
Vermillion Gym

"Since you managed to fight off that Gyrados, I suppose I should bring out the big guns... Don't be too disappointed when you leave without a badge."

Really? He saved this fuckers city and he was getting underestimated...

This ass!

"Come out Jolteon!"

Dust watched with disinterest as a Jolteon was released from its Pokeball, releasing a cry of its name to the world. people were watching, his mother informed, All gym battles were broadcasted.

So what better way to bring a gym leader down a peg or two than to dominate them with the type disadvantage?

"Come out, Tobirama."

Just to mess with this arrogant bastard, the first thing that came out of his shadow was Greninja's hand, placing it on the floor and bringing his body up, raising his leg, he fully stood up straight.

He squatted and jumped up and landed on their side of the arena.

they watched the screen for the countdown and as soon as it hit zero, Lt. Surge shouted his first command.


Greninja jumped up, avoiding the wave and creating a few clones. Each of them prepared water Shuriken and launched them towards Joltion.

"Use Thunder! Spread it around you."

Oh, that was a good call. At least he didn't think that pokemon battles should be so straightforward as taking turns to attack.

As soon as the water Shurikens connected with the lightning a mist exploded, covering the area with mist.

"Now Pin Missile, in front of you!"

Greninja formed two Kunais and slashed all the missiles coming toward him. with a small grunt, Greninja used Shadow sneak, appearing right behind Jolteon, As soon as he popped up, he channelled Flying-type energy in his hands and feet, using Arial Ace. One strong punch later, there was an unconscious Joltion on the field.

"Come back Jolteon! You're not giving your pokemon any commands? Your letting your pokemon make their own decisions in a fight huh?"

There, a chance to be an asshole!

"I believe it's called a "Pokemon Battle", im letting my pokemon fight...Though it is pretty one-sided."

The amusement in his tone was palpable when he saw His opponent's eye twitch.

"Come out, Ampharos!"

A yellow pokemon with stubby arms and pointy legs came out of the ball, its neck was slightly long and had a red gem on top of its head.

"Use Thunder Punch."

Greninja's eyes started glowing, indicating the use of move Mind Reader, Tilting his body to the side, he dodged the lightning fist. forming a black blade, he quickly slashed his opponent's body.

Ampharos got knocked back but managed to land on its feet, electricity crackled along its body, indicating a charge stored up.

"Use Thundershock! Don't hold back!"

Creating a few clones of himself, Greninja started running all around the arena, using the clones to distract the electric type.

The thunderbolt was shot, destroying four of his clones leaving only three existing.

Creating a small Kunai again, Greninja dashed forward, using Quick Attack to go faster, with a strong slash, Ampharos fell over leaving an uninterested greninja, an amused trainer and an upset master behind.

Seeing another chance, He sat down on the ground, crossed his legs, one arm resting on his leg while the other on the knee, supporting his head on his knuckles and gave a smirk that would make Madara proud.

Lt. Surge narrowed his eyes at him, before grabbing the last Pokeball from his belt. To Dust's surprise, it wasn't a Raichu, It was an Electivire. With a roar, it released a charge of electricity around himself as an intimidation tactic.

Oh, this was good, greninja could let loose for a minute or two.

"Tobirama...Finish it."

Surge was confused, What did he mean by finish it? the battle didn't even start yet. His eyes widened when Greninja Turned into a blur and appeared behind Electivire, body leaned forward and a katana like construct on his hip.

"Ninja, ninja, Greninja."


And with that exchange of words... the giant Electric-type fell, unconscious.


It has been a few days since the battle, and he was enjoying the company of a heard of Eevee they came across on Route six.

He pas playing with a few of them as Riolu, Growlith and Luxio were running around playing what looked like Tag with the other Eevee.

Charizard and Nidoking were taking a nap under a tree while greninja and Gardevoir were next to him, helping him pet all the adorable little things.

Corvisquire, which evolved after they left the city was flying in the sky, enjoying the wind. and Wimpod was taking a quick swim in the lake nearby.

This was what he needed, all that stress from fighting the Gyrados' and then fighting that asshole that thinks he's something.

And he had a reason to be happy, He had managed to pull off a Rasengan, but still haven't shown it to Riolu yet, he wanted to relax first. He had to train Charizard in Mega evolution, then try to see if he could pull off an Ash-greninja out of his ass and train his weaker pokemon, he wanted to evolve Luxio and track down a firestone. Corvisquire needed training and Wimpod had to train more to evolve... Basically, he had a shit ton of work to do.