
Pokemon: A Legendary Journey

What if one day you were suddenly thrown into the world of Pokemon, sounds fun right? well it's far from that, our main character "Jayden" was transmigrated into this world of bizarre elemental creatures. Watch as he grows to become the strongest, while also surviving in this world. (this story won't follow the Pokemon plot,meaning ash and all the other characters won't be here, I'll be making my own characters for this story, but the Pokemon we all know and love will still be here of course) join da Patreon if you want early chapters I have already written (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Patreon.com/EternalKings planning to stockpile atleast 10 early chapters over there discord https://discord.gg/KB95R2Sq8a --- none of the characters were created by me, except for the protagonist and any Oc 200 stones: 1 extra chapter 400 stones: 2 extra chapters daily 600 stones: 3 extra chapters daily 800 stones: 4 chapters daily 1000 stones: 5 chapters daily

EternalKings · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

2: A new world


the sounds of birds chirping were heard throughout a small town in the Kanto region.

this area was surrounded by gentle pokemon which roamed the area.

inside a medium sized house, An 18 year old young man was sleeping soundly on a bed.

not far from him was a wide screen tv, showcasing a Pokemon battle inside of a huge stadium.


Jayden groaned as he turned in the bed before slowly opening his eyes, it took a while for him to realize what was going on.

"w- where...am I?" he asked himself in confusion, his whole head was blank, not even the sound of the television could be heard by him till he was out of his daze.


Jayden clutched his head and clutched the side of the bed, his head was randomly assaulted with a lot of memories, many which were familiar yet extremely unfamiliar to him.

the bizarre pain in the depths of his mind slowly calmed down and he began processing the memories he had gained.

"I was reborn? no..? I transmigrated?, and into the world of Pokemon" Jayden sighed, almost as if he didn't believe this bullshit.

he finally had a flashback to when he was inside his apartment.

"did selecting "yes" really bring me into the Pokemon world?"

Jayden pinched himself, hoping this wasn't all a dream, he also hoped it was at the same time.

he was conflicted with himself.

calmly sitting up, he looked at the large flat screen tv on the wall, as well as the many pictures of Pokemon around the area.

"this is all real"

Jayden gripped the bedsheets tightly and decided to sit up and calm his thoughts for a second.

using his memories in his mind, he stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the lights.

"this is really me"

Jayden started into the mirror, looking at his slightly long black hair, his green eyes and his lean body.

he wasn't too tall, only around 180 cm, but in this town he was definitely tall.

according to his memories, "his" name was also Jayden in this world and his family was originally from the galar region, but they had moved to a small town in the Kanto region nearly a year ago, the old Jayden was 17 back then.

both his parents along with him have agreed to move here, with the idea of seeing new sights and Pokemon.

after 30 minutes of thinking about his situation inside of the bathroom, Jayden took a shower, brushed his teeth and wore some clothes which he had in his closet.

a black shirt with a black hoodie, and some black joggers, he even wore a beanie on his head.

imitating the dressing style of the old Jayden.



his rotom phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed.

pulling it out, Jayden saw a notification from his mom.

"you lazy kid, make sure to feed your Scorbunny today, I have a book club meeting, I'll be home soon, I love you"

Jayden read the whole message with a complicated expression, he now had a new family in this world.

he didn't know how to feel about it, back on earth he was born an orphan and didn't know who his parents were, he was now unsure what to expect in this new life he was starting.

"I will, have fun at your meeting"

Jayden replied back after deliberating for a while.

"wait? Scorbunny?, I have a Scorbunny" Jayden suddenly remembered, his father had gotten him a Scorbunny egg from a Pokemon breeder in the galar region as a present before they left the galar region.

this was his dad's way of making sure Jayden had something important from their home region.

the Scorbunny egg had actually hatched a few months ago and it had been living with them ever since.

it was surprisingly close to Jayden, and Jayden also enjoyed it's company.

the old Jayden never had a mindset for becoming a Pokemon trainer and gaining strength or power, unlike his parents who were both strong Pokemon trainers in their prime.

his dad for example, had a job of battling and keeping away strong Pokemon from entering the town area.

in this world, strong Pokemon were actually a threat to humanity, as well as a blessing to trainers.

they could definitely kill people if they were pissed off enough, making this world very dangerous.

"imagine being in the world of Pokemon, but you're scared and don't want to become a trainer" Jayden felt like laughing, the old owner of this body literally had no ambitions and would only chase after girls all day.

it could be seen by the amount of text messages he was getting from all the h*es on his phone.

Jayden deleted all those numbers before turning off his TV as well, the Pokemon battle which was broadcasting has already ended.


the window opened and Jayden finally took a look at the world around him, he could see flocks of Pidgeys flying around in the sky, as well as many other flying type Pokemon.

the sounds of mareep could be heard as well, there was a herd roaming near the town.

Jayden definitely wanted to become a Pokemon trainer now, the scenery alone was something which touched his soul, he was itching for a legendary adventure.