
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
129 Chs

S3E3: Shopping Spree

So while the guys were at the gym trying to earn Foxx yet another badge Dawn and Jessie went to checkout the Pokemall. Now upon entering the mall Jessie let out a sigh and looked over at Dawn before saying, "I know we don't see eye to eye on a few things..." she paused as Dawn gave her a questioningly look which made her sigh, "Okay many things..." yet she still got the same look from Dawn making her sigh before saying, "Fine most things."

"What is it you want to ask me Jessie?" sighed Dawn not really in the mood for playing games.

"Dawn, you're about the same age as my son and though I know you're a girl and he' well a guy but I need to find him a gift that says I'm sorry for missing the last nine Christmas' but I want to change that." finally sighed Jessie after looking around for a bit.

"Well you could always just write that all in a card for him." replied Dawn a little to occupied with her own struggling thoughts as she looked around for the first shop she needed to go to.

"Wow thanks for nothing brat." huffed Jessie as she tried not to cry and look around for some kind of clue.

"Fine lets just start with the others that will be there and work our way up to Foxx." sighed Dawn before pointing at a book store and adding, "For instance I believe Professor Oak will be their and he did raise Foxx if I heard him right so we could head to the book store there and get him a gift from each of us."

"But what about Foxx and James? If we buy everyone a gift and they don't then we'll only make them look bad." sighed Jessie.

"Well for starters I think Foxx may have a plan of his own. As for James, the gift from you can be from him as well since you're married or at least dating. I think." replied Dawn as she started for the bookstore.

"Hay wait up." replied Jessie as she followed after her.

Once inside the store the duo looked round only for Jessie to frown at the cost of everything. Even working with her son and combining both her and James' money there was no way that she could afford gifts for everyone. Just then she felt Dawn place a hand on her arm and when she looked down she saw Dawn was smiling.

"What going to brag at how much money you have?" huffed Jessie trying not to cry as she was not going to be able to give her son the best christmas ever let a lone a Christmas at all.

"No just wanted to let you know Foxx is paying for whatever gifts you can't afford." explained Dawn holing up a black card with Foxx's name on it. "He gave me this and a note telling me that I was to use it to help you buy the gifts you couldn't afford to get the others."

"What about you?" asked Jessie with a raised eyebrow.

"Well he said I could use it if I needed to but I think I'll try and stick to the budget I created for myself before getting on the train." explained Dawn with a smile before slipping the card back in her bag and adding, "He also wanted us to try and help each other find the perfect gifts for everyone and even gave me a list of people to buy for."

"So the whole time you were going help me but chose to mess with me." huffed Jessie.

"Hay from what you've put me and all of Ash's companions through you deserve a little hassling from time to time." teased Dawn before smiling and adding, "So do you have a gift picked out for Professor Oak yet?"

"Not really sure what to get him other then possible a book." sighed Jessie as she looked around for some kind of clue.

"Good thing Foxx thought this through and gave me a list of suggested item for each of the people on the list." replied Dawn as she smiled and handed the clerk three books of which she was carrying.

"So at what point were you going to tell me about that little detail?" asked Jessie as she crossed her arms.

"What you wanted to pick the gifts out yourself so I figured I'd just wait until you needed help with one." replied Dawn as she laid some poke money on the counter along with Foxx's credit card. She then looked at the clerk before asking, "Could we possibly get those gift wrapped?"

"Sure thing dear." replied the man as he took the cash and charged the card before wrapping the three books separately leaving the tags blank for them to fill out, which they did once they got them and the card from the clerk.

The duo then went to from store to store as they searched for either the perfect gift or the ones on Foxx's list. Dawn also gave her a few hints towards a gift for her while she secretly picked out some for Jessie and once they slipped into the last store Dawn sighed before looking up at Jessie before asking, "What would make a good gift for Foxx?"

"Well I know he like to tinker with his inventions and his pokeballs. Other then that he is always writing in his journal." confessed Jessie "I actually was hoping to ask you for help selecting something for him."

"The simplest of options would be a new note book or a new toolkit. I think I'll get him a new mini-toolkit." replied Dawn as she started for the tool section.

"That would defiantly say that you care about his future and might want to be apart of it." replied Jessie with a slight smile.

"Then I guess it might be best you get that for him and I'll just get him some notebooks." sighed Dawn as she handed Jessie the mini-toolkit.

"No dear it was your idea you get it for him." replied Jessie looking at the toolkit.

"Ya but you're the one needing to send the message that you're interested in his future and wanting to be a part of that future." replied Dawn before fidgeting with her hair and adding, "I'd hate to send the wrong impression. I mean we only just met after all."

"Would it really hurt to send that kind of message Dawn or is the Twerp better then my Foxx?" asked Jessie crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow as Dawn started to blush and shuffle her feet.

"No Ash is like a brother to me and though Foxx is really cute but like I said we just met and I don't think he even likes me." bashfully confessed Dawn as she looked at her feet.

"Well there's only one way to know for sure." replied Jessie with a smile.

"No you just get him the toolkit I'll get him a notebook or two." replied Dawn boldly not wanting to be embarrassed anymore then she already was especially not in from of her crush.

"I was going to suggest looking at what ever Foxx suggested for you to buy yourself." replied Jessie with a smile to which Dawn pulled out the note and started to read it.

To Be Continued...