
Pokemon: Ace's Adventures!

Ace was an orphan.He worked as a part time worker to afford money to live.One day he was visited by truck-kun,then bam.He was infront of SKM,the author he reads some fanfic from.They discussed about his wishes and SKM decided to send him to the Pokemon world.Now join him in his quest to become a Pokemon master, along with finding love and happiness!

SarusakkuKM17 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 5:Ship and training!

This scene takes place in the Pokemon center of Canalave city."Thank you for informing us of this Pokemon poacher.He had been causing us quite the trouble,not only in Sinnoh,but also in other regions."Said officer Jenny to our protagonist and his heroine,while also having a light blush on her cheeks when she was looking at Ace.Serena frowned at Officer Jenny but didn't say anything while Ace nodded at her words while being oblivious to her blush.

"It's no problem officer Jenny and also thanks for dropping us in Canalave city,though if you don't mind,can I ask one of the Pokemon if they want to come with me?"Ace asked while Serena also chimed in about wanting another Pokemon as jenny thought about it before shrugging."You both are free to try as they are technically wild Pokemon that were being smuggled."Ace and Serena smiled as they went to the respective Pokemon they wanted that were being treated by nurse joy and a lot of chansey.

"Treeko""Bun!"Both the gekko and bunny Pokemon waved at the approaching duo as they were grateful for being rescued."Hey guys,i hope you both are doing ok."Ace said as Serena also nodded while commenting."There is something we will like to ask you."She sounded nervous,so Ace also chimed in."You see,we are Pokemon trainers that are travelling the world to achieve our goals and have a crazy adventure."

Serena also gathered her courage before she squatted down to buneary's level as she asked."W-will you come with me to find my goal in this journey."Ace also squatted down and showed his fist to Treeko."Treeko,can you lend me your strength to achieve my dream of becoming a Pokemon master!"Treeko thought for some seconds as he looked at Naruto who nodded at him,as having a trainer is like having a brother or sister to Pokemon,so it was an important decision.

Treeko bumped his fist with Ace,who grinned as he he declared."Welcome to the team,Zoro."He knew that Treeko will surely be able to live up to that name after he evolves and trains that signature move of his with Ace's help.As for buneary,as soon as Serena uttered her sentence to her, buneary jumped in her arms as she snuggle in her breasts as Serena laughed happily at getting her second Pokemon.

-----------------------Training Arc---------------------

Ace and Serena had said their goodbye to Officer Jenny and nurse joy as they boarded the ferry that went to the orange islands.After they had put their bags in their rooms,Ace had went to the training area in the ferry as Serena also followed him, wanting to train her Pokemon as well.

Ace helped her by giving her buneary special bracer equipment that was placed in the training area.He had explained Serena about buneary's powerful kicking powers as well as her evolution having more power at her kicks,so he helped her train buneary's kicking power by doing leg exercises which became difficult due to the bracer as it heavily restricted her movements.

Fenneken was told to fire her ember attack at the moving targets that were surprisingly made out of a metal know as P-Metal.It actually tanks Pokemon moves as it actually absorbs Aura from a Pokemons attack, resulting in it being null,but is was diluted heavily as it can only take weak attacks like ember from beginner Pokemon like Fenneken.

When he searched for the metal,he found that it was extremely rare and was very costly,that is why it was always kept safe by the Pokemon league officials and they always kept their location safe.It was also given sparingly and the buyers had to sign a contract saying if they died and did not have a heir,the Pokemon league officials will confiscate them.All the sold pieces of P-metal was also observed by police every month.

It was also heavily diluted because of its rarity and the potential it held as a 100 percent P-metal weapon will give terror to humans and Pokemon.Not even terrorists have this as the leagues have guarded it heavily and if a wiff of someone having a weapon made of it was revealed,the league had given the order to bombard that person with Nukes and missiles if needed,that was how much it was rare.When he asked the ships workers,they said that their captain won this equipment at a lottery,and he placed it in this area to attract Pokemon trainers that want to travel by Ferries.

Back to the training,while Fenneken was learning her aim,Naruto was doing the second,rubber ball,exercise.Ace had explained what he was having Naruto learn,and after hearing about the technique,Naruto had agreed to learn it with gutso.Zoro was given melon seeds by Ace,who ate it with Serena for snack.He had told Zoro about bullet seed and trying to learn to harness the grass type aura's power as it will help him strengthen his signature move when he evolves.

Ace was not slacking off either as he was trying to harness his Aura power first,as learning the psysic powers will need deep meditation.The aura guide app showed that first he needed to have a strong body as the stronger the body,the higher his Aura reservs.Which explained Ash's aura use as he didn't train his body,as he was a 10 year old,which is why he didn't use aura that much to do things as his reserves were small.So he decided to do physical workouts to improve his body as well as to try and harness aura.Serena had a nose bleed when Ace took off his shirt to wipe the sweat off of his body.

Anyways,this was the basic schedule for 3 days as after that,they reached Tangelo Island.Ace and Serena site see the whole island as they visited markets to stockup on supplies,Ace specifically taking some plants and apricorn tree seeds that will potential grow into good herbs and apricorn trees,in his farm space.Then they visited the beach as they changed their clothes to a swim wear and had a fun day at the beach.Serena had another nosebleed while blushed up a storm when she saw Ace's body,as he was growing muscles due to his training as well as trying to regulate the aura in his body.Their Pokemon also enjoyed the beach as they sawm in the water and played together as a break from training.

After having their fun,the Pokemon were returned to their Pokeballs as they were tired,as for them,they visited the Pokemon park to relax a little.Serena became a little bold as this day was like their first date,so she shyly held his hand.Ace didn't think much about it as he just smiled at her as he liked her company as well as not being alone like his previous life.This protagonist was dumb type who carved for people liking and loving but was blind to the girls love,so carry on.

As for the tasks in his task app.Three of them were completed as their rewards were collected .He had forgotten about it and only rememberd it in the ship.The first task was to get his starter.Its reward was Mystic Water.He gave it to Naruto.He was also a little shocked as he learnt that as soon as his Pokemon touch the items given for them from the system,they merged with their bodies and would only come out of their body if Naruto willed it to.

The second was for Capturing the poacher,it gave him a skill called 'clear mind',which when activated can help him maintain and clear his mind from getting affected from his emotions like anger, hatred,etc.The third reward was for getting his second Pokemon,that was a miracle seed,so he quickly equipped it to Zoro.Anyways,the fourth quest has came,which was to catch his third Pokemon.And it's name was also written there,along with a good item for it."Wait for me, Crystal onix!"Ace thought as he looked at the moon with Serena still holding his arm and looking at the moon while thinking of how romantic this was.

(Find out next time on Pokemon: Ace's Adventures)