
Pokemon -Rise From The Rubble

Sugarglider_0698 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1 Portal

In an unknown world, in a vast blue ocean

There is a man floating unconscious and slowly drifting into unknown direction.

"Crack" "Boom"

A web of lightning strikes across the sky followed by loud rumbling noise signaling the incoming storm. The sky turned dark, and the sky started its downpour as the wind blew harder creating large waves.

The man suddenly wakes up from his unconscious state as the waves slap him.

He is startled and shock. He frantically flapped his arms as he struggled to attain his composure.

He calm himself down and slowly flapped his arms in order to stay afloat. He scan the surrounding but all he could see is nothing because of the poor visibility due to the heavy rain.

He doesn't know where he is and doesn't know how he end up in this situation . He try to recollect his last memories.

He remembered that he is at the beach, swimming and things gone horribly wrong.

It was a nice and beautiful summer day. He was at the beach in an isolated island, enjoying he's last day of vacation with his friends.

He is setting in a bench enjoying the view of the sea when suddenly a friend called him.

"Hey Aziel wanna grab some lunch?" He's friend ask.

"Maybe later" he replied


After his friend left. He quickly grab his goggles and decided for a swim. Currently he was fairly far from shore. He watch a school of colorful fish then suddenly he notice that the fish swam away like they are scared of something.

Aziel notice a swirl of water slowly forming in the sand and a weird hole appears from the swirl. He curious but he did not dare to approach it. Currents slowly forming and Aziel feels the force of the current sucking him into the hole.

He knew that he needed to go back to the safety of the shore, and began swimming in a panic as fast as he could. He paddled his hands and flapped his legs with heavy strokes to propel himself as fast as possible and trying to escape from impending danger, all the while thinking ' I hope this is not my end. '

He desperately swim but the currents are too strong. He struggled to fight the current and he is becoming exhausted. The current drag him beneath the surface, he use his remaining strength to swam up but no avail .

He is being sucked deeper. He is grasping for air. He sees his vision slowly fading. The last thing he seen is a weird wall of vivid colors. He feels that he entered an unknown space and he lost he's consciousness.