
Chapter 027

"This is it" thought Alex as he caught sight of the huge examination center in the distance.

Unlike back in Hurik Town where they had to walk all the way to the examination center, here in Celadon City a local taxi driver volunteered to drop the examinees at the examination center.

Then again, compared to the short distance from Cherry Grove and the Hurik Town's examination center, the distance between Daffodil Grove and the Celadon City examination Center was much higher.

Alex was now confident that he could pass the theoretical round. All the previous rounds had been too easy for him. It was no more difficult than the thousands of Pokemon trivia quizzes he had attempted in his previous life. The practical part was trickier, but still; the pictures of Pokemon were different from actually seeing the Pokemon. He could only pray he would encounter more common Pokemon like Pidgey or Rattata in that part as he was very familiar with them.

Still, he was not that worried. Joseph and Niya did not seem that worried either. Only Max was sweating crazily.

The driver dropped them right in front of the examination center. It was 8 30, 15 minutes until the examinees would be allowed to enter the examination center, 30 minutes before the start of the class.

Alex read online in the morning that there would be 94 people attempting the third round in this examination center. Celadon City had two more examination centers, each of which had over 100 examinees.

Alex familiarity walked up to the examination tablets and sat down, entered his details and waited for the examination to start.

The format this time for the theoretical test was 10 one mark questions and 8 10 mark questions, out of which he had to attempt 4.

The total score would be 50.

A ranking of all the examinees would be released at the end of the examination. Since there was no ranking for the 4th and 5th rounds, the results of the third round would be the final overall ranking of this year's PIT. If any toe was present in the overall marks, the number of one mark questions answered would be the tiebreaker.

The one mark questions were much more complicated than the first round.

This Pokemon has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It can unerringly return home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar. Name this Pokemon.

When many of these Pokemon gather together, the resulting magnetic storm disrupts radio waves. Name this Pokemon.

How many Pokemon in the original 150 Kanto Pokemon have more than one evolution?

Name 5 Pokemon in the original 150 Kanto Pokemon that have a pre-evolution which was at first unknown.

How many colours are present on an Arbok's hood?

Name locations in Kanto where Moon Stones can be found.

Where in Kanto would you find wild Tauros?

Name the three kinds of fossils that can be found in Mount Moon.

What is the prerequisite for an Onix to evolve?

Name the ancient place where the legendary trio of Kanto was once said to have been settled.

The 10 mark questions that Alex decided to attempt were

Describe in detail the Pokemon Celfairy.

Explain the relationship between Kangaskhan and its infant.

Write briefly about the legendary birds of Kanto.

Explain the significance of Viridian Forest to Kanto.

Alex finished the exam with only a few minutes left to spare. Hence he submitted the paper and walked out of the hall. In 30 minutes, the practical exam would begin. Examinees would be called to side rooms individual, where an invigilator would show a Pokemon, and ask questions. The exams were recorded, and you could appeal if you felt you had been marked unfairly after the results were out. But of course, you had to pay a fee, which would not be refunded if your accusation was proved invalid.

Alex waited patiently, drinking some water, when he heard his name and number being called to room 3 over the speaker.

He took a deep breath and went to room 3.

As soon as he entered, he saw a middle-aged man sitting behind a table in the center, holding a clipboard. He looked at me and asked "Alex, from Hurik Town?"

"Yes sir!" replied Alex.

He nodded and started writing on his clipboard, and then said, "Alright, let's start."

He beckoned towards a box full of Pokeballs at the side and said, "Pick one. The one you pick is the subject of your examination today."

Alex went to the box, picked a random Pokeball and pressed the button in tits center.

The ball opened, and a white light emerged from it, and formed a huge figure.

"Nidoking!" muttered Alex.