
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
129 Chs

S5E4: Cave Trouble

The next morning Foxx packed up the camp while Dawn cooked them some breakfast. Which worked out very well time wise as Foxx had finished packing up the tent and their sleeping bags just as Dawn was getting ready to pull the food off of the fire to dish it out.

It wasn't long afterwards that they had finished eating and had started into the caves. Joy walked between the two of them as they held hands. Now they didn't rush through the cave but they also didn't take too much extra time as they did want to be outside of the caves before night fall.

For the most part they were able to keep to their schedule with only one little hiccup. You see just as they reached about the midway point of the cave they found their way blocked by a shady looking group of trainers. They were wearing these odd looking black and silverish white jump suites with a funny looking capital G on their chest.

"Looks like Team Galactic is up to their dirty tricks again." huffed Dawn at the sight of the thugs shaking down the poor weaker travelers.

"Then maybe we best do something about that?" replied Foxx with a grin, "After all we can't let them get away with this unpunished now can we?"

"You sure you can handle them? Last time you ended up in the hospital and that's only because Ash had showed up when he did?" concerning asked Dawn as she thought back to that day which had really only been a few days ago.

"Well to be honest they caught me off guard. Here we have the advantage as they've yet to notice us which gives me brilliant idea but I'm going to need your help to pull it off." replied Foxx with a grin that told both Dawn and Joy that they really had no choice in the matter he was going to do something with or without their help so it would be best if they just helped from the beginning.

"So what is this plan of yours?" asked Dawn with a sigh of defeat.

"First we pull a page from my parents book of failed ambushes, then..." started Foxx only to be cut off by Dawn's raised hand. Thus with a sigh he asked, "What's your question Dawn?"

"If it's from your parent's book of failed ambushes wont it just be a failure as well for us?" asked Dawn with a raised eyebrow.

"Not exactly, because with no offense to my parents all of their ambushes normally ended in failure because they failed to work together and use their brains like we are going to." replied Fox with a grin before continuing to explain his plan to them.

"Prepare for trouble." called Foxx from the midsts of a smoke filled cavern.

"Make it double." added Dawn from right next to him as they struck a very familiar pose of Foxx's parents, Jesse and James with Joy standing in for Meowleth.

"To protect the world from devastation." continued Foxx as the smoke slowly began to fade.

"To unite all the people within our nation." added Dawn leaning back to back against Foxx.

"To announce the truth of love." continued Foxx as he allowed a pokeball to slide down into his hand as he readied for attack.

"To extend our reach to the stars above." added Dawn as she lifted one hand into the air with a pokeball in it.

"Foxx!" called Foxx turning to looking at them with a grin.

"Dawn!" added Dawn as she turned so they were now cheek to cheek and grinning.

"Team Justice blasting off at the speed of light surrender now or prepare to fight!" called Foxx and Dawn together as Joy leaped over them.

"Vul! Vulpix!" called Joy midair.

"That's right." chuckled Foxx as him and Dawn tossed a pokeball into the air releasing Piplup and Eevee who landed on either side of Joy.

Foxx then dropped two more pokeballs adding Umbreon and Galarian Ponyta on the farthest sides. With a chuckle the leader signaled for the five grunts with him to toss out a pokeball releasing two zubats, two glameow, and one stunky. As for Foxx he just nodded to his pokemon as they give their all even though it wasn't that difficult of a challenge.

Now watching these two trainers stand up to the Team Galactic Grunts the other trainers who'd been recently been getting shaken down by the grunts now joined in on the fight by sending in their own pokemon. Thus all together they Foxx and Dawn lead the group to chasing off the Team Galactic Grunts. As for Foxx him and Dawn were bent over laughing at how easy and fun it was to make those grunts run off with their tails between their legs like a bunch of scared abras.

"Wow that was fun we really need to do that again sometime." panted Dawn as she through her arms around Foxx's neck and smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"What, chase off criminal scum or impersonating my parents?" asked Foxx with a smile as he also recalled everyone except Joy of course.

"Well, as long as your parents don't mind the whole mimicking them part was fun, but as long it's with you I wouldn't mind the other part as well." replied Dawn with as smile.

"Well, this wasn't the first time I impersonated my father and even managed to trick one of the high ranking Team Rocket Admins that I was actually him." replied Foxx with a smile. "I can really get into the two of us doing some special role playing."

"Vul, vuuuul." growled Joy to which both Foxx and Dawn quickly realized they weren't as alone as they'd originally thought as they had been flirting with each other in a very personal and i taming way.

"Yes, sorry I totally forgot we weren't the only ones here." bashfully replied Foxx as he slowly separated from Dawn some before looking down at Joy and adding, "As for you missy that is no where near what I meant. You need to get those kind of thoughts out of your little head."