
Pokemon - Wandering Traveler

Orion Altair was just your ordinary young adult who somehow found himself in a different world entirely. With the help of a strange voice in his head, he's going to use his new abilities to survive and conquer this new world. But if only he can stop being a total introvert and get out of his shell. ------- Read the tags. Read it? You better. If you feel uncomfortable then don't read and leave. Note: This will include Pokemon Fusion's and some Fakemon because it's my story and I say Yes.

Discontinued_Sorry · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - New Friend

{Appraisal has risen to (Level 2)}

"Finally!" I yelled happily after hearing does words as I slump down and lean against the cave wall, tired.

I have been using Appraisal on the same rock for who knows how long but I finally did it, Appraisal leveled up.

It isn't like there was anything I could do at the time.

I didn't want to go out in the pouring rain or go deeper into the dark cave.

And sleeping was to dangerous with being out in the open, I didn't want to get attacked by a wild Pokemon in my sleep.

But after so long, I no longer needed to hear that voice saying the same words multiple times in a row.

"Now time to test what level 2 is about!" I cheered as I used Appraisal on the same rock, after all, all that time using Appraisal on that rock, it was time to see what that rock was about.


{A ordinary piece of small stone from the ground.}


"That's it?"

"I guess it was really just a plan o ordinary rock..." I said a bit disappointed and threw the rock away a few seconds later.

"But still, at least now Appraisal gave some kind of description."

"Now to test it on myself again." I said before using the skill on myself to see what information it can give me now about me.


{Species: Human}

{Name: Orion Altair}

{Gender: Male}

{Age: 20}


As I hear the voice I can't help but let out a sigh.

"At least it was something new..."

As I take a moment to take finally take in the peace of quiet, no more of that same voice saying in the same tone the same word,"Rock", over and over again.

I just then realized something... It was quite.

As I got up and went to the caves entrance, I look outside to see the rain was finally clearing up, and after a few moments later, the clouds parted to reveal a beautiful blue sky, with the sun shining brightly.

But then something made a growl sound as I realized I came from my stomach.

I was hungry. No. Starving.

"I need food pronto" I said as I slowly walked out of the safety of the cave and started to head back into the forest to find some food.

I didn't know where or what direction I was going in, but it didn't matter.

All that mattered at that moment was finding food so I don't starve and waste all that time and my sanity to level up Appraisal.

As I started to walk down a certain direction, I take notice of my surroundings, as I see multiple different Pokemon appearing now and again before running away.

I can't help but smile when I saw any new or just any Pokemon appearing, even if it was just a glace before they disappeared, because I was seeing them in person, in real life, I was seeing real life Pokemon in person.

And the best part of it all, they didn't attack me like that Ursaing from before.

As I continue to walk in hopes of finding food, I was also keeping track of what Pokemon I was seeing, in hopes of finding out where I was.

But it was difficult to make the right choice of where I was.

But before I could think much, I saw something in front of me that made me happy.

It was a berry tree with multiple berries on its branches.

I quickly ran towards the tree as fast as I could.

Before stopping in front of the tree as I looked at the berries.

The berries on the tree looked familiar, as it resembled a yellow pear.

It was a Sitrus Berry.

Even though I was hungry and I knew what the berry was, I was not that stupid to eat a random berry of a tree I find in the forest.

So I did what any person would do in my situation.

I used Appraisal.

{Sitrus Berry Tree}

{A berry tree that bears fruits of many Sitrus Berries}

{Sitrus Berry}

{A berry that has a well rounded out flavor}

That was all that I needed before grabbing one and immediately eating it.

I didn't know if I was crying or not but all that I can focus on was the berry as I picked more Sitrus Berries off the tree before eating them until my hunger was satisfied.

As my hunger was satisfied a few moments later I picked the remaining Sitrus Berries, as I took off my jacket and used it as a makeshift bag to hold all the Sitrus Berries I could carry.

