
First Day As An Assistant - II

(What is this? A status screen?) Xyno thinks to himself as he sees the information about the Rattata.

Species: Rattata

Level: 8

Element: Normal

Talent: < ? >


The status screen appears in Xyno's head which read the species of the Pokemon and it's current level.

(Why can I see all this? Species? Level? And the rest of the screen is blank?)

Xyno starts looking around at the other Pokemons. He gazes at a Nidoran and at first he sees nothing. But when he focuses he can see it's information as well.

Species: Nodiran-M

Level: 10

Element: Poison

Talent: < ? >


He sees the same 3 tabs as he saw for the Rattata. Then he looks around at some other pokemons. He realizes he can see the Pokemon's information when he focuses in on them.

(Why can I see all this? And can others like Maria see all this?) Xyno gets shocked at this. He thinks to himself why he can suddenly see all this information.

(Can I see Human's information too?) Xyno thinks in his head. He quickly looks over at Maria and focuses on her.

Human: Maria Kmetsch

Tier: < ? >

Elements: < ? >

Talent: < ? >


Xyno observes he can see Maria's information. (What is Tier? Elements? Talents? Do humans also have these?) Xyno gets too confused about all this. He grabs his head and sits on a nearby chair.

"What happened Xyno? Are you not feeling well?" Maria asks Xyno as she gets concerned.

"I-I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." Xyno reassures Maria that he's fine and quickly gets up.

"If that's all I will be going back to Professor Regina now. Bye Maria." Xyno goes off to the field area back to Regina.

On his way he looks around at the different Pokemons and the other workers at the research facility.

Human: < ? >

Tier: < ? >

Talent: < ? >

Species: Electrode

Level: 12

Element: Thunder

Talent: < ? >


Species: Electrode

Level: 11

Element: Thunder

Talent: < ? >


(Why can I suddenly look at all this information? And why are those Electrodes Thunder type? They were Electric type. Maybe this world has different names for types. I need to check for other people and Pokemons too.) Xyno is deep in thought while walking over to the field area.

When he arrives he looks at Regina and focuses on her.

Human: Regina Ballad

Tier: < ? >

Element: < ? >

Talent: < ? >


(It's the same for Regina as Maria. But why do I see more tabs like Talent for Regina and Maria and only the name and their Tier for the other scientists?)

Xyno doesn't pay much attention to it as Regina hands him a list of Pokemon's from the field area to check their conditions.

"Go over to the stable and check on the Tauros there. Also check the quality of milk produced by the Miltanks there. Here take this to check the quality of milk." Regina hands Xyno a device to check the quality of milk produced by the Miltanks.

"Okay. I will go and check up on the Tauros' and the Milktanks." Xyno goes over to the stable.

In the stable there were 2 scientists and a man who looked like he was the one incharge of the stable's Pokemon's feeding and caring.

"Ah so this is the new assistant Professor Regina took in. Hello there, how are you?" One of the scientists reading the Tauros' reports spoke to Xyno while gesturing to shake hands.

Xyno shakes hands with both scientists.

"Hello. My name is Xyno, I look forward to working with you guys." Xyno replies.

"Can you explain what I will be doing with this device?" Xyno asks one of the scientists.

"Ah you just have to take one of the sample milks from the table and test the quality of milk by adding a few drops to the top of the device." The scientist explains the procedure to Xyno how the quality of milk will be determined and what the range of good quality of milk was.

"I'm guessing you will be helping us with the field data and such, Mister Xyno?" The other scientist says to Xyno.

"Yeah Professor Regina asked me to help her in collecting field data on pokemons so that's what I will be doing." Xyno replies.

After checking all the samples of the milk from the Miltanks and writing the report, Xyno heads over to the Tauros and checks who among them is the leader.

The leader of the Tauros' pack was determined by the number of scars on it's horns. The one with the most scars and the biggest hide was the leader of the pack. Simple selection by strength.

Xyno checks each Tauros' horns and their other parts very carefully as the scientists explained to him. He finally finds out the leader of the pack. The Tauros leader looked a bit bigger than the rest of the Tauros. He had numerous scars on his Horns and a big scar on it's face, running across from the lower jaw to the side of the forehead.

