
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

Byron's Request

As they were walking back, Byron said, "Though, just don't make him crazy like you." Ace looked at him speechlessly, "How am I crazy?" Byron rolled his eyes, "If Roark decides to fight instead of his Pokemon, I will beat you to death with my shovel!" Ace's lips twitched and he muttered, "I don't…"

Before falling silent and sighing angrily, "It's not a bad thing to be strong, okay?!" Byron rolled his eyes and nodded, "Oh! Oh…" Ace's lips twitched again and he scratched his head angrily before changing the subject, "By the way, Byron. Do you have a favorite Pokemon?"

Byron patted his chest and smiled, "My Ace, Bastiodon, of course! Why?" Ace scratched his cheek and smiled, "No reason." Byron looked at him and smiled, "Ace, you don't have to get me a gift." Ace scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "Well, whatever. I'll get you a few that you'll like!"

He paused and laughed, "After all, when you're the Gym Leader in Canalave, won't you miss us?" Byron paused and waved his hand, "That's still far away, Ace." Ace shrugged and smiled, "Yeah yeah…"

Byron paused and said seriously, "About that, I wanted to talk to you about it." Ace looked at him in confusion. Byron looked up and said, "Let's go up and talk about it." Ace nodded and they walked up the path to Ace's house.

When they arrived, they saw Roark commanding his Pokemon to battle against each other. However, Rampardos was commanding a Cranidos for Roark, who was using all his pokemon.

Cranidos had already killed 3 in a row, he never felt so good in his life!

No way! This Rampardos is my father!

Ace clapped and everyone paused, looking over. Roark's eyes lit up, "WOAH!" The rest came over and Ace waved, "These are your new buddies, everyone. Treat them well!" 

The Fossil pokemon came over and roared gently, the new ones were a bit scared but when Farfetch'd came over and spoke to them, they calmed down. 

After a minute, everyone was playing and chatting happily.

Ace brought Roark aside and said seriously, "Roark, do you like Fossil Pokemon?" Roark nodded quickly and Byron nodded at him with a smile, "I spoke with Ace. You'll be coming here every day to help him take care of the Fossil Pokemon. During that time, Ace will teach you how to take care of them."

Roark looked at his father in disbelief before hugging his legs, "Thank you, Dad! Hahahah! You're the best!" he even jumped up and kissed his cheek, hanging from his neck. Byron rubbed his nose happily, holding Roark with one arm, "You have to listen to Ace, okay?"

Ace nodded and smiled, "I'll also be training them. Of course, you'll be participating. In my personal opinion, if you don't have strength, you'll be in danger. That goes for Pokemon too. These little guys need training and so do you." Roark nodded quickly as Ace continued with a smile, "I'll be teaching you all sorts of things, you can't quit half-way, okay?!"

Roark nodded frantically as he struggled before Byron put him down.

Roark ran to the Pokemon and started playing with them while Ace brought Byron to the Spring. He invited him in, sitting in the Hot Water as Byron looked at him, "I was thinking about leaving early." Ace looked at him in confusion, "Huh?"

Byron crossed his arms and nodded, "Roark is getting older and the League is putting more pressure on me to go take up the Gym in Canalave. Something about Iron Island having riots." Ace asked with a frown, "How long?"

Byron stretched out 2 fingers, "2 years." Ace paused and frowned, "Roark is only 8…" Byron nodded and replied, "That's why I'm waiting 2 years. When he's 10, I'll take him out to catch some Pokemon in Mt Coronet and then leave. At that age, most Trainers go out on their journeys."

Ace nodded and understood but Byron continued, "But… Obviously, leaving the Gym in the hands of 10 year old… The Alliance wouldn't allow it, so I want you to hold down the fort." he added hurriedly, "Not for long, just a few years!"

Ace let out a breath and smiled, "Look at you, so serious. I thought you were going to ask me to be Roark's father or something!" Byron's lips twitched and he said, "I'm serious, Ace!" 

Ace rolled his eyes and nodded, "No problem! I can do such a simple thing, right? Oh, can I renovate the Town?" Byron's lips twitched again.

I haven't even left yet and you want to renovate the Town???

Ace chuckled and waved his hand, "I'm just kidding, but sure! No problem, Byron. We're buddies, right? I can do a little thing like this." Byron let out a breath and sank into the water, relieved, "Thanks, Ace."

Ace gave him a thumbs up, "Like I said, easy task." then complained, "But now I'm in a tough spot… Only 2 years to find you new Steel Type Pokemon." Byron rolled his eyes and chuckled.

A while later

Ace was sitting at a desk, thinking about what kind of Pokemon to give Byron. From what he knew Byron had a lot of Steel types already.

Steelix, Bastiodon, Empoleon, Scizor, Aggron, Magnezone, Skarmory, Bronzong, Excadrill, and Forretress

But Ace wasn't sure about a few more… Because in the Games Byron has a Metagross, Moltres, and Heatran in the Battle Tower.

All the other ones Ace has seen, but the last three… He hasn't seen Byron use them at all. Nor even been mentioned. Therefore Ace was a bit confused, maybe this guy was hiding a Heatran in his back pocket?!

Though… It was highly unlikely…

But then again! Who knows!

However, Ace was sure that Byron didn't have a few Steel Types that were really strong.

Mainly because they were mostly available in Paldea!

He turned to the System and scrolled through the shop, pausing on an Item.

[Leader's Crest- Allows Bisharp to evolve into Kingambit after defeating a pack of Wild Bisharp.]

Ace raised his brows, this was different! Normally, you had to defeat three Bisharps holding a Leader's Crest with your own Bisharp to finally evolve into Kingambit. 

This way seems much easier!

Ace remembered spending hours and hours running around a bamboo forest trying to find the Bisharp with the Leader's Crest…

Those days of grinding are over!