have absolutely no idea" I confessed.

"Men" Laura sighed. Mia and Anna giggled after hearing this. What is this prejudice? I am pretty sure some men know a lot about flowers. Some florists are men. They must know their stuff.

"It means elegance. Mistress is a symbol of elegance so this flower is a good match" Laura explained.

"Well this is… true" I said because the girls were starring at me with killing intent.

"As for me, I will take a Lily" she declared.

"Why a Lily?" I frowned.

"I am devoted to Mistress Mia. This is why"

"Oh you are a die hard believer" I concluded. It is not like she can choose the opposite. "Should we buy some flower bouquets? It would be fine if they are based on the flower Laura have chosen, would not it?" I asked.

"Actually this a nice idea" Mia confirmed.

We then went to a flower shop and I bought to each girl a bouquet. I did not think it would be that expensive to be honest. Maybe raising flowers is a good business. I will have to ask my parents about it. I might getting praised for once if they find it interesting.

"Stop daydreaming" Mia interrupted my thoughts.


"Should not we go to the hotel?"

"Ah yes you are right!"

With all those flowers, I totally forgot about that! The world of flower is a dangerous world. With that in mind, we went to the hotel and put our stuff in the room. Then hell arrived. Celadon city has the biggest department store in all Kanto. And guess what? Being there with three women is a very bad idea. I had to go there and carry their bags. It could have been worse. They could have use my credit card. I think I would have cried if it was the case.

"Just how long is it going to be?" I muttered as I watched them entering the tenth shop. I mean they even entered shops just to try stuff and not buy it… What is the use of it?

"Oh my Arceus, I am going to leave" I grumbled before sitting on a bench, in the mall.

"Gengar" I called him who was resting in my shadow.

"Gen?" he asked, dumfounded.

"Hold out your arms" I ordered.

"Gar?" he said while doing it.

"Time for training" I said before giving him all the shopping bags.

"Gengar" he said unhappily.

"As a team we should share everything, even our suffering" I explained. What I did not expect was that they came back with another bunch of shopping bags. I just wonder how we will travel with it since their luggage were already full.

I heard Gengar sighing at the same time as me. "I hope your partner will not be the same" I said as I looked at him in the eyes.