"So you are the leader of this pack huh." Xyno gets more cautious around the bigger Tauros as Tauros are quite wild Pokemon and can attack if you are not careful.

But these Tauros were all very tamed so the leader Tauros didn't go rampant as well. It sniffed Xyno across and after a while sat in front of him and gestured that he was fine with the check-up.

"Professor Regina takes good care of these Tauros. These are all very docile and cooperative." Xyno pats the Tauros on the head and conducts the check-up.

He focuses on the leader Tauros and the Tauros' information pops-up in his image just like every other Pokemon.

Species: Tauros

Level: 35

Element: Normal

Talent: D

Unique Skill: < ? >


(Hmm? I can see it's Talent. Is it because I have been checking every person and Pokemon that now I can see the Talent as well?) XYno looks over to the other Tauros.

Species: Tauros

Level: 20

Element: Normal

Talent: F


Species: Tauros

Level: 22

Element: Normal

Talent: E


He observes that different Tauros had different Talent. The ones who looked like they were older and had more experience had higher Level and Talent than those younger and inexperienced.

(It seems like the Level and Talent of a Pokemon is decided according to it's potential. And earlier alphabet is higher than the latter.) Xyno thinks to himself.

After he is done with all check-ups it's already evening and the sun starts to set.

"Oh your work is done Xyno? Then you can go back to Professor Regina and give this report to her." One of the scientist hands the report on the Miltanks and the Tauros to Xyno.

"Okay. See you later." Xyno replies

"Good work out there!" The other scientists says to Xyno as he goes back to Regina's laboratory.

Xyno hands the report to Regina.

"Good work Xyno. Did the Tauros give you any problems?" Maria who just enters the room asks Xyno.

"Not at all. All the Tauros were very cooperative. Especially the leader. Seemed like he controlled every Tauros so it won't hurt anyone." Xyno replies back.

"He IS the oldest and the strongest of them. So every Tauros respects him." Regina answers.

"Are you done with your work as well Maria?" Regina turns to Maria and asks her.

"Yeah I'm done. That's why I came to check up no you." Maria replies.

"Good. Then let's head back. I'm getting hungry from working all day." Regina stretches her back and gets up.

The three of them go back to the Mansion.

After dinner Xyno goes back to his room and lies on the bed.

(Today was quite eventful. I got to know about the Artificial Inhabitator. It's quite splendid. The Tauros and Miltank were all very docile as well. The leader of the Tauros was something else. He looked a little dark brown instead of the regular brown the other Tauros had. His hide was bigger than the others as well. Looks like according to their potential, Pokemon mutate and their physical appearances begin to differ than the rest of their species. Their Talent and Level seem to represent their potential as well. Speaking of, why did I suddenly develop this screen in my head?) Xyno thinks to himself.

Suddenly it comes to him that if he can see other poeple's information. He should be able to see his own.

"Let's check" Xyno starts focusing and suddenly a screen pops-up in his mind.

Name: Xyno Evertale

Age: 12

Tier: 0

Element: < ? >

Unique Skill: Eye Of Identity(locked), < ? >, < ? > , < ? > , < ? >

Talent: EX

(Huh? Eye Of Identity? I did not see any special skills on Regina and the others.)

Xyno checks the Eye Of Identity and looks at it's description.

Eye Of Identity: Allows the user to identify all things in existence. *need to unlock to know more*

(What is this unique skill? 'allows me to identify all things in existence'? I need to unlock it to know more? So this skill was the reason I was able to see the level and stuff of the Pokemon? Pretty handy unique skill I have. Maybe Sylvie gave me this skill. So that means Regina and the others won't have this unique skill.)

Xyno gets excited to know that he can look at other living creatures' stats.

So what do you guys think about the mysterious screen that pops up in his head? Just how much will he be able to calibrate?

Also please leave a comment on the chapter and vote with your power stones. Some reviews will be very appreciated as well.

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Dark_Xynocreators' thoughts