
Well damn

A child was sitting in a crib, silent, not making a sound, one would think he was asleep, but his eyes were open.

There was no innocence in those pair of green eyes, they spoke of experience, as if this little child has already gotten through life experienced what it had to offer, and was not contemplating if it was worth it to do something about it.

His face was the picture of calmness however on the inside was a whole different story.

(Where the Fuck am I?!?!?!).


It wasn't until a week later when his mother Akino, took her out to buy groceries, that he figured it out.


Yes, he figured it out by seeing a bird, screaming "Pidgey" every five seconds.

(How did I end up here? I was having a graduation party, I had finished college... all the education, all the work... wasted...).

Then he realized that he was being dramatic, who cared about being a doctor when you can catch a giant dragon is a ball that fits in your hand?.

The information he had gained was at least helpful...

his parents got Married in Kalos, then moved to Kanto... guess where... Yes! the Pallet town.

his grandparents were living there, and since his father wanted his "little Champ" to grow up with his grandparents dating on him, Akino agreed.

His mother was a beautiful woman, long brown hair, coming down to her waist, smile figure, a pretty face, and from what he could tell by the Pokeball's he could occasionally see on the self, she was a trainer, most likely her Pokemon ware at professor Oaks lab, since he never saw them anywhere.


Finally, he could crawl... and he took every chance to explore, like right now.

"Dust, Stay here, I'll be back with food, okay?".

asked his mother, giving him a stern look, waiting for a response.

"Wes, MoMa".

He almost gagged, he wanted to talk normally, but he couldn't, three year olds don't talk fluently.

Getting the answer she wanted to hear, Akino turned around to walk out of the room.


he bolted.


"Happy birthday!".

Said a man that had just walked through the door.

He was wearing a green jacket and blue pants and black shoes, he was slightly tanned and had black hair with gray eyes.

The man was his father, Akira once a trainer, now a breeder.

In his hands was something no one was expecting.

An egg.

It was light blue with a darker line on the top, on the bottom of the dark blue like ware two white dots, giving the image of a nose.

"Dear, you got him a Pokemon egg? isn't he too young?".

His mother asked a little worried, Pokemon ware not as they portrayed on the TV, after all, just the last month there were accidents involving Pokemon causing Havoc, most likely someone trying to catch them and failing.

"Don't worry, he's five already, he's a big boy that can handle a little Pokemon".

Akira just waved the concern off, placing down the egg in front of Dust, who was looking at it with wonder.

"This, little guy, is a Pokemon egg, a Pokemon will hatch from it, Your first Pokemon!".

He further emphasized the point by throwing his hands in the air.

His father was a little childish, but he was a good father, he was trying at least.

(... that's a Froakie egg, isn't it?).

He thought with fascination, he had been thinking of the team he wanted to gather when he left soon after he came of age.

He reached out and touched the egg, focusing on it intensely.

(You and I, will dominate the damn world, I'll make you the strongest Greninja that has existed, strong enough to take the giant shuriken on "Ash-Greninjas" back and shove it down his throat, then we will proceed to T-Bag the sucker).

With that thought process finished, he took his hand off the egg and smiled at his parents.

now he had to wait until the egg hatched, he grew and train the crap out of himself and Froakie.

Then make the dream team!

first, he needed an Eevee.



a blue frog with what looked like foam on its neck was running away from a boy.

To anyone, it would look like a child playing with his Pokemon.

But dust would say otherwise, this was very intense training.

speed training.

The Froakie had good moves since this wasn't a damn game, Pokemon could kern more than four moves, but they had mechanics.

If a Growlith could use a tackle, it would use full force to deal maximum damage, however, if an Arcenine had Takedown and was ordered to use tackle, it would but it would have to hold back most of its power.

Froakies moves ware: Pound, Mindreader, and toxic spikes.

two of those ware egg moves, pretty good ones, and Pound was a level one move, that he remembered from the games.

And the Froakie was a speed type and had a decent attack power as well...

this would be great.