I had picked 10 Sitrus Berries to eat for a later date as I carried my makeshift bag, filled with berries as I continued down the same direction since it was the only thing I could do.


After a while of walking I finally stopped in front of a giant lake. With crystal clear blue water.

I take this chance to rest up as I layed against one of the trees near the edge of the forest where it met with the lake as I caught my breath.

As I let out a sigh of tiredness, I reach into my makeshift bag as I pulled out a Sitrus Berry.

But before I could eat it, something ran past my face as it grabbed the Sitrus Berry right from my hand before I could even react.

As I turned my head, I spotted a purple monkey with a giant hand for a tail, and in its tail hand was my Sitrus Berry.

I recognized that purple monkey, it was an Aipom.

Then the Aipom looked at me before smirking at me as it raised its tail hand, shaking the Sitrus Berry in front of my face as it was giggling.

It them stuck it's tongue out and pulled down one of its eye lid down at me.

It was taunting me.

But before it knows what hit them, I hit them.

And when I mean hit, I mean I grabbed to closes thing on the ground that looked heavy, in this a case a rock, as i threw it straight at the monkey, hitting it in its head, between the eyes.

As the monkey went flying backwards with a cry of pain, saying it's name as it dropped the Sitrus Berry on the ground, before falling onto the ground, passed out before it let out one small cry of pain.

"No one steals my food and gets away of it..." I said in a low angry tone as I glared at the body of the passed out monkey.

Then I walked towards the monkey, picking up the Sitrus Berry along the way, as I stared down at the passed out Aipom.

Before picking it up by the tail as a walked back towards where I was resting.


I was eating my Sitrus Berry, enjoying the taste and admiring the scenery of the lake, taking in the fresh air and the piece and quiet.

But it didn't last long as cries of distress can be heard.

I turn my head towards those cries and there I see, the once passed out Aipom was now awake.

As it was now tied up and hanging upside down from a tree branch, swinging back and forth a little from the struggle of trying to get free.

I slowly walked towards it as it then noticed me approaching before frantically struggles to get free even more.

"I wouldn't waste my energy if I were you." I said to it in a emotionless tone.

But it didn't stop as it struggled even more.

"I said. Stop. Struggling. Or else I have to kill you now so your meat won't get ruined." I said to it again with a emotionless tone.

And that caught its attention before it stopped struggling, as it looked at me with some tears forming in its eyes, trying it's best to hold those tears back.

"So, now that you stopped. Tell me."

"Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to steal someones food and then taunt them afterwards." I said towards it.

But then the Aipom stomach growls very loudly in hunger as it finally broke down with tears streaming down its face.

I just look at it with a shock expression at what just happened.

Then I decided to use Appraisal on the thing.


{Species: Aipom}

{Name: None}

{Gender: Male}

{Age: 3 weeks}

{Type: Normal}


'Only 3 weeks old...' I thought as I now realized why the Aipom was so reckless in taking someone else's food even though it lives in the wilds.

I just let out a sigh and looked at the now crying Aipom who was crying a waterfall as tears kept coming down its face.

"Hey. You hungry?"


The Aipom now sits besides me, no longer crying tears of sadness but some tears of joy, as it eats one of the Sitrus Berry with a happy cheerful face as if it hadn't eaten in days. Which was probably true.

"So, is it good?" I asked it.

"The Aipom just looked at me with a thankful smile as it nods it head and let out a a cry of joy, trying to say yes.

"Aipom!" It said cheerfully as it continues to eat another Sitrus Berry.

I couldn't but laugh a little by it and it's actions as the Aipom stuffs it's face with the Sitrus Berry.

Then I looked towards the crystal blue lake once more, taking in the scenery of my surroundings.

"Today's a beautiful day."

{The conditions have been met.}

{You have acquired the title "Merciful one"}

{Due to the effects of the "Merficul one" title, you have acquired the skill Calming Aura (Level 1)}