

I woke up in the room filled with strange machines again looks like I am in the pokecenter again. a little while after waking up nurse joy came into the room to guide me to my trainer. We walked together to the lobby where Serena was was waiting with Ash and everyone else. The first to greet me was Bonnie she ran up to me praising me a out how great I did. She also tried to give me a bear hug which I dodged because I still didn't want to meet ROB again. After that everyone else also came to congratulate me. After all the congratulations were over all of us went to eat. Thank god I was starving no gonna lie Pokémon food is fire. At first I was hesitant to eat it because I thought It was going to taste like dog kibble don't ask how I know what dog kibble tastes like. But after trying it I stopped being hesitant and devoured the whole thing.

After we finished our meal all of us were given poke puffs as dessert. I was the first to finish my poke puff and was prowling like a predator looking for prey. Fennekin already knew my habit of stealing food so she guarded her poke puff tightly but the other pokemon don't know about my habit so their defense was loose and full of gaps. After waiting a little for the perfect opportunity to strike It finally came. Pikachu and Fletchling started to play around chasing each other leaving their poke puff behind in their food bowl. Making use of this perfect opportunity I went and snatched the poke puff out of their bowl.

After a while they came back to eat their poke puff but when they got to their bowl they found nothing. They looked around to see if the can find who took it hahaha they were already to late I had finished the poke puffs a while ago now they have no chance to find the culprit. I started celebrating my successful plan but my celebrating came to a halt when Froakie walked and said something before pointing at me. They slowly turned their heads to look at the me I could see fire burning in their eyes. Without thinking anymore I ran away and they chased right after me two against one isn't very fair I need to look for and ally. Looking around I don't have many options there's Dedenne, Bunnelby, and Fennekin.

Dedenne can't really do much and I think Bunnelby would side with Pikachu instead on me so I went with my last choice Fennekin. I ran towards Fennekin I still don't know how to speak pokemon so I just hid behind her I hope she takes to cue and helps me. It didn't take long for Fletchling and Pikachu to arrive I was still hiding behind Fennekin maybe she can convince them to let me go but even if she can't I still have her as an ally to help me fight I hope. Thankfully though she managed to defuse the situation although I didn't know what she said to them I really need to learn the pokemon language. After that situation was over she looked back at me with an angry face she then turn around and left I followed after her thinking of a way to appease her. I took me a while but after some time I finally manage to appease her.

After all the shenanigans that happened we all went to sleep early because Ash has a gym battle tomorrow after all he wasn't able to battle the gym today because of me. I was lying on the the bed ready to sleep I closed my eyes waiting to be taken to the dreamland. I stayed with my eyes closed waiting to fall asleep but nothing I was still not sleepy I waited a couple of minutes more but still no sleep I guess I am not very tired. Well this is a good chance to find out something I have been very curious about. everyone was already sleeping so I had to be very careful not to make noise as I made my way to the other side of the bed were Fennekin was sleeping. When I got there I poke her a few time to make sure she was asleep after making sure she was asleep I finally did what I came to do I grabbed her tail and petted I a couple of times oh my god is so soft after petting it a couple of times more I leaned my face forward and stroke my face on her tail its so warm.

after a couple of minute of more petting and stroking her tail I started to get curious about her ears to so I started touching them too. Finally after a couple more minutes I started to sleepy get but instead of going back to my spot I just cuddle up to fennekin I mean I am sure she wont mind right. After cuddling up to Fennekin for a few seconds I finally fell asleep.

Fennekin POV

I woke up to the sound of something moving on the bed I peek my eyes open a little and see Riolu making his way over to me he better not play a prank on me or I will bite his paw. When he got close to me he poked me a couple of times I knew it he is here to prank me I was about to get up and bite him when he suddenly stopped. He then started to touch my tail and hears before finally cuddling up to me and falling asleep. What who does he think he is touching my tail and hears and cuddling up to me like that he will see tomorrow I will him a big bite. I thought to myself before falling back asleep and unknowingly also cuddling up to him.


(Author's notes)

